Yoga as a sport

Of course, yoga is a spiritual practice, but there is also a piece of sport in it. Yoga-sport.Author: Alexander Kultynov

Yoga as a sport

yogasport competition

Most often, people far from yoga believe that its essence is a long stay in sitting postures and sublime meditation. Others, on the contrary, perceive yoga solely as a good physical education.
Both opinions are only partly true. Of course, yoga is a spiritual practice, but there is also a piece of sport in it. Yoga sports.
It is about him that will be discussed in our article.

I want to start by debunking myths about yogasport.

Myth number one: yogasport is twisting into the most difficult pretzel. Whoever can spin better is the champion. The truth is that yoga teaches balance in all areas of life. And yoga is no exception. It is the art of finding a balance between strength and dexterity, breathing, the activity of the mind and feelings, technique and creativity. It is at the border of all these concepts, or rather at their intersection, that yogasport appears.

Myth number two: Yogasport is traumatic. And here it is not. In yoga sports disciplines, there is a special category of assessment – this is the technique of performing asanas, and the principles of correct alignment are monitored very carefully. You can't win competitions if flexibility doesn't mean good technique. That is why the risk of injury is low.

Myth number three: Yogasport is not prestigious, it is for "narrow-minded" people who do not seek spiritual development. However, the reality is different. Both among the participants and among the jury there are candidates of philosophy, psychology, candidates from different areas of sports, and even employees of the Indian army (in India, the army is a prestigious business, getting there is much more difficult than in the modeling business. In addition to physical parameters (height, physique), the candidate in the military must have an outstanding intellect and mathematical mindset). So it turns out that yogasport is far from being for primitive people. And as for the lack of a spiritual component, in my opinion, to find the courage in yourself to dare to participate, this is a criterion of high inner strength and awareness, the weak in spirit do not take risks.

Yoga sport is more difficult than just sport. It's not that he's more physically demanding. Rather, it is more complex in terms of the brain. You need to keep more nuances in mind. In order to participate in yoga sports events, in addition to significant physical preparation, it is also necessary to have the correct yogic breathing, and the correct state of mind, as well as the ability to demonstrate one’s abilities from the right side.