How to Make Squid Honeycomb – Sugar Cookie Recipe

After the release of the movie, almost everyone is interested in how to make honeycombs from the Squid Game, we added a sugar cookie recipe that anyone can make. Try

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Just recently, the world was taken over by a Korean drama released by Netflix – "The Squid Game". Millions of newly minted fans followed the stories of the people vying for the $40 million prize. Unusual, and most importantly, deadly tasks were met by players during the struggle, and now fans arrange their own competitions in the spirit of the series. So that you can have a lot of fun, we will show you how to make honeycombs from the Squid Game.

What are sugar honeycombs?

how to make a honeycomb from a squid game

The participants had a difficult task – with the help of a needle and improvised means, they need to cut a figure without damaging its structure inside a sugar candy in just 10 minutes. The heroes met various forms of this sweetness: circles, stars, triangles and umbrellas. As soon as the players didn’t bother to complete this task, because not only winnings, but also lives are at stake. And what are these sugar honeycombs, or as the Koreans call them – "Dalgona"? This is a specific mixture of melted sugar and soda – a traditional sweet of Korean children in the 70s and 80s.

Homemade sugar honeycomb recipe

Millions of fans, in pursuit of their favorite characters, want to experience this difficult task for themselves. They spend a lot of money to order ready-made sweets. However, they do not even realize that this sweet can be easily prepared with their own hands, without spending huge sums.
Before you make sugar honeycombs from Squid Game, you need to choose the ingredients. Here are the ingredients they need:

  • Sugar – 3 tablespoons
  • Soda – ¼ tsp


  1. We prepare tools and products for cooking. It is necessary to immediately get the silicone mat, as the burnt caramel hardens quickly.
  2. Pour the prepared sugar into a special frying pan and put on medium heat. how to make sugar honeycombs from the play of squid
  3. We wait for some time until the granulated sugar inside is completely dissolved and takes on a characteristic amber hue, periodically stirring the contents with a spatula. how to make honeycomb from the squid recipe
  4. It is very important not to burn the sugar, otherwise it will become bitter.
  5. Add the already prepared soda to the heated mass, mix thoroughly and evenly.
  6. As a result, the mass should become completely homogeneous, pour it on the mat and let it cool for about a minute. It is very important not to overexpose the caramel, otherwise you simply won’t be able to cut a figure in the middle of the honeycomb. make sweet honeycombs from the game in squid
  7. In order for the caramel to be completely even and homogeneous, it is necessary to put paper on it and press down with a mug or bottle.
  8. We take the prepared form and slightly squeeze out the pattern in the middle of the honeycomb. Do not push the candy to the end, otherwise nothing will work.

how to make honey honeycomb from the play of squid

As it turned out, cooking this Korean sweetness is a simple, but even fascinating. So you can not only please yourself with goodness, but also experience good luck in the passage of this test with friends.