Movie The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part I (USA, 2014) watch online – Afisha-Kino

Movie The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part I (The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1, USA, 2014) – watch online, actors, trailers, user reviews and critic reviews, similar films and movie stills

Movie The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part I

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 (2014, USA), IMDb: 6.6

Hungry Games: Soyuza-Peredashnitsa. Part I / The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1

Jennifer Lawrence rebels against the system

The world of The Hunger Games is in big trouble. Katniss has broken the rules of the competition, leaving the Capitol's authoritarian government cracking at the seams, and now it's time to lead a rebellion and kill like adults. Mockingjay is the first film adaptation of the final book of the bestselling book by Suzanne Collins. In addition to the off-scale "people's liberation" pathos, the new film works according to the formula of the previous ones. The beautiful teenagers, led by the not-so-young Jennifer Lawrence, are still bleeding each other, just a little harder, but just as colorful. Among other things, in "Mockingbird" you can see one of the last roles of Philip Seymour Hoffman.


Films directed by Francis Laurens

Hungry Games: and flames flames / The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

I'm legend! / I am Legend

Konstantin: Lord of Darkness / Constantine

Water for Elephants! / Water for Elephants

Hungry Games: Soyuza-Peredashnitsa. Part II / The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

Red Sparrow / Red Sparrow

Afisha review of The Hunger Games: Mockingjay. Part I"

Katniss (Lawrence), rescued by the rebels in the finale of the second part, ends up in District 13. It is considered uninhabited, but in fact a bunch of people are hiding in a giant mine, led by an early gray iron lady (Moore). They are ready to fight the Capitol, but they want to enlist the support of other areas where things are not going so smoothly. From the native mining village of Katniss, smoking ruins were completely left – from there, however, her closest relatives, spare fiancé Gale (Hemsworth) and the cat managed to escape.

The idea of ​​the rebels, primarily the political strategist Plutarch (Hoffman), is to make the girl a symbol of resistance – exactly the same as President Snow (Sutherland) tried to make her a symbol of conformity. Katniss is called the Mockingjay and her logo is spread around the country. In order to record propaganda ads, the opposition even hires a progressive young director who is disillusioned with Channel One (considering her appearance and Susan Collins' love for Latin names, it's a pity that her name is not Gaius Germanicus). Katniss, meanwhile, is more concerned not with the fate of democracy, but with her lover Pete (Hutcherson), who has remained in the Capitol and gives collaborationist interviews on television.

Enough has already been said about the fact that the realities of the totalitarian state of Panem touch some familiar strings in the soul of a Russian person – and when the local president records television addresses about stability and the power vertical, it’s hard not to fidget in your chair. At the same time, all disadvantaged countries are alike, and each looks from its own bell tower – in the end, nothing prevents the inhabitants of the Donetsk People's Republic from seeing Igor Ivanovich Strelkov in Katniss.But if there is a state in which the issues of separatism and civil wars are no longer on the agenda, this is the US – the more surprising the very fact of the existence of "hungry games". The fact that the wrong political allegory of someone else's life has become a grand commercial hit there, it is difficult to explain to one artist Lawrence and rather sluggish (if you compare with some "twilight") romantic line.

The main test for the franchise, however, begins only now. In the first two series there was entertainment in the form of the actual games. In the final film, it will obviously, there will be a decisive battle for the capitol and a lot of action. In the current "Soyuke-Peredashnitsa" does not happen by and large almost nothing. It is entirely devoted to issues clearly leaving the competence of adolescent blockbuster. How does propaganda function? Where are the borders of personal responsibility? What is fundamentally different opposition from the regime to which it opposes? In an emphasized Spartan life of the leadership of revolutionaries and even his vocabular ("indispensable not", "mutters Plutarch), he also slipped … although that we are talking about yourself about yourself.

Of course, the authors remember about the target audience – they, albeit rather pinching methods, do not let go of the plot away from the pit, and its physical absence is compensated for by the worker Gale. Lawrence is created for close-ups, and the camera holds them for a long time – we can assume that she languishes on his beloved, and does not think about the revolution. But in the relative quiet of this film even stronger than before, it is striking that both boring guys do not even equally – neither in the acting plan, nor in essential. It is prepared from it how Elizabeth Banks Character is expressed, "the most stylish insurgent in history." And onions to you, and Look. And her place there, in proud loneliness – on the cover of the Women's magazine "Leemon".

The best reviews about the film "Hungry Games: Soyuza-Peredashnitsa. Part I "

Calm before storm

Now everyone will want to kiss you, kill or become you (c)

After escaping from the Arena, China and a small group of her associates are hidden in Districte 13. She understands that her actions influenced people and they are ready for revolution. The leaders of the uprising decide to use it in the promotional rollers who must motivate the people to action.

Francis Lawrence decided to stay with the screening of the Book Trilogy of Susan Collins to the end. The director like no other understands what the franchise needs and its fans. If the producers had decided to change the director, then it was not a fact that he would have been able to withstand the story within the framework of the declared genre and convince the public in the need to divide the last part into two films. Lawrence is superbly disassembled in blockbuster genre intricateings. He is known for how such pictures are created – the scale, the budget that is visible in each episode, even the passage, famous actors and music.

The script, unlike the previous parts, has become more complicated, in terms of the presentation of material – a minimum of action, a maximum of dialogues. The Hunger Games franchise is built like a puzzle, if you don't watch the previous part, you can't figure out the sequel. The first picture introduced the audience to the characters, the world and the rules they have to put up with. The sequel was a riot of color and the introduction of the champions of the Games from other years, each of which will be important in the plot in the future. The third film is a test and a test of endurance. They need to prove that they are worthy of the world they so desire. The fourth, final picture is a gift, gratitude from the creators to the audience for the fact that they were able to go through all the trials together with the heroes of the film and are able to accept what those involved in the project have prepared for them. The writers worked hard on the adaptation, removing most of the unnecessary material from it, the endless shooting of Mockingjay commercials. At the same time, it cannot be said that the project turned out without flaws, there are quite a few of them. There are scenes here that got here only because of the genre component. Not all the actions of the heroes are clear, especially for those who have not read the original source, much seems too controversial. Most of the intrigues that develop in the book are here presented to the audience on a silver platter, without any riddles or questions.

Unlike other film franchises, The Hunger Games is an exception to the rule: in Harry Potter they rarely went for experiments, Twilight did not bother with this at all, and The Chronicles of Narnia could not find itself. "Divergent, Chapter 2: Insurgent" and "Maze Runner: Trial by Fire" have yet to prove their worth.

The main cast (troika: Lawrence, Hutcherson, Hemsworth) do not always understand what happened and why they are required here more than they used to give. Lawrence diligently builds the development of his image, Hutcherson, at least physically, tries to transform his character, only Hemsworth wanders around the corridors of District 13 and pretends to be interested in what is happening.

But the secondary plan is bathed in its small images: Harrelson, Hoffman, Banks, Wright, Tucci, Dormer, Sutherland. Claflin is lost in the general background, but even he managed to get himself one scene where he manages to reveal Finik, and Malone really wants to see a longer continuation.

Joe Willems shot a very expensive and rich picture. The cameraman managed to diversify the visual by dividing the colors into Capitol (bright, spectacular) and the place where the rebels are hiding, District 13 (dark and inconspicuous).

James Newton Howard wrote a soundtrack that would suit any big project, it has everything that such a picture could need. Neat and elegant, but at the same time powerful and emotional, the music here is incredibly diverse.

I was somewhat surprised by the soullessness that prevails in the project.There is not a single scene, where the audience could easily cry, although the prerequisites are found.

"Hungry Games: Soyuza-Peshemnitsa Part 1" – a picture that is radically different from the fact that the franchise offered to the public earlier and what the creators are going to finish the story. It makes the necessary variety and new paints in the story told.