Top Games about Star Wars – List of Games on the Universe Star Wars, Top 20 on PC, PS4, Xbox One | Kangobu

The best games for the Star Wars to the final of the series Mandalorets, 20 best games for the star wars on PC, PS4, Xbox One, IOS, Android and other platforms. List of games through the Star Wars Universe in all popular genres (Action, RPG, Simulators and … | Kanobu

Without kewood

Let's start with the most obvious. All the film is one big story about the confrontation of the Jedi and Sith, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that it is most often the main characters of games based on Star Wars.

Star Wars – Jedi: Fallen Order

Star Wars – Jedi: Fallen Order – a big and extremely fascinating adventure in the world of "Star Wars". And it works just due to the elements familiar to the saga – battles on light swords, understandable stories about the good and evil, landscapes of the beautiful planets, the "fabulous fantastic" music, in which the SW is easily recognized, and jokes causing classical Trilogy.

In details on Star Wars – Jedi: Fallen Order We were told in the reviews.

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Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of The Sith

And another license game, which came out in those times, when almost all license games were a nightmare for any admirer video game. The funny thing is that Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of The Sith is not such a bad game. Well, that is, not the most good, of course, but not terrible. She offered fans of saga to play for Obi-Wan and Anakin, pass all the significant episodes of the film, arrange several duels on light swords and … rewrite the plot of ribbons.

The steeper is that the game by Revenge of The Sith is better than the film itself shows the transition of Anakin on the dark side of power. Rather, there is no way in it and there is no transition: Anakin in Star Wars: Episode III is a real scumbag. He personally kills Mais Windows and other Jedi, and in an alternative ending, accessible to PS2 and Xbox, skeins the Obi-Vana sword, sends Palpatine to that light and himself begins to rule the galaxy.

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  • All spin-offs of "Star Wars": from cheap "Evok" to the grand parade of greed in "Khan Solo"

Kinect Star Wars.

Before the release of Kinect Star Wars looked like the dream game of any fan of "Star Wars". After the release, alas, it turned out that Kinect works so-so, and feel like a real Jedi with the winners of the Xbox 360 is unlikely to succeed.

Despite this, from Kinect Star Wars, you can enjoy, especially since not the gamepad buttons, but the player movement, are not in every game for blows. In addition, there was a very simple story campaign in the game dedicated to the formation of Padawan, and the mass of mini-games in which you can play for a rank and bite the village or to dance together with the characters of movies.

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Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

Star Wars: Jedi Knight – Jedi Academy – one of the best games dedicated to the Jedi. It is also possible to shoot from all sorts of blasters and missilers in it, but it's no need to do it, because you break the enemies with a light sword and use the power much cooler. Okay, in one of the missions at the hero, the blade will be abused, then they will have to take another weapon, but this is just one similar episode.

In Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Your Hero is a student of the Jedi Academy, in which Luke Skywalker teaches. The events of the game occur ten years after "returning Jedi": the second "Star of Death" was destroyed, and Palpatine and Vader are dead. Where then in the galaxy problems for a whole game? From there: some completely wild guys, followers of the ancient cult of Sitchov, decided for some reason to resurrect the Mark Ragnos, the deceased thousand years ago. Advanced canon in all its magnificence!

In general, Jedi Academy – and indeed a cool game about the Jedi. The battles for swords in it are perfect, the battles are accompanied by sparks, lightning and screams of the enemy – all the best, just try to play it.

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Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (either of the two, no matter) – this is Slasher in the spirit of God of War, but about the "Star Wars". The first part was remembered by all the epic scene from the trailer, where the main character, the secret student of Vader, the stellar destroyer fell into force to the ground. In the game, this moment was also hit, but it looked no longer so effectively and more infused because of the hellish government than impressed. There was no one in the sequel, so there is nothing to say about it.

On the other hand, we have no other similar slasher, and the Force Unleashed, although it is full of deficiencies, it is not least able to captivate the fans of the saga at least one passage. The reasons for that two are: a suitable milk with the ability to fry a dozen enemies with lightning and a plot that connects two trilogy among themselves. Yes, the story of both the Force Unleashed is more like a nonsense of the crazy fan of the saga, but the other is not.

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5 games about pilots in the Star Wars Universe

A lot of games on Star Wars are dedicated to the pilots of fighters and in general, which flies not only in space, but also above the ground. Short missions with the participation of Tie Fighter and X-Wing can be found in other games through the universe, but it is those simulators that will now be discussed are fully devoted to the difficult fate of the pilots.

Star Wars: Tie Fighter

Yes, you can fly on an imperial fighter in some battlefront, but only in Star Wars: Tie Fighter can be built a career of the Pilot of the Empire: to pass the way from the guy who accompanies other ships, to a member of the link under the leadership of Darth Vader.

Moreover, the plot campaign in Tie Fighter is not just a set of random missions, but a very busy story about the betrayal of the imperial admiral Kharkov, who is the main character in the end and to capture. Because there is nothing to go to the side of the rebels!

In addition, Star Wars: Tie Fighter is full of small details regarding the fighter management. In this regard, the game resembles any "IL-2 attack aircraft" (with obvious conventions): In Tie Fighter, the hero needs to follow the top ten parameters, manually redirect the energy, turn on the front and rear shields and choose, which of the fighter guns to give priority. If the 1994 graphics do not frighten you, then you will definitely play Tie Fighter.

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Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader

Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader should also play all fans of "Star Wars".И даже не нужно делать скидку на время — игра и сейчас выглядит весьма неплохо, хотя вышла в начале 2000-х. Правда, с платформой могут возникнуть проблемы: Rogue Leader доступна только на GameCube.

Star Wars Rogue Squadron II воспроизводит все ключевые боевые сцены оригинальной трилогии и предлагает полетать на самых разных кораблях: от обычных X-Wing повстанцев до «Тысячелетнего сокола». И, в отличие от Star Wars: TIE Fighter, Rogue Leader — это аркада, в которой просто и приятно управлять летающей техникой. Не исключено, что это вообще лучшая игра про полеты в космосе во вселенной «Звездных войн».

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Star Wars: Starfighter

Star Wars Starfighter — это уже «Скрытая угроза» и все с ней связаное, то есть планета Набу, желто-серебряные истребители причудливой вытянутой формы и вот это все. События этой игры происходят параллельно действию фильма, но чаще всего с ним не пересекаются. Starfighter посвящена трем персонажам, которые каким-то образом нашли общий язык (хотя не должны были) и решили спасти Набу.

Это во всех смыслах средняя игра, так что играть в нее следует лишь в том случае, если очень хочется полетать на истребителях эпохи новой трилогии. Если не хочется, можно и не играть.

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Star Wars: Squadrons

Star Wars: Squadrons — куда ближе к авиасимуляторам, пусть и к аркадным, но все же. В ней нельзя просто так взять и полететь — в смысле, от наклона левого стика, к примеру, буквально зависит то, сколько энергии вы подаете на двигатели. Чем больше подали, тем быстрее истребитель и полетит. Кроме того, в Squadrons, на тех кораблях, что оснащены энергетическими щитами, следует вручную их переключать — или балансировать, или же концентрировать их энергию на передней (при лобовой атаке) или задней (при попытке уйти от преследования) частях судна.

Энергию самого корабля тоже следует распределять самому — между двигателем, оружием или же щитами (если они есть). В первом случае у судна увеличатся скорость и маневренность, во втором — скорость перезарядки бластеров, а в третьем — запас щита.

Весь геймплей при этом — из кабины пилота, на каком корабле вы бы ни летали. Самих истребителей — по нескольку с каждой стороны, типы кораблей те же, что и в Battlefront 2: стандартные X-wing и TIE Fighter, а также бомбардировщики, перехватчики и корабли поддержки. Ощущения от полетов — довольно странные. Абсолютно точно можно сказать, что в Star Wars: Squadrons необходимо учиться летать — это важно. Лучше — с геймпадом, в идеале — с джойстиком и с VR-шлемом. Понимаю, что далеко не у всех есть последние, но уровень погружения с ними наверняка выше. Хотя на обычном экране игра тоже «работает» — разработчики удачно передали эффект скорости и грамотно настроили обратную связь.

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Star Wars Racer Revenge

Снова игра, вдохновленная «Скрытой угрозой», а точнее — гонками на подах. В эту категорию Star Wars Racer Revenge попала потому, что пилоты скоростных болидов — тоже, в общем-то, пилоты, поэтому почему бы и нет.

По сути, Racer Revenge — гоночная игра, предлагающая сразиться с противниками, друзьями (на одном экране) или со временем.It also has a mode where the hero needs not only to reach the finish line first, but also to blow up as many opponents' pods as possible.

Star Wars Racer Revenge is not the best game in the world, but it left me with fond memories. Still, driving through familiar locations at breakneck speeds is pretty cool – you feel like a hero, whose victory depends on someone's fate. Even if it really isn't.

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5 Star Wars action games

Without shooters and third-person action games, the Star Wars universe simply could not do – it's a lot of things you can create, given dozens of heroes and hundreds of all sorts of events. In this category, we will talk about the most notable action games.

Star Wars: Dark Forces

Star Wars Dark Forces is notable for several reasons. First, this is the first FPS game in the Star Wars universe. Secondly, this is the first part of the Jedi Knight series, albeit without the words Jedi Knight in the title. And thirdly, the very first mission of Dark Forces tells how Kyle Katarn, a former cadet of the imperial military school, who defected to the side of the rebels (hmm), steals the drawings of the Death Star. But what about Rogue One and that's it? No way, in general. Dark Forces was released in 1995, when Lucasfilm was sold to Disney by no one.

This game, by the way, makes once again regret that Disney abandoned the Star Wars expanded universe. In Dark Forces, for example, there was a lot of interesting nominal from the point of view of the world: a story that was in no way connected with the Skywalker family, terrifying dark stormtroopers (the result of a secret project of the Empire) and a lot of new heroes, which at some point they simply decided to forget about. And in vain.

Star Wars Dark Forces still plays quite well today, and it's easy to find it on official digital distribution services, so all Star Wars fans who are not satisfied with the new canon should play it.

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Star Wars: Bounty Hunter

Who is Jango Fett? Where did he come from? Where did he get that famous Slave I ship? And why was he chosen as the model for creating an army of clones in the new trilogy? All these questions are answered by Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, released in 2002 (now playable on PS4).

Seriously, if you feel that Jango Fett was given too little attention in Attack of the Clones, then play Bounty Hunter.

In fact, this game is an independent chapter of the Star Wars world, in which there was a place for both new and familiar characters. Of the new here, for example, a daring Sith girl with fashionable lightsabers, and of the acquaintances – her mentor, Count Dooku.

Playing Bounty Hunter now will not be easy due to the terrible design of locations, for example, but other such games, and even explaining a lot in the new trilogy, simply cannot be found.

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Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike

Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike, the sequel to the space fighter-flying arcade series, falls into this category because it was the third installment that first introduced lengthy action scenes that required you to play as the characters from the original trilogy. There are also fighter flights, but now they alternate with the races of some Luke Skywalker on space stations.

И, честно говоря, Rebel Strike — чуть ли не единственный толковый экшен, воспроизводящий все ключевые события оригинальной трилогии и позволяющий при этом почувствовать себя не только пилотом истребителя, но и пехотинцем. Ну, это если не брать в расчет Star Wars: Battlefront.

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Star Wars: Republic Commando

Шутер по мотивам «Звездных войн», в котором нет ни световых мечей, ни джедаев, ни других узнаваемых черт вроде желтых строк текста, улетающих в космос. Звучит довольно странно, но именно такой игрой и была Star Wars: Republic Commando. Главные герои в ней — республиканские клоны, а события происходят сразу после эпизода «Война клонов».

Так вот: вместо всего, что вы привыкли видеть в играх по Star Wars, в Republic Commando вас ждет динамичный экшен с десятками врагов и слизью каких-то крылатых инопланетян, стекающей по стеклу шлема главного героя-клона. И он воюет не один — в его подчинении находятся еще трое клонов, каждый из которых отвечает за что-то свое: есть снайпер, подрывник и, кхм, хакер. Ни к чему тактическому это не приведет, но порой несколько указаний напарникам дать можно.

Короче, если вас не смущает отсутствие Силы и джейдайского ордена в Star Wars: Republic Commando, то она вполне может стать для вас отличным шутером по любимой вселенной.

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Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005)

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 2005 года — игра для тех, кто считает, что раньше было лучше. Старая и новая Battlefront II не взаимозаменяют друг друга — особенно теперь, когда серверы игры, вышедшей двенадцать лет назад, вернули к жизни.

Плюс ко всему Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005) даже сейчас умудряется выгодно смотреться на фоне современной версии. К примеру, предлагает начать бой в каком-нибудь крейсере, после этого добежать до ангара, прыгнуть в истребитель и вылететь в открытый космос навстречу иному виду игрового процесса — никакого разделения на режимы. Да и очков для техники в старой Battlefront II нет: всяческие шагоходы просто время от времени появляются на поле боя — успей только запрыгнуть.

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5 главных игр по Star Wars

В этой категории мы собрали пять главных игр по «Звездным войнам», они все крутые, и хотя бы в одну из них обязательно нужно сыграть всем поклонникам Star Wars. Если вам лень выбирать между шутерами и экшенами, то приглядитесь к чему-нибудь из этой пятерки.

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga старательно пересказывает первые шесть эпизодов саги, позволяя игрокам пережить самые известные моменты: битву на планете Набу, сражение на Джеонозисе, превращение Энакина Скайуокера в Дарта Вейдера, убийство Палпатина и многое другое. Правда, все эти события игра преподносит с присущей всем Lego-играм безбашенностью.

Lego Star Wars превращает знакомых персонажей в героев какого-нибудь юмористического шоу: Люк, впервые взявший в руки световой меч, случайно отрубает C-3PO голову, Гридо смешно разваливается на детали после того, как в него стреляет Хан Соло в баре на Татуине, и все в таком духе. В общем-то, именно ради таких вот забавных моментов и следует играть в The Complete Saga.

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Star Wars: Empire at War

Удивительно, но у вселенной с названием «Звездные войны» большие проблемы со стратегиями.For all the time that there is a saga, only four games in this genre came out, and something appeared there on mobile platforms, and today there is only one RTS in which you can play without pain. We are talking about Star Wars: Empire At War.

In the main game, two forces are fighting among themselves: empire and rebels. In addition, Forces of Corruption, a syndicate is joined in this battle, consisting of thieves, gangsters, killers and other faults from the outskirts of the galaxy. Fortunately, Empire At War is fully using the full potential of the Universe and offers everything you can expect from a good strategy for Star Wars: terrestrial battles, cosmic battles and capture of the planets.

In general, if you have never understood why the powerful empire is not able to finally finish the rebels, then Star Wars: Empire At War – your chance to answer this question in my own way.

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Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017)

Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) is the largest and most beautiful shooter based on "Star Wars" at the moment. Despite the fact that around him in the first days after the release there was a scandal associated with Lutboxes and Grindom, to skip this game to no one fan of "Star Wars" simply impossible. If only because there are no other trilogy such games based on the latest trilogies in the modern gaming industry.

You can swear at a stupid enemies in a story campaign, the campaign itself for becoming, how everyone was afraid, an optional warm-up in front of a multiplayer, the same lutboxes and the need to open some heroes in network mode. You can swear as much as you like, but as soon as the battle of the first Order with the rebels based on Starkiller or the battle on the "Star of Death", you will immediately forget about all these claims.

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Super Star Wars

Super Star Wars is a very complex platformer based on "New Hope" and at the same time one of the best games for the Star Wars. It leads three main characters, Luca, Khan and Chubakka, through all the most important events of the film, and between them arranges the race on fairly long levels, which look strange if you have seen the original picture. For example, a lot of time Luke will hold on Tatoo, shooting from Blaster of everyone who will get on his way. Conventionality, and okay. The main thing is what fun.

Together with a typical level for the platformer, in the spirit of "running from left to right and shoot" in Super Star Wars there are mission dedicated to the flights on the fighter and the speder. The final level is the space battle next to the "Star of Death".

In the Super Star Wars itself, you can now play PS4, and for the sake of its continuation Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back and Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (also, to the word, excellent) to buy SNES or at least Wii.

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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

So we got to the best game in the "Star Wars". Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is a huge and developed RPG with a lot of opportunities: fly where you want, do what you want, choose the side of the power whatever you want. That was the whole Knights of the Old Republic. Even now she looks like a dream game, and in the early 2000s in it and hardly believed.

In addition, Kotor is a game of the most legendary BioWare. At that time, this characteristic guaranteed at least an exciting plot, truthful world, the presence of partners, which can be taken with you on the mission, and the ability to choose from which the ultimate story depended.

In general, if you want to play a strong plot RPG based on "Star Wars", play Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. And about the second part, created by Obsidian Studio, do not forget.