Games in the car: what to do during the long road; Blog ONETWOTRIP.

Games in the car: what to do during the long road you prepared for the road trip: collected everything you need, loaded the card, and the navigator showed you that before the destination go 2

Games in the car: what to do during the long road

You prepared for the road trip: collected everything you needed, downloaded the map, and the navigator showed you that before the destination go 2 or more hours. You can listen to all this time to music and have a conversation with conversations, but you can play anything. We chose eight games that will help pass the time and, most importantly, do not distract the driver from the road – and in some cases they will even help him be more attentive.

We notice the items around

Old children's game, which is nevertheless popular and in adults too. Agree that you will notice: for example, railway moving, crows, dogs or trees. You can make a little complicate the game: to consider bearded men, black dogs or green trucks. Who saw the first and called the right thing, gets one score. The game continues until someone is gaining a specified number of points.

Words from letters of license plates

In this game, of course, it is easier to play in Russia, but also abroad – at the same time they take off your English. The task is simple: you need to make a word from the letters of the number marks of the matched machines. You can take one number and invent the maximum long word, and you can complicate the game by adding more numbers – but then make a phrase. The first one who comes up with something meaningful, won.

For example, you see the number "O123OR". Return the numbers and try to come up with a word containing the letters "O", "O" and "P", and exactly in this order. Among the proposed options wins the longest word: there is a "conversation" cooler "ax."

Numbers in license plates

This game involves no longer the letters of license plates, but numbers. Each participant chooses the figure from 0 to 9 and must find five (or ten, how to agree) machines with numbers in which there is this figure. Who first found all the cars, he won.

The rules are the same as in a card game, only instead of card numbers. Rules Such: The player takes one "card" (machine number) and folds the numbers. As a result, 21 or the most close number should be obtained, more – it is impossible. For example, number 316 will add to the total amount of 3 + 1 + 6 = 10, and 986 will add 23 that already busting. The first player can take another "card", and the second has already lost.

Photo: Games in the car

Regions and countries on the rooms

Another option of playing with license plates is to look for different countries (in this game it is more interesting to play in Europe), states (if you drive in the USA) or regions of the country (in Russia). The main thing is that at hand there is an Internet, because not everyone remembers to which region refers, for example, the number 44.

Neighboring and counter cars

Game with some fraction of creativity.The good thing is that there are no winners and losers. Try to come up with a story about people who ride in nearby cars. What are their names? Where are they going? Who are related to each other? What do they bring with them in the car? What did you eat for breakfast today?
The game can be made more difficult if you make up stories about people in oncoming cars: you will only have a couple of seconds to notice and consider them.

Word search

Turn on the radio, preferably some conversational program, but not necessary. Choose a specific word, such as "listening" or "news", and look for these words in DJ speech and songs. When the word is spoken, shout something out loud ("Yes!" or some nonsense). Whoever typed a predetermined number of words, he won.
Words can not only be heard, but also searched for on road signs or signs.

Putting together the alphabet

It is also a children's game that is quite suitable for adults. The task is to assemble a complete alphabet from letters on signs and road signs (you can also use car numbers, but there are not many letters there). Can you find "o"? And "q"?

If you have other interesting games in your arsenal that you can play on the road (and preferably without distracting the driver too much), share in the comments.