Film Funny Games (1997) – Director Michael Haneke – Description, Reviews, DVD

Film Funny Games (1997) – Director Michael Hahek – Description, Reviews, DVD

Funny games (1997)

Funny games (1997)

Husband, wife and 10-year-old son come to his country house on a picturesque lake. Two young guys who introduced by guests of the neighbors come to them. Both on the hands of white gloves. Young people decided to enjoy. They killed the dog … And offered the owners of the bet … None of them live to live until the morning … During the premiere at the Cannes Festival on tickets, special red stickers were made, warning that the public is waiting for something terrible. Famous film critic Andrei Pokhov called "funny games" the most shocking film of Europe.

An hour and a half of the on-time time was horror, for a second not turned into a spectacle – and to such an extent sophisticated that it was impossible to find a place to make a view at least in a minimal extent comfortable. Hankee deliberately and coolly blocked the audience to the audience to all of their asylum, without allowing looking to identify either with heroes, nor with violences, not with them, and drove them into such a trap, which opens up complete ordinary, the unfortunateness and hopelessness of what is happening together with full of their own defenselessness. . In other words, he established among himself and spectators the same relations that exist in his film between the rapists and victims, with that, of course, the difference that their violence has a physical nature, and its psychological. At the same time, the voice-over the author is so ourselves and prudent that it does not save from the hall, nor the button "Stop" – how does not save the heroine attempt to intercept the console and turn back the film, whose hero is it. Victor Matizen.

The film was made by Michael Hahek, famous for professionals and synefila, the world star and criticized critics, although there were no special cruel spirits. Paul (Arno Fresh) and Peter (Frank Giring), well-brought up young men, went to the summer house of the Burgers family – George (Ulrich Mue), Anna (Suzanne Lothar) and their son George (Stefan Claspchinsky) ask for eggs for omelet. Omelet do not prepare, without breaking eggs. The word for the word, the nadastic clowns took the hostage to the hostage, tormented and killed. No naturalism – hank emphasized the Brehtov conventions: when the hostages took the top, one of the murderers grabbed the remote and rewound the action back. Scarecrow is that the cruelty was unexplained: the shreddes told the victims about their nightmare, and then brutally climbed ready to break down the hostages, admitting that they were selected. Since then, the world has become accustomed that hange does not consider it necessary to explain cruelty – natural, in his opinion, the state of humanity, and the worse than its films in which the cruelty is generally absent, as in the film "Unknown" (2000). Mikhail Trophimenkov. The ocean remains the easiest of the sphere of the planet, more aggherissive to the person and the least subordinate to him. I made a character who wants to open something new, I felt like the Great Travelers of the 19th century. Then, I was very important a stylistic moment, because most of those who were taken for similar projects, behaved like observers in aquarium, that is, they remained static, and we went after the characters. Jacques Perren.