Sports pharmacology: maximum effect without compromising health – is it real?

Skiing articles: Sports pharmacology: maximum effect without compromising health – is it real?

Sports pharmacology: maximum effect without compromising health – is it real?

The author of this article is not a qualified sports doctor, not a member of the Russian national team, and not even a master of sports, but just a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, who was seriously fond of sports before entering the university, and is still involved in cross-country skiing – however, already at an amateur level. That is why this material cannot serve as the ultimate truth, but can only partially help you understand the vast world of sports pharmacology that exists today.

Despite the fact that the article was not written by a professional in the field of sports pharmacology, it seemed to us quite interesting, since a large amount of work was done and useful information was collected from various authoritative sources. Of course, this material cannot replace specialist pharmacological plans, but it can save you time in studying a large amount of literature that has become widespread these days, and acquaint you with the reverse side of the training process. We also considered it necessary to publish the comments of experts, which you can read at the end of the article.

Have you ever wondered if physical activity alone is enough to achieve a high result? Personally, when I first started cross-country skiing, I was indifferent to this issue. It seemed to me that my success directly depends on the number of kilometers that I will overcome in training, and I could work without rest for weeks without even thinking about the consequences … But as soon as I got to know the professional side of sports, I was convinced that without a daily menu rich in healthy and varied food, and without at least the simplest methods of pharmacological support for a loaded body, it is impossible to achieve a good result: an athlete is still not a robot, although he differs from “ordinary” people in greater strength and endurance.

How to eat and what medicines to use in order to ensure the maximum effect of training and minimal damage to health? After all, our sport is one of the most difficult in terms of energy consumption, and overloading the body here is far from uncommon. In order to get answers to all the questions that interest me, I surrounded myself with literature and spent long hours on the Internet. I found a lot of useful information in the book by Kulinenkov O.S. "Pharmacology of sports" and in the book of Seifull R.D."Sports pharmacology" (reviewer V.S. Shashkov). When working on the article, I also used the materials of the site and the books of Bulanova Yu.B. "Anabolic drugs".

This article consists of two parts: about sports pharmacology and about sports nutrition. I compiled the “Sports Nutrition” chapter from various sources, but mainly from the knowledge gained in communication with people and tested on my own experience. In this issue of the magazine, we publish only the first part, and you can read an article about sports nutrition in the next issue of L.S.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to use all the information contained in books and on the Internet, so I have highlighted what, in my opinion, is the most important of the literature I have read. And here's what came out of it…


Today, the problem of the use of drugs is becoming more and more of concern to both professionals and amateurs in our sport. To be or not to be sports pharmacology, and is there a reasonable alternative to doping? With the constant growth of physical and psychological stress in cross-country skiing, when the training process sometimes borders on the limits of human capabilities, this dilemma comes to the fore. So what to do? Is it fundamental to refuse any form of pharmacological correction or is it reasonable to use “harmless” drugs in order to maintain working capacity and immunity?

In our time, those competitive and training loads experienced by athletes, and in particular cross-country skiers, are so high that a complete rejection of the use of drugs designed to support performance is the view of yesterday. Now we are more likely to talk about harm to health when pharmacological support is refused, and not when it is used in the training process. The speeds on the track are growing, and with them the likelihood of overloading the body is growing, which is fraught with all sorts of complications. In recent years, even a new branch of sports medicine has emerged – "pharmacology of a healthy person." Its purpose is to introduce non-doping medicines to increase the body's adaptive abilities to extreme physical exertion.

"Sports pharmacology", like any other branch of medicine, contains the most important belief – "do no harm!". An athlete who takes doping knowingly does not understand the harm it does to his health. Proof of this are the numerous deaths right at football matches and cycling races, which are no longer a sensation for us. Anyone who has chosen Sport with a capital letter as their lifestyle should listen to the moral and ethical principles of the Olympic movement and make the only right choice for themselves: never use illegal drugs, no matter how tempting and fast the result is, and no matter how incredible it is. was tempted to get on the podium.

Sports Pharmacology, which we will talk about with you now, is designed not to artificially increase the sport result, but to help the body in recovery after heavy loads, maintain it at the peak of the form when immunity is weakened and protect it from adverse environmental impacts. In addition, given the fact that so far some skiers prefer in training to adhere to the only rule: "The more – the better!", The body's overload is a common phenomenon.

Especially important for athletes use of biologically active additives (BAA). The scientific developments and data of more than fifty thousand medical research speak with all the clarity. As soon as the athletes begin to take nutritional supplements, their results are improving. If additives receive amateurs, it is well affected by their health as a whole.

Overvoltage of the body

It is possible to objectively assess the degree of fatigue of the athlete only in a number of biochemical blood biochemical indicators, such as the content of lactic acid (lactate), formed during glycolithic (anaerobic) glucose decay in muscles, concentration of peyrograde acid (pyruvate), the enzyme creatine phosphocainase, urea and some others. It is clear that at home this biochemical analysis is unrealistic, so you can follow the well-known rules: if your appetite disappears or you fall asleep at night, if you have become irritable and your performance has decreased, is the first signs of overwork. The means of restoration and recovery measures used in sports medicine can be divided into three groups: pedagogical, psychological and biomedical and biological.

Pedagogical means of recovery include the individualization of the process of training and building training cycles. The most important thing is not to forcing the preparation and give the body to relax. The psychological methods of recovery include autotraining and various hypnosis sessions (it is very important for the individual characteristics of the nature of an athlete, his psychology – then the effect will be magnificent). The medical and biological recovery methods include a full and balanced diet; various types of manual therapy, the use of bath, baths and other physiotherapy procedures; Reception of "uncomparing" pharmacological preparations, additional amounts of vitamins, irreplaceable amino acids and microelements that contribute to the normalization of well-being and physical condition.

Consider more MEDICAL BIOLOGICAL METHODS OF RESTORATION OF THE ORGANISTANT BODY. Severe four clinical forms of overvoltage:

  • Overvoltage of the central nervous system (CNS)
  • перенапряжение сердечно-сосудистой системы
  • перенапряжение печени (печёночно-болевой синдром)
  • перенапряжение нервно мышечного аппарата (мышечно-болевой синдром)


Может проявляться как угнетением, так и возбуждением. При угнетении ЦНС, при ощущении слабости, нежелании тренироваться, апатии, снижении артериального давления назначают тонизирующие и стимулирующие средства: адаптогенные препараты, а также тонизирующие растительные препараты импортного производства (вигорекс, бренто и др.). Адаптогены — это лекарственные средства, повышающие неспецифическую устойчивость организма к неблагоприятным воздействиям внешней среды. К этой группе относятся лекарственные средства растительного и животного происхождения или синтезированные химическим путем. Считается, что адаптогены совершенно безвредны для организма и обладают широким терапевтическим действием. Они имеют тысячелетнюю историю и пришли к нам из Восточных стран. Наиболее изученные препараты адаптогенов растительного происхождения — это женьшень, лимонник китайский, родиола розовая (золотой корень), левзея сафлоровидная (маралий корень), элеутерококк колючий, аралия маньчжурская, стеркулия платанолистная, заманиха (эхинопанакс высокий), клопогон даурский, соланин, соласодин, препарат эскузан (вытяжка из конского каштана), препараты из различных водорослей (стеркулин, моринил-спорт) и морских животных, а также пантокрин, пантогематоген, липоцеребрин, продукты пчеловодства (перга, цветочная пыльца, пчелиная пыльца, мёд, прополис, сотовый мёд и апилак — пчелиное маточное молочко — полезное общеукрепляющее средство истощенным и ослабленным после тяжелых заболеваний больным, способствующее появлению аппетита, увеличению веса, появлению бодрости и жизнерадостности).

Approx. ред.: Продукты пчеловодства вообще являются перспективным классом препаратов так называемой «натуральной» фармакологии, так как без всякого вредного воздействия на организм, они оказывают общеукрепляющее действие и повышают выносливость и работоспособность. Рекомендуется прием пыльцы в смеси с мёдом 2 раза в день по 1 столовой ложке в течение 30 дней. Приготовить эту смесь можно, смешав 50 грамм пыльцы с 250 граммами незасахаренного меда, а хранить её надо в стеклянной таре в тёмном месте. В результате улучшаются показатели сердечно лёгочной и мышечной систем, увеличивается максимальное потребление кислорода, улучшаются показатели гемоглобина и эритроцитов.

Некоторые из этих адаптогенов входят в состав комбинированных препаратов, которые выпускаются в виде лекарственных средств и биологически активных добавок к пище, как, например, элтон, леветон, фитотон и адаптон.

Из лекарственных средств группы адаптогенов первым был изучен женьшень, а позже была доказана высокая эффективность элеутерококка и др.перенапряжение сердечно-сосудистой системы

перенапряжение печени (печёночно-болевой синдром)

перенапряжение нервно мышечного аппарата (мышечно-болевой синдром)


Может проявляться как угнетением, так и возбуждением. При угнетении ЦНС, при ощущении слабости, нежелании тренироваться, апатии, снижении артериального давления назначают тонизирующие и стимулирующие средства: адаптогенные препараты, а также тонизирующие растительные препараты импортного производства (вигорекс, бренто и др.). Адаптогены — это лекарственные средства, повышающие неспецифическую устойчивость организма к неблагоприятным воздействиям внешней среды. К этой группе относятся лекарственные средства растительного и животного происхождения или синтезированные химическим путем. Считается, что адаптогены совершенно безвредны для организма и обладают широким терапевтическим действием. Они имеют тысячелетнюю историю и пришли к нам из Восточных стран. Наиболее изученные препараты адаптогенов растительного происхождения — это женьшень, лимонник китайский, родиола розовая (золотой корень), левзея сафлоровидная (маралий корень), элеутерококк колючий, аралия маньчжурская, стеркулия платанолистная, заманиха (эхинопанакс высокий), клопогон даурский, соланин, соласодин, препарат эскузан (вытяжка из конского каштана), препараты из различных водорослей (стеркулин, моринил-спорт) и морских животных, а также пантокрин, пантогематоген, липоцеребрин, продукты пчеловодства (перга, цветочная пыльца, пчелиная пыльца, мёд, прополис, сотовый мёд и апилак — пчелиное маточное молочко — полезное общеукрепляющее средство истощенным и ослабленным после тяжелых заболеваний больным, способствующее появлению аппетита, увеличению веса, появлению бодрости и жизнерадостности).

Approx. ред.: Продукты пчеловодства вообще являются перспективным классом препаратов так называемой «натуральной» фармакологии, так как без всякого вредного воздействия на организм, они оказывают общеукрепляющее действие и повышают выносливость и работоспособность. Рекомендуется прием пыльцы в смеси с мёдом 2 раза в день по 1 столовой ложке в течение 30 дней. Приготовить эту смесь можно, смешав 50 грамм пыльцы с 250 граммами незасахаренного меда, а хранить её надо в стеклянной таре в тёмном месте. В результате улучшаются показатели сердечно лёгочной и мышечной систем, увеличивается максимальное потребление кислорода, улучшаются показатели гемоглобина и эритроцитов.

Некоторые из этих адаптогенов входят в состав комбинированных препаратов, которые выпускаются в виде лекарственных средств и биологически активных добавок к пище, как, например, элтон, леветон, фитотон и адаптон.

Из лекарственных средств группы адаптогенов первым был изучен женьшень, а позже была доказана высокая эффективность элеутерококка и др.drugs in their combined application with beekeeping products. They increase their performance and resistance to a wide range of adverse factors, which makes it possible to appreciate the testimony to their application in sports medicine. The history of ginseng in Chinese medicine has more than 2,000 years. "Its constant use is the road to longevity," said the elderly inhabitants of the East, who constantly used this root to improve their mental and physical states. For a long time in Europe, it was not evaluated by his therapeutic properties that entered the power and power of Chinese mountains, but soon ginseng began to be widely applied on the continent.

With elevated excitability, sleep disorders, irritability use light sleeping and soothing agents: Valerian, mother-in-law, passiflora. Course – 10-12 days. In combination with these drugs, glutamic acid and calcium glycelophosphate, which improve nervous operations and increase mood can also be prescribed.

Also, in violations of the brain activity – reducing mental performance, worsening memory, etc. – Noteotropics are prescribed (from the Greek words "Noos" – Mind, mind, thought, soul, memory and "Tropos" – direction, desire, affinity). They are also called neurometabolic stimulants. It is absolutely not necessary to state the stimulating effect on the central nervous system (Acephaken, Instenon, Phoenibut, Pantogam, pyritolol, piracetam (nootropyl), aminal and others), as there are preparations with sedatives (soothing) properties (pheniffut, peyonal, pantogam and mexidol ). Nootropic drugs normalize cerebral circulation and increase brain stability to harmful environmental impacts. If we consider that the physical activity partly is such an impact, as well as the fact that the training is the development of certain skills and their memorization, it becomes clear that nootropics are a promising class of preventing pharmacological preparations that can prevent "central fatigue".

Cardiovascular overvoltage

It can be revealed using an electrocardiogram or simple "folk" methods – when tingling and itching in the heart area, an increase in the pulse alone should immediately reduce physical exertion. This is the case when it is impossible to "greeding" with training volumes, because the heart for a skier is a "motor", and it plays a major role in achieving the result. Recognized preparations for maintaining the cardiovascular system are riboxin (inosine), potassium orotat, safinor, pyridoxine, cyancobalamin, folic acid (which, by the way, also plays an important role in the formation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), regeneration Muscular tissue, protein synthesis and cellular breathing; Folic acid also stimulates the formation of red blood cells and vitamin B12). It is also advisable to use phosphorus preparations, ATP, choline chloride and carnitine. Carnitine is generally very "multifunctional" and is not only "vitamin for the heart", but also known for its extensive therapeutic effect on other functions of the body. After all, if there was such a food additive that would help you at the same time accumulate more energy, lose weight (L-carnitine), increase immunity and mental abilities (acetyl-l-carnitine), reduce the content of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, then surely you would have wanted try to try, right? Meanwhile, we are talking just about carnitine: a wide range of useful properties, the ability to help the cell in the production of additional energy, as well as the absence of toxicity determined great demand for it.

Carnitine was opened by Russian scientists V.G.Gulevich, who first discovered it in muscle tissue and carried it to a group of extractive substances (non-chicken nitrogenous muscle tissue substances). The easiest example of the use of these substances in medicine is the use of meat broth for the treatment of weakened patients.The broth practically does not contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but it is rich in extractive substances, in particular, carnitine. The inclusion of broths in the diet allowed for a faster recovery than those who did not take them. Carnitine is also called "vitamin W" and "vitamin of growth." In sports practice, carnitine has established itself as a good non-doping anabolic agent, leading to an increase in strength and muscle mass, an increase in the rate of digestibility of protein, vitamins and carbohydrates, and an increase in endurance. There are very few drugs like carnitine. It allows you to kill two birds with one stone: increase the anabolic activity of the body and correct the pathology that occurs during sports.

Pharmacologists are well aware of the fat-burning function of carnitine (for example, L-carnitine is an amino acid vitamin-like compound that is involved in the metabolism of fatty acids and plays a decisive role in the breakdown and formation of energy from them). Our body contains a lot of fat, and the fight against adipose tissue both in medicine and in sports, in terms of its intensity and material costs, can only be compared with the fight for space exploration. Carnitine in this case opened up a whole era of new drugs to combat excess weight. The unique feature of carnitine is that, by increasing the rate of breakdown of adipose tissue, it increases the absorption of fat by the body for energy purposes and, as a result, slows down the process of its deposition in the subcutaneous "reservoirs". The energy and endurance of the heart muscle is especially greatly improved, the protein content in it increases and, especially significantly, the glycogen content, since the heart is powered by 70% of fatty acids. L-carnitine is found mainly in meat, so its use is especially important for vegetarians.

Accumulating in muscles and promoting the breakdown of fats in muscle cells, carnitine provides muscle tissue with powerful and lasting energy.This process contributes to the preservation of the main source of fast energy – glycogen, during the breakdown of which the massive milk acid accumulates in the muscles. The use of carnitine allows for longer physical exercises, not tired at the same time. It is especially effective in sports disciplines requiring long-term physical exertion on the submaximal and maximum levels, that is, in such cyclic sports, like ski racing.


Or, in other words, the liver overvoltage, which is also characteristic of representatives of sports for endurance and is a "professional disease" of skiers – riders due to high cyclic loads, indicates that it is necessary to take measures to control the diet. First, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty, sharp, fried, salty, smoked, as well as the "non-human" products purchased "on the go" in the kiosks. From pharmacological agents can be distinguished by allohol, the levnyone, silibor, flamine, methionine, Carsil and Essential. Reception of these choleretic and hepatoprotective agents are preferably exercised after eating when the digestion process begins. In folk medicine, the following plants were used in the liver disease: the following plants were used: Barbaris Ordinary, Celebration of the Dosage, Obrya Surgery, Verbailor Ordinary, Volochildly Coat, Flashing Bathe : Once a week, an empty stomach drink two fresh chicken yolks or two glasses of warm mineral water ("Barzhomi") without gas. To lie on the right side (the position of the fetus in the womb), putting a warm height under the liver and lie down for 1.5 hours.

Overvoltage of the neuromuscular apparatus

With the "stuffiness" of the muscles, which is well known not only to the weightlifters, but also to us, cyclics, the anaerobic and power loads should be reduced and go to the bath or massage.Of the drugs intended for the treatment of muscle pain syndrome, antispasmodic, vasodilating and microcirculation-improving drugs are prescribed: xanthinol nicotinate, magnesia, nikospan, grental. A good effect is given by the appointment of sodium oxybutyrate as a means of prevention before the planned loads in the aerobic zone, as well as with the developed syndrome of "clogged" muscles. In the case of persistent pain syndrome, to reduce muscle tone, it may be advisable to use scutamil-C (1-2 days) or mydocalm (1-2 doses).

A large role in recovery after training is played by massage, circular douche or Charcot douche, as well as a bath at the end of each training cycle before a day of rest (3 5 visits for 5 minutes with a contrast shower or pool between the steam room). It is advisable that you take a broom with you to the bath: in addition to the healing properties of birch, needles, nettles and other plants from which the bath broom is made, whipping them contributes to the speedy recovery of working capacity after exhausting physical exertion. This procedure belongs to the methods of pain exposure, used since ancient times as a powerful remedy, when all other methods of treatment are ineffective. The usual mechanism of action of pain procedures is an increase in the synthesis of endorphins, endogenous compounds similar to morphine. In addition to analgesic and euphoric effects, endorphins are able to stimulate anabolism, delay catabolism, as well as lower blood cholesterol and burn excess fat. Swimming (15-20 minutes) is also a generally recognized means of good muscle relaxation after high-intensity and strength training. This is especially true in the summer preparatory period, and in winter a swimming pool is possible. The higher the proportion of speed-strength training in the training program, the higher the psychological tension of the athlete. After such classes, it is recommended to include warm coniferous or fresh baths in the recovery process.

I would also like to note that an important condition for the fruitfulness of the workout, as well as the reduction of the "stuffiness" of the muscles is gymnastics, or the so-called Stretching (from the English. "Stretch" – pull, pull, stretch). As a result of the seal, the reduction of flexibility and mobility of the muscles in them is incurred by less blood, which in turn leads to the deterioration of the ability of the muscles to shrink. Moreover, such a state of the body, when the muscles become intense, as if inflated, over the years leads to the emergence of problems with the spine and joints. In short, the development and preservation of the flexibility of muscles and joints is a vital condition. In the development of flexibility, a sense of equilibrium, dexterity, coordination is increasing, and other physical qualities are improved, allowing to increase the speed and helping technical and tactical tasks. In addition, the development of flexibility helps to avoid injuries or minimize them. It should be remembered that the exercises for flexibility should be part of your day throughout the life of life, you can not forget about them. Stretching helps to keep the softness and compliance "muscles" – even the opinion that 1 hour of gymnastics replaces 30 minutes of normal training!

Speaking about the pharmacological provision of the training process of the skier-rider in a one-year preparation cycle, which is divided into four stages – a recovery, preparatory (basic), preset and competitive – it should be noted that the greatest share of payments falls on recovery and, especially, preparatory periods, smoothly Reducing during the transition to preset and further – competitive.

Recovery period

In the recovery period, which lasts approximately from April to June, it is important to give the body to rest and recover after a heavy ski season. This is the only time of year, when a conscious skier can afford, let's say, eat a creamy oil sandwich, soup with sour cream, as well as train in a gentle mode (at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the weight does not exceed the "combat" norm more, than 3-5 kg).In addition to physical recovery, there is a moral unloading here: it is not necessary to constantly think about competitions, about training plans – you just need to enjoy the nature waking up from the winter sleep, gradually get used to crossings and forget about the intensity at all. In the spring, it is not worthwhile anywhere – in the summer you are still "fallen" and you will not have time to look back, as you will jump imitation.

From the point of view of pharmacological support, the shag of "slags" from the body, accumulated due to heavy training and competitive loads, as well as due to the use of pharmacological drugs throughout the year. A significant part of the "slags" is accumulated in the liver, so it is desirable to conduct a course of prophylaxis with hepatoprotective drugs. Much attention should be paid to the body saturation with vitamins and various bioelements. To solve these tasks, vitamins A and E are used, contributing to the stimulation of some oxidally regenerative processes and the synthesis of a number of hormones. Vitamin C, used to accelerate adaptation to physical stress and with the aim of preventing avitaminosis. For women, it is possible to recommend the drug Ferroplex (Hungary) containing an iron ions along with ascorbic acid. Some vitamin complexes contribute to the normalization of the flow of biochemical reactions in the body, prevent the development of avitaminosis, others are specialized sports drugs containing a balanced trace elementary composition along with a complex of vitamins. Their use is precisely in the recovery period is most preferred.

Acceleration of adaptation to the loads and normalization of the functional state of systems and organs contributes to the reception of adaptogens, such as Safinor, Ginseng, Eleutherokok, lubricant. Reception of adaptogens should be started 3-4 days before the start of training, the duration of the reception course is usually 10 12 days.Успокаивающие и снотворные средства используют в этот период, в основном, для подавления и лечения синдрома перенапряжения ЦНС, после значительных психо-эмоциональных перегрузок, имевших место во время сезона. Можно использовать корни валерианы (как в таблетированной форме, так и в виде настойки), настой пустырника, оксибутикар и некоторые другие успокаивающие препараты.

С целью нормализации обмена веществ в восстановительный период, для регуляции функционального состояния систем и органов, для ускорения реабилитации спортсменов назначают, как правило, следующие препараты: рибоксин (инозин), кокарбоксилаза, эссенциале, гепатопротекторы аллохол, легалон и др.


Но вот закончилась весна, и вам приходится переставлять крепления с лыж на роллеры. Это означает не что иное, как то, что наступило лето — этап подготовки, именуемый базовым, или подготовительным. С июня по сентябрь лыжники вкалывают как лошади, потому что, как говорится, «что наработаешь летом — то покажешь зимой». Этот период характеризуется наибольшим фармакологическим насыщением, так как существует большая вероятность перегрузки организма.

В подготовительный период продолжается прием витаминов, хотя целесообразно сделать 8-10-дневный перерыв. Хорошо, если у спортсмена имеется возможность начать принимать новый препарат. Из индивидуальных витаминов целесообразно назначение кобамамида и комплекса витаминов группы В, что способствует усилению синтеза и предотвращению распада мышечных белков. Также витамины группы В играют роль кофакторов в различных ферментных системах, связанных с окислением продуктов питания и образованием энергии. В подготовительном периоде рекомендуется назначение некоторых препаратов, обладающих антиоксидантными свойствами — энцефабола, убиона, альфа-токоферола ацетата, гаммалона, липоевой кислоты, сукцината натрия. Прием этих препаратов способствует синтезу АТФ в мозге, стимулирует процессы клеточного дыхания, оказывает антигипоксическое действие (что особенно полезно при проведении подготовки в условиях среднегорья), повышает эмоциональную устойчивость и физическую работоспособность спортсменов.

What is an "antioxidant" and "antihypoxic" action? Oxygen is a vital element, however it is very active and easily interacts with many substances, including with harmful to the human body. In the process of cellular respiration, which gives the body energy, some oxygen molecules come into the reaction, as a result of which strong oxidizers (free radicals) are formed, such as hydrogen superoxide and peroxide. They are unstable compounds rich in "extra" energy, therefore, falling into certain cells of the body, they enter into different reactions that violate the normal functioning of these cells. Their danger lies in the fact that they damage the "healthy" molecules involved in the exchange of substances change the DNA structure in which hereditary information is stored, participate in the synthesis of harmful cholesterol. It is believed that thereby free radicals can contribute to the development of diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis. Scientists also believe that damage caused by free radicals is the basis for aging processes.

High exercise, in professional sports especially, lead to an increase in the number of free radicals in the body, which is reflected in strength, endurance, recovery time. The antioxidant effect of some pharmacological preparations is just aimed at neutralizing free radicals. To this end, it is recommended to use additives containing manganese, zinc, copper and selenium, vitamins C, E, B2, B3, B6 and beta-carotene. Also, the sources of antioxidants can serve, for example, plants (blueberries and grape seeds), germinated grains and fresh vegetables and fruits. Also an important role in the protection of the body from harmful influences of hypoxia is played by antihypoxants: Actovegin (SolkoSeril), Oxybutrat Sodium, Oliphene (hypoxen), cytochrome S.

During the developing physical exertion, the reception of drugs regulating plastic exchange is very useful, i.e.Stimulating protein synthesis in muscle cells that contribute to an increase in muscle mass. This group of so-called anabolizing drugs include: ecdisten, chloride carnitine and some others. Despite the steroid structure, the ecadegen is deprived of side effects of testosterone preparations and anabolic steroids. Even its long-term use does not affect the content of the main harmonies of the body. Exestene is preferably used in combination with group vitamins in or multivitamin complexes.

The preparatory stage of the training year cycle is characterized by considerable volumes and intensity of training loads. That is why the reception of immunomodulators during this period is a necessary condition for preventing the breakdown of the immune system. We are most accessible and distributed in our country, such non-specific immunomodulators, such as mumia, honey (cellular, and preferably in old dark cells), flower pollen, as well as the well-known immunal. The most important condition for their application is the reception of an empty stomach (preferably in the morning). True, it must be remembered that immunomodulating drugs are especially important in the prepar preparation, and especially in the competitive period when the body's immunity is weakened due to the acquisition of physical form. In those moments, when we are "at the peak", the slightest infection or cold can serve as the beginning of the disease.

Preset period

Since October, the preset period of training the driver's skier begins when he rises in the snow. This period lasts in December-January and from the point of view of pharmacological support is characterized by a significant narrowing of the spectrum of the used drugs. It is recommended to reduce the reception of polyvitamins (if possible, it is better to change the applied drug). From individual vitamins and queermets Again, it is advisable to appoint Kobamamid to prevent the fall of muscle mass and cocarboxylase in order to regulate the exchange of carbohydrates and lipids, as well as vitamin C.At the beginning of the pre-consistent period, it is already recommended by the preparations for us at the preparatory period, such as ecdistin, chloride carnitine, sodium succinate, etc., although the dosage should not exceed 1/2 dose of the preparatory period. 5-7 days before the competition, these drugs must be canceled. In the second half of the preset period (8-10 days before the start), adaptogens and energetically saturated drugs are recommended: ATP, phosphobion, creatine phosphate, phosphaden, not clear, etc. If adaptogens contribute to the acceleration of adaptation processes to changing environmental conditions (because competitions As a rule, they occur on the road from the country, the republic, etc.) and the acceleration of recovery processes, the energy saturated products and drugs allow you to create an "energy depot", contribute to the synthesis of ATP and improving the contractile ability of the muscles.

It should be noted that there are also physiological stimulants of anabolism ("synthesis"), for example, short-term starvation (no more than 24 hours) and a cold load, which contributes to the synthesis of protein in the body and an increase in muscle strength. As a result of adaptation to cold, the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system increases with an increase in acetylcholine synthesis, which is the main mediator of the neuromuscular apparatus (choline chloride – acetylcholine precursor, which enhances the activity of cholinergietic structures), increases the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which leads to an improvement in anabolism. And under the first method, the 24-hour break is meant between two eating applications, for example, from breakfast to breakfast, which is a strong stimulant of the somatotropic hormone ejection, the level of which remains elevated some time after the start of nutrition. As a result, the day after the night of fasting, a small weight loss is fully compensated, and in the following day Supercompensation occurs – the number of structural proteins of the body is somewhat higher than the starvation.A similar method is used by skiers and in order to maximize glycogen accumulation before the responsible competitions, we will talk about in the chapter "Sports Power" in the next issue of the magazine. But experts agree that it is not necessary to immediately risk and apply these methods in front of important starts. First you need to understand how the body responds to them.

Competitive period

The most responsible for the skier is time – this period from January to March, called the competitive period, when the training schedule is extremely saturated with important competitions and the athlete requires the maximum result. This stage shows full extent, whether you prepared Sani in summer or not … the middle of the winter and the very beginning of spring is the time when the amount of pharmacological preparations used is further reduced. Of all the above groups in the pharmacological support of the competitive period, only adaptogens, energy products and intermediates (ATP, phosphaden, phosphobion, inosine, indoor, creatine phosphate, energy, energy) and minimal doses of vitamins are preserved (ATF, Creatyne phosphate, Energics) and the minimum doses of vitamins (Vitamins E, C, B1 must be present. Vitamin E is contained in muscles and fats. Its functions are not well understood. It is known that it enhances the activity of vitamins A and C, preventing their oxidation. The most significant feature is an anti-accepted effect. A significant part of athletes obviously consumes large doses of this vitamin on the basis of the assumption that it has a positive effect on muscle activity due to its interconnection with oxygen transport and energy supply. However, according to specialists, the long-term intake of vitamin E does not contribute to this. The integrated use of these pharmacological preparations allows you to accelerate the recovery processes between starts, provides a high contractile ability of muscle fibers, contributes to the stimulation of cellular respiration processes.

Purely competitive pharmacological agents include actoprotectors – drugs that have recently entered the arsenal of sports pharmacology, but have already gained recognition: sodium succinate, limontar (a derivative of citric and succinic acids), bromentane. Actoprotectors prevent the occurrence of metabolic disorders (metabolism) in the body at the time of physical activity, stimulate cellular respiration and promote enhanced synthesis of energy-saturated compounds (ATP, creatine phosphate). Under the action of actoprotectors, the glycogen content in the muscles, liver and heart increases. Tanakan, an actoprotector, acts in a variety of ways, allowing it to be classified as an adaptogen, as well as an antioxidant and nootropic. With its use, there is an improvement in working capacity, a decrease in irritability and starting nervousness, an increase in concentration, and normalization of sleep. Neoton (a phosphocreatine drug), adenylic acid and phosphaden (ATP fragment, stimulates nucleotide synthesis, enhances redox processes, serves as an energy supplier) are universal energy sources, and therefore most effective in competitive practice and at those stages of the training process where the goal is to develop speed endurance and there is a significant proportion of work in the anaerobic mode. The ATP contained in the muscles is sufficient to ensure work for no more than 0.5 seconds, therefore, during muscle work, the energy of other high-energy phosphates (phosphagenes) contained in the cell is used. These are just the drugs listed above. Phosphocreatine, as an energy source for muscle contraction, plays a leading role when working in the anaerobic alactic power zone, when its reserves in the muscle cell limit the duration and intensity of work.

In the competitive period, antihypoxants become especially relevant – a class of compounds that increase the body's resistance to oxygen deficiency.Of this group of drugs, attention is drawn to the exceptionally strong antihypoxant sodium hydroxybutyrate. It activates the oxygen-free oxidation of energy substrates and reduces the body's need for oxygen, which is especially important during the race. In addition, sodium oxybutyrate itself is able to break down with the formation of energy stored in the form of ATP. Thanks to all its properties, it is by far the most effective means for developing endurance (by the way, in addition, it has a pronounced adaptive and anti-stress effect, which makes it possible to attribute it to drugs designed to help with CNS overstrain). Antihypoxants also include cytochrome C, actovegin, oliven (hypoxen).

  • The issue of supporting the immune system is most important during this period, since when entering the peak form, the athlete's immunity suffers the most. Significantly increases the risk of acute respiratory diseases and influenza. Of the medicines, one can distinguish echinacea (immunal), vitamin C, honey, pollen, mummy, immunofan, Beresh plus drops, etc. the flu and the common cold are the most common illnesses around the world. In addition, proper nutrition can not only speed up recovery, but also prevent the development of complications. During the period of high temperature, there is a decrease in the enzymatic activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore, in the first days of the disease, a fasting diet is recommended. In the future, a full-fledged, rich in vitamins, macro- and micronutrients nutrition is shown. A predominantly milk-vegetarian diet is recommended. Plentiful warm drink – warm milk with alkaline mineral water. To reduce intoxication, it is necessary to consume a large amount of liquid (1500-1700 ml) and a sufficient amount of vitamins, especially C, P, A and carotene.Vitamins C and P strengthen the walls of blood vessels, so it is useful to saturate the diet with foods rich in both vitamins (for example, rose hips, black currants, cranberries, viburnum, chokeberries, lemons, etc.). Yes, and do not forget about folk remedies! For example, garlic, well-known for its antibacterial action, also helps maintain the health of the circulatory system and is able to lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Regular training leads to an increased risk of iron deficiency in the athlete's body and the development of the so-called "athlete's anemia". An athlete's hemoglobin concentration of less than 140 g/l is regarded as a sign of clinical anemia. Up to a certain stage, iron deficiency is compensated by the body, but in the conditions of the “peak” of training loads and competitions, this compensation becomes insufficient, and therefore there is a rapid decrease in special performance. An example of course saturation: actiferrin (1 caps. daily – 20 days), ferroplex (2 caps. 2 r. per day – 25 days), fenyuls (1 caps. 2 r. per day – 25 days), totem, and also veal , beef, liver.
  • In conclusion, I want to say that training will always remain the main means of improving sports results. A large number of pharmacological preparations with low loads and an irresponsible attitude to physical activity will never lead to a high goal. This chapter is written for people who train hard and need support from the body. It must be remembered that the drugs used by an athlete always interact with each other, which an ordinary skier cannot predict, therefore, in any case, only a qualified sports doctor can prescribe them. If you use a large number of medicines, this does not mean at all that their action will benefit you exclusively. In the amount of more than five items, the effect of them is unpredictable, so please be careful and always consult a sports doctor!


Candidate of Biological Sciences

Head of the problematic laboratory of the RSUFK:

The materials set forth in the article are of great practical interest. In general, they simplify the decision of the practical tasks of the training process, orient the athlete and coach in the huge sea of ​​biologically active additives. To flaws should be attributed:

a fuzzy or outdated description of the main mechanisms of the action of the BAA;

Violation of the rules of classification of drugs, some drugs are not attributed to their groups;

Fuzzy definition of groups, for example, the overstrain of the body as a whole there is no.

Sports Master Cycling, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Coach of Higher Categories, Sports Observer and Commentator:

The practical importance of issues, even rather problems discussed in the article, is obvious. Especially – pharmacological support issues. This topic is now fashionable, it has everyone for hearing, and sometimes attention to it reaches hypertrophied scales. In fact, it is worth talking about the results, medals, records with a person, not even having a professional attitude towards sports, as the dialogue will immediately turn towards doping.

The material proposed by Andrei Arich is essentially a good overview of scientific, methodological benefits, works of specialists in the field of sports nutrition. Here are the foundations of some aspects of sports pharmacology and nutrition – a kind of educational program. As a student, and then teacher of the university, I always loved reading such a selection, because their study saved time, saved from the search for thematic materials. And if some kind of work from the review seems interesting, then it is already clear where to squeeze the details.

However, the chosen genre must comply with its laws. It is necessary to make references to sources and authors. Otherwise, the compiler of the collection risks to accuse the plagiarism. In addition, if the priority of any means or method is approved, it is usually indicated for studies, experiments, observations.Otherwise, the specialist will not accept the author's recommendations on faith.

The list of prohibited drugs is constantly updated and varies. It took several years since the development was carried out and the materials referenced by the author of the review. (Here is also why it is necessary to specify the year of accessing the work in bibliographic links). I am convinced that this article needs to be supplemented and the current (valid) list of prohibited doping. On tobacco boxes and strong gifts, they write about the dangers of tobacco and alcohol. The same rule must be observed in this case. In general, the recommendations on pharmacest support should give licensed specialists!

Fascinating sports sports

In my opinion, the article managed to keep the balance between the availability of presentation and the scientific component, which is a very difficult task. Therefore, you can close your eyes to some simplifications and generalizations in the text, otherwise the article strictly derived from a scientific point of view will be read.

The list of these drugs and dietary supplies is impressive. Therefore, I want to do a few comments …

The first, non-serious – do not have everything at once. And if seriously, try to make a specialist, doctor. If you look at any qualitatively composed annotation to the drug, then there will definitely be sections on contraindications, side effects, interaction with other drugs (more precisely by their classes), pharmacokinetics, consequences of overdose, and, most importantly, section of indications for use. And the latter implies, first of all, the diagnosis. Therefore, going to apply this or that means, first ask yourself a question: is you able to qualify in the mechanisms of action of the drug and make a diagnosis yourself? Even the simplest means of traditional medicine, the same Valerian, not every person can apply without consequences.It, for example, is contraindicated to people with increased acidity of gastric juice, predisposition to gastritis. In any case, read the annotations carefully, even if the drug appointed you a doctor.

Second: as a joke, medicine does not apply to exact sciences. On any means there may be special individual reactions. Therefore, you should not experiment shortly before the competition. Worst of all, if the decision to use the drug will be made on the basis of such "thoughts": "In the twentieth year, Petya Championship took" L-Ozberin ", and it was so" flooded "! Come on and I will try! ". Any scheme must be tested in advance under the supervision of a specialist. Otherwise, inexplicable peaks and failures are possible, despite the formal compliance with schemes and dosages. Without qualified assistance, it is better to abandon the use of permitted pharmacological correction facilities in the competitive period, with the exception of the simplest – vitamins and immunostimulants.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of Laboratory of Complex Survey

teams and athletes VNIIFK:

In my opinion, this article is more familiarized, rather than gives readers to accurate recommendations for pharmacological support in a particular situation. The article lacks the methods of applying drugs at various stages of preparation. The author of the article informs that there are different pharmacological funds, for which they are intended, but how to apply them – it is not said. If the author tried to offer a methodology (or share his own experience of applying even one of the drugs), give practical advice, to write the use of certain drugs in specific cases, then the material would be more sought after. But information on the use of pharmacological preparations has long acquired a commercial color, and even the simplest application scheme costs money, so no specialist will simply disclose all the cards.

Nevertheless, the information in this article has the right to exist, as it is written on the basis of already published works and is, in its own way, an attempt to systematize the existing scientific and methodological material. True, in this case it would be more correct to support the text with references to the literature used, as is usually done in scientific publications.

I personally do not see any danger in the use of drugs and the methods of their use mentioned in the article. There are simply drugs that are no longer produced or, for example, those for which they can now be disqualified. For example, you will not find phosphadene anywhere in pharmacies, so you can safely cross it out, and WADA has now banned instenon in certain sports, such as shooting, for example (it is not detected in cross-country skiing, but an athlete can be disqualified if there is evidence the use of this drug. – Approx. ed.). If we talk about the need to use pharmacological drugs when playing sports, now everyone already understands that this is an integral part of physical improvement. The question is only for what purpose a person goes in for sports. If in order to achieve a high sports result, then it is obvious that not a single highly qualified athlete can do without pharmacology. If for themselves, that is, for health, then everyone determines for himself how expedient it is for him to resort to the help of pharmacological preparations. Personally, I do not see anything reprehensible in this. If high goals are set for an athlete, then pharmacological correction is indispensable here. Of course, if we are talking about the recovery period, April or May, then this is not so expedient, unless, of course, there are special indications of medical supervision, but with an increase in training, and then a competitive load, this need increases more and more.

Personally, I think that the use of pharmacological drugs in the process of training is absolutely normal.Even the usual person from time to time it is necessary to use the vitamins of the group B, A and E, as well as iron, ascorbic acid, etc., which is there to talk about athletes who are constantly experiencing large physical exertion. Just pharmacological support should be conducted under the control of specialists, and not how we are accepted: "The more, the better." It is necessary to consume pharmacological preparations with the mind, periodically make biochemical blood control, to be examined at sports doctors, and then there will be less problems. In short, I would like to say that it is not so scary to use pharmacology, like the uneducation of people and the uncontrolled use of various drugs.
I would also like to note that someone copes with physical exertion and shows a high result, and someone has already reached its limit and continually developing, and he needs to be allowed to make a high-quality leap in front of important competitions. Many athletes comes such a period when, sooner or later, they are forced to appeal to pharmacology, including forbidden to continue to improve. When the athlete understands that he is missing for their own forces and reserves to achieve the desired result, it is inevitably. In such cases, a person often begins to take prohibited drugs and exceed the norms permitted for the body.