Official website of the administration of MO "City Lensk" – airsoft – Sport for brave and dynamic people

Official site of the administration of the municipality "City of Lensk"

Airsoft – Sport for brave and dynamic people

How it all began …

Banally and easy! He began to make himself felt a sedentary lifestyle of an office worker. There was an extra weight, the muscles and legs remained in the past …

With all this, on the balcony, packed in the boxes, lay two complete set of storkball equipment brought from Tyumen. Even the balls are the main airsoft "ammunition" – was present in sufficient training of training quantities. There were no people and catastrophically lacked time. And so, in July 2012, the skull decided to recruit his team, first in Lensk. By September, a sketch of team chevron was designed, the name of the team, the direction of modeling was chosen, the announcement was posted on the website of the Tyumen Airsicbolists – Randomly in a conversation with the head of one of the departments of his department, the skull rushed the phrase that it would soon run through the forest with a machine gun – and immediately I got into the team of the first fighter – Eugene. Zhenya took the call sign "Jackson". It is so accepted among the airsoftists – to contact each other is not named, but by call sign.

In the nearest Saturday, Skull and Jackson moved to the forest to the first training session of the Northern Cordon airsoft team. As such a workout did not work. Both airsoft automaton – "drives" – refused to shoot, and guys, running around a kilometer and swallowed on the horizontal bar, diverged home. However, it is this training that has become the starting point in the formation of the team. In winter, Jackson came his own "drive", and rumors of "game of something like paintball" crawled on the management.

On March 30, 2013, two airsoftist went to the thrown building of the ZhBI plant and from this moment began official training teams. Slowly began to come interested people. Of course, two came the easiest way to find people close to the spirit of the spirit precisely in their governance, so it's not surprising that the first time the team's work was carried out only by the employees of the office.

A newcomer came to the next training session, who later became the right hand of the commander – Dmitry (Kazakh). They and Jackson were friendly and Kazakh just brought the guys to the first training. On the second, he came already under the rules of cadet. There was still a minus air temperature, the batteries in the "drives" quickly frozen. Yes, and theirs of theirsball machines, well-shelled since 2007, worked with interruptions. But it did not stop Lensky avian barrels! Threesome, they were perfectly rejected in two workouts, and soon they were joined by another cadet – Eugene (Porpor).Amazing person! Having served the prescribed term of military service in intelligence, an ensign of the police reserve, the father of an adult son, an uncle over the age of forty – he was so carried away by airsoft that no one could stop him from buying equipment and “weapons”! Even the spouse.

The four-member training did not last long and already at the very beginning of May, before the holidays, the team acquired another cadet – Denis (Mahmud). Here it has already become difficult with both “ammunition” and “weapons”. Everything went into action: the “drives” that were practically not working by that time and two “pistols” of the Skull, the brand new AKMS Jackson. But the situation had to be changed, and during the May holidays an expedition was sent to Bratsk for equipment and "weapons". Strictly speaking, the expedition, represented by Kazakh and Skull on an off-road vehicle, went to Bratsk for a different reason, but one of the main points in its program was the acquisition of two “automatic machines”, magazines and balls for them. "Drives" and consumables were purchased in Irkutsk and forwarded to Bratsk by mutual friends, it only remained to get there and pick up this "wealth".

The trip back and forth took four days, one and a half of which Skull and Kazakh stood in front of the erosion of the roadbed between Kirensk and Verkhnemarkovo. The road turned out to be fun, with adventures: the bridge in Ust-Kut swam an hour after the airsoft players passed over it, the road in several places was heavily washed away by flood waters, and in some places it was muddy clay to the point of indecent, on which it was only possible to move skid. And, nevertheless, the Northern Cordon team went to training after the May holidays with five “drives” for five, three of which were, as they say, “from the needle”. I ordered a "automatic" and Prapor.

In mid-May, the guys went to the forest for training, where they were joined by the first sniper of the team, Alexander (Yakut). Until June, he played with a “drive”, after which a used SVD airsoft rifle was bought together, which Yakut was happy as a child. Immediately the rifle was disassembled, debugged and shot. Training continued…

At the end of June 2013, the first passing of the command standard for the right to wear command symbols was held. The fact is that even at the stage of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a team, it was determined that no one would get a patch with the image of a wolf and the name of the team just like that. A hierarchical system was developed, which the team still adheres to. The team has cadets – people who came to try their hand at airsoft. In this rank go from three months or more. It all depends on when and how a person passes the standard. After successfully passing, which includes overcoming several stages of shooting and physical training, the cadet receives the rank of private and becomes a full member of the team.Then begins intensive study and "coaching" the private for a specific role in the team. Machine gunner, sniper, scout… There are many roles in the team and each has its own subtleties, the knowledge of which determines the next step in the command hierarchy – junior sergeant. To obtain this title, you also need to pass a certain set of tests. The team's field trips became such tests.

The topic of the field exit on June 22, 2013 was the search and detection of a sabotage group. The search group consisted of three people – Kazakh, Mahmud and Cherep. The sabotage group was represented by the Yakut-Prapor sniper pair, who arrived at the training ground ahead of time and managed to equip their positions. Jackson went on a business trip and was unable to attend this significant event. We played interesting that time: we walked through the swamp, and ran up the hills, and shot plenty. After the exit, they lined up and made the first solemn presentation of chevrons. Since everyone who participated in the surrender showed their best side, the chevrons were awarded to everyone and there were no cadets left in the team.

A month later, Mirny airsoft players came to Lensk! It was an event! The Lenchans prepared the training ground, developed the scenario of the game… and lost outright. Didn't have enough experience. But positive emotions were more than enough! Still would! After all, they accepted the game of the intercity level! After the main phase of the game, there were assaults on fortified positions. Not for credit, but for interest. It was then that the laity were defeated in all respects and the confidence of the Cordon fighters in their strength did not falter. Remarkably, representatives of three teams arrived from Mirny, the name of one of which can be translated as "Northern Cordon" (NordBastion). By the game, the team was replenished with one more cadet – Nikolai (Tikhim). And, unfortunately, the team suffered the first losses. Due to moving to another city, Mahmud left her ranks.

Yakut continued to improve his sniper skills, including the selection of his second number. The result was the arrival of another cadet in the team – Anatoly (Grandfather). The resilient, well-knit and always smiling cadet quickly joined the ranks of the team, independently purchased “weapons”. "Unloading" and the form helped to order and bring to Lensk Cherep. The first permanent couple was organized: Yakut-Ded.

Moreover, the residents of Leningrad received an invitation to come to the game in Mirny in August and now they were intensively preparing for the trip. Workouts have become more intense and intense. The Kazakh brought his wife, Anna (Chayna), to the training, who later became the staff translator of the team.

In June, the message "How can I contact you?" appeared on the team's website on the Internet. Someone Semyon wrote, he did not answer questions in his personal mail, he did not leave contact information. Who it was became clear after a phone call to Kazakh in July, when an unfamiliar and representative voice offered to meet and discuss the details of a joint training session.So there was a link between the two teams of our city: "TG Shadow" and "Northern Cordon". "Shadows" organized a little later "Cordon" and, even though they were engaged in the same polygons, they knew anything about each other. Accidentally learned, accidentally phoned … and we went to peaceful a consolidated detachment. And, as they say, "gave the country of coal"! Won the game for obvious superiority, deserve the heads of local airsoft. Further the paths of both teams were near, they do not diverge to this day.

In September 2013, a large field exit of the North Cordon team was organized. And again, Jackson was on a business trip … By that time, four more cadets came to the team: Dmitry (Checkan), Roman (famously), Maxim (Miaja), Murat (Shah). This field output was larger than the first. The release program provided for the passage of the combat order of five control points with the conduct of mandatory radio communication sessions with the "Center" on points. The coordinates of the next checkpoint were kept in the envelope on the tab, and not occurring, for example, to the third point, finding the fourth was very problematic. Of course, the control points were guarded. The fighters of the team "Shadow" took the security. The skull, as an exit organizer, rushing along the landfill and by graduation, when the group made a march-throw with an exit to the mountain, almost fell on this jog. The yield itself was successful. The fighters were shown, fought and turned out completely. But the result was worth: Kazakh and Yakut, the first in the team, received the title "Junior Sergeant," and grandfather suddenly assigned the "ordinary", which he was extremely delighted. Next week, the team was replenished with the future of the second number of Kazakhs – Ruslana (Sam).

The next way was passed in October, good, the weather in that year favored the airskbolists. This time there were three checkpoints, but they added backward tasks, like "mining the bridge" and "bring wounded". Oh, and then passing … due to the lack of most of the personnel of the team, the group was composed of the team – Skull, Kazakh, Mia and Prapor. The skull, as an exit organizer, was "for extras", an ordinary fighter. Commanded a group who fears the junior sergeant Prapor. The opposition was again "shadows", which took after a shootout at the first checkpoint, the bridge is the main object of the field exit sabotage. The approaches to the bridge were visible very well and the group had long and tediously crawled around fruitless dry grass in the floodplain of the river several tens of meters. And the removal of the wounded on homemade stretchers after that finished finally … But his title of younger sergeant Prapor received deservedly. It was one of the last fees of the airsoftists in 2013, but by the end of the season, another cadet joined the team – Alexander (Sanya). Thus, the team went to winter, having thirteen people in its composition.

Год 2014 ознаменовался как притоком новых курсантов, так и некоторым оттоком старых. Тренировки начались в двадцатых числах февраля – снова приятно удивила погода. Новые ребята: Дмитрий (Чуча), Максим (Сокол), Леонид (Лис) и Стас (Заг) органично вписались в команду с первого же посещения. Казах и Череп в период весенних тренировок работали просто на разрыв: до обеда в субботу тренировали команду, а вечером и в воскресенье чинили приводы (свои и чужие), чтобы через шесть дней команда снова была вооружена поголовно. Проблемы с закупкой и доставкой снаряжения, «оружия» и расходных материалов, имеющие место в 2013 году, с приходом ранней весны только усилились и «воеводам» стоило немалых трудов поддерживать в рабочем состоянии технические средства команды. В связи с увеличением численности команды, она была преобразована в отряд, имеющий в своем составе две разведывательные группы по восемь человек, а позже, с приходом Никиты (Чечена), Екатерины (Хексы), Анны (Ханны), была сформирована снайперская оперативно-тактическая группа «Ведьмы». Командиром был назначен Чечен, в паре с которым играла Хекса. На сегодняшний день – один из самых боеспособных тандемов в команде. В состав группы, помимо них, вошли Чайна и Ханна.

Но не все ребята задержались в команде надолго. По разным причинам уже к концу весны ее ряды покинули Вик (Виктор), Тихий, Лихо. А в мае состоялся очередной полевой выход с прохождением четырех контрольных точек и грандиозным шашлыком после этого. По результатам выхода Джексон, на конец-то, заменил чистые погоны рядового на погоны младшего сержанта. Кроме того, звания «рядовой» получили Чекан, Мазя, Сэм и Чайна. Этот выход стал последним, идущим в зачет сдачи на звание рядового. Теперь, после проработки маршрута и перечня испытаний, сдачи станут совершенно другие. But first things first.

В мае состоялось еще два события, которые нельзя не отметить. На первомай команда дважды ездила в д. Салдыкель. Первый раз на разведку, а второй – на полноценную игру. И снова не подвела погода, давшая возможность и разведку провести в игровой форме и игру отыграть на «ура». Не помешали даже залповые снежные заряды, так как после них тут же выглядывало солнце и топило своим теплом выпавший только что снег.

К маю команда имела в своем составе девятнадцать человек при трех «пулеметах» и двух снайперских «винтовках». Из них четыре младших сержанта, пять рядовых, одного лейтенанта и девять курсантов.

Начало июня – и снова пополнение! Четыре курсанта – Шаман, Серж, Скиф и Кэт. Приход Шамана ознаменовался, в скором времени, запуском собственного командного форума и у команды появился свой уголок в Интернете. Заработала группа в социальной сети «Вконтакте».

И снова сдача на право ношения шеврона и присвоение звания «рядовой». Сдача проходила в новом формате и первопроходцами здесь стали Чуча, Сокол, Заг и Чечен.By that time, Chechen was already in charge of hand-to-hand combat, and Chucha and Sokol had firmly established themselves in the first reconnaissance group. Zag was the machine gunner of the second group, so the race could be safely called "machine gun".

The surrender route is one and a half kilometers running with breaks for shooting at targets (twice), crawling (about a hundred meters) and assaulting the heights. At the end of the race – pull-ups on the crossbar. This is not counting the introductory at the discretion of the instructor, such as "thirty push-ups", "twenty press" and so on. The guys did it. Chucha and Sokol received a "private", and Chechen, through the rank, "junior sergeant". Zag, who retired from the race, did not lose heart, quit smoking and is now preparing hard for the second attempt. A week later, the “feat” was repeated by Fox and Hex. Katya generally surprised everyone by passing the test on a par with men. Only she didn’t succeed in working out properly on the crossbar, but they turned a blind eye to this. Two more privates in the team became more.

Doors for newcomers to the team are open

Soon the team again changed numerically. The best team sniper – Yakut – went "to the reserve", and his second number Grandfather left us for Neryungri. Hannah is going on maternity leave. Jackson, the senior sergeant, changed his place of work and left for Krasnoyarsk. Alexander (Marine) took the place of the retired. Almost simultaneously with his arrival, the team changed the modeling vector. If earlier the army intelligence of the RF Armed Forces was the prototype of the team, now the main emphasis is on modeling the units of the Airborne Forces of the 2000 model. Due to the reorganization, the range of vacancies has expanded. Now the Northern Cordon team has two main units: a reconnaissance group and an airborne platoon consisting of three squads. So the doors for newcomers to the team are open and Kordontsy look to the future with confidence!