Proverbs and sayings about physical education | aababy – what to take a child

Proverbs and sayings about physical education for children of preschool and school age

Proverbs and sayings about physical education

Proverbs about physical education, sports for children, children's sayings about hardening and sports

Physical education and sports

Running is not red, but healthy.
Fast and delicate no disease will catch up.
In sports, greatness helps badly. But well helps mania persecution.
Move more – you live longer.
Movement is a health satellite.
Cooking in the herbal.
Who cleverly hits the ball, everything is on the shoulder.
A clever athlete is a hardy warrior.
Before the cup do not look at the rain.
Sport – hardening for a long life.
Who loves sports, he is healthy and vigor.
Who is engaged in sports, that strength is gaining.
Fasteners – rich and deed.
In sports, greatness helps badly. But well helps mania persecution.
Start a new life not from Monday, but from the morning charge.
Give sports time, and in return get health.
Walk to walk – long live.
Who is engaged in sports, that strength is gaining.
Do not be friends with sports – more than once you will raise.
Sun, air and water – our best friends …
The child of Hil – so adult rot.
That health does not know who sick does not happen.
Who does not smoke who does not drink, that health takes.
Without posture and horse – cow.
The main competition is the struggle with himself.
Sports and tourism strengthen the body.
Who loves sports, he is healthy and vigor.
Who strongly is rich and health and affairs
Fast and dexterous disease will not catch!
Morning are celebrating charging, the evening decorate a walk.
Physical culture – enemy old age.
Gymnastics lengthens the youth of man.
Physical culture treats, sports – cripples.
The purpose of physical culture: be healthy and with a figure.
From the beds yes, the seats of the hands are added.
You will be engaged in physical education – forget about diseases.
Movement is life.
Give sports time – in return you will get health.
Healthy healthy.
Each blacksmith his health.
With the violet, do it – for the whole age fit in the way!
Who walks on foot that long lives.
If you do not run, so far, you will have to run when you get sick.


In a healthy body healthy mind.
If you want to be healthy – temper.
You will temper – they will remove from the disease.
Check your body with benefit for business.
Check out – Water is cold.
And the cutter is needed, and hardening is important.
Icewater – for kival trouble.
Eye frozen frills, we will be used for the whole age.
Do not be afraid of the cold, myself is my belt.