When and how after the coronavirus, you can play sports and fitness

Coronavirus seasonal infections familiar to us. Perhaps exercise and training after the coronavirus should be postponed? Is it possible to start training, as doctors advise doctors, 2 weeks after the recovery of COVID-19? Find out the recommendations of European and American sports physicians.

When and how after the coronavirus, you can play sports and fitness


When can you start training after the coronavirus?
We have already told you whether it is possible to train during a cold and ORVI. But Coronavirus is much cunning seasonal infections familiar to us. Perhaps physical exercises after the coronavirus should be postponed for half a year? Or can you start training, as doctors advise doctors, 2 weeks after recovery?

This unpredictable coronavirus

The main cunning of coronavirus is in its unpredictable nature. Some people easily sick and quickly recover, others are sick hard and for a long time, the third disease occurs asymptomatic. As for complications and consequences – for doctors it is, in general, a mystery.

Therefore, give an unequivocal answer when you can proceed to active training after the coronavirus, it is impossible. It all depends on the state of the human body, and on what form the disease proceeded, and from a number of other factors.

In one doctors unanimous – answering the question when you can return to training after coronavirus, advise to be very careful and start with low loads.

What is the main danger of physical exertion after COVID-19

In the summer, the public agitated the results of the study conducted by German specialists. As follows from the publication in the scientific American journal Jama Cardiology, after transferred coronavirus, the myocardial frequency – the damage to the heart muscle, is observed in 15-35% of patients. And, which is the most unexpected, complication is mainly found in those who have surpassed COVID-19 in a light or asymptomatic form.

In peace, the heart pumped 5 liters of blood per minute, and with intense training – up to 30 liters. The load is colossal! Therefore, the slightest damage to the heart muscle may lead to serious consequences. And if the whole muscle is damaged, as in myocardium, there are tens of times the risk of life-degraded arrhythmias increases.

European and American sports doctors have prepared recommendations when you can do fitness and sports after coronavirus, depending on the form of the suffering disease.

Fitness after COVID-19

American Jama Cardiology Scientific Journal and German Journal of Sports Medicine German Journal of Sports Medicine published three protocols of returning fans athletes to training.

In the asymptomatic course of the disease

It is recommended to start with 15-30 minute walk, gradually alternating it with a jogging of the coward.It is important to monitor the state of health not only during training. A marker that a person returned to physical exercises on time is good health the next day. If you feel weak, it means that the body has not yet recovered, it is too early to return to fitness and sports after suffering a coronavirus.
The heart rate should be monitored. Each person has his own pulse zones, but it is desirable that the pulse during fast walking does not exceed 110-120 beats per minute, while running – 140-150 beats per minute.

For mild to moderate COVID-19

An additional 10-12 days of rest is recommended, after which you can start with brisk walking and light running.
Doctors strongly recommend that you do an exercise ECG before returning to your usual training rhythm. It is important to track your well-being, monitor your heart rate and listen to your body.

With a severe form of the disease

The transferred disease can give complications to the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems. Before starting even low-intensity physical exercises after the coronavirus, you need to undergo additional examinations.

Another scientific journal, The Musculoskeletal Journal of Hospital for Special Surgery, recommends the following algorithm for returning to training (for those who have had an asymptomatic or mild to moderate disease):

  • in the first week after the disappearance of symptoms, reduce the usual physical activity to 50%;
  • then, if you feel good, increase by 10% every week.

Thus, you can return to your usual training regimen in 5-6 weeks.

General recommendations of physicians

  • After an illness, training should not be started for at least 14 days. These days there is a decrease in the immune status, the reactivation of the virus may occur.
  • Before resuming training after covid, it is necessary to exclude myocarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle (X-ray, ECG and EchoCG).
  • If the symptoms have not completely disappeared, for example, the whole body aches, the head hurts, it is too early to start training. You can return to low-intensity and moderate physical activity only 10-14 days after the disappearance of all symptoms.
  • It is important to monitor how you feel the next day – your health is in order, which means that you can continue training after an illness, gradually increasing the load.
  • The Ministry of Health recommends breathing exercises to restore the body after the coronavirus, in particular, yoga breathing. If you are not yet familiar with yoga, start with the author's program of Dmitry Kovalchuk "Meditation". You will work your breath, become more calm and balanced.


Returning to active physical exercise after the coronavirus is a significant step towards improving health. But it is important to make it as safe and comfortable as possible. Getting back into training too eagerly can have far-reaching health consequences.

In the meantime, it is impossible to train, focus on proper nutrition. This is an important part of the restoration of the body. You to help – the author's program of Zinaida Rudenko "Fundamentals of proper nutrition".