Should a child be banned from watching The Squid Game?

The Korean series "Squid Game" has become popular all over the world – everyone wants to watch it, including children. Tlum.Ru figured out whether to forbid the child to watch the show.

Should a child be banned from watching The Squid Game?

The South Korean project "Squid Game" became a real hit with Netflix and captured the minds of children and adults. And, at the same time, a lot of people sincerely hate him – for example, 26% of Russians voted for a ban on the Squid Game. As a rule, these are people who have not watched the series, mostly the older generation.

Many of the show's opponents believe that on-screen violence can provoke violence in real life as well. And that you definitely shouldn’t allow your child to watch a series labeled 18+.

Tlum.Ru understands how harmful "The Squid Game" is for children, what psychologists and psychotherapists think about the series, and whether parents should forbid their child from watching it.

What is the series about?

Seo Gi-Hoon is mired in debt and sits on the neck of a sick elderly mother – he lost his job and now earns exclusively by betting on horse races (and even then – most often he loses the last crumbs). One day on the subway, he meets a mysterious stranger who invites him to play a game for money.

The protagonist agrees to participate in mysterious games – and gets into the arena with 455 other players. They will have to participate in competitions based on traditional Korean children's games – and the prize is several billion won ($40 million).

Why is he so popular?

Recently, Korean dramas have become an increasingly mainstream phenomenon – viewers seem to be oversaturated with formulaic Americanized stories. In addition, the Squid Game has a simple concept – the format of the Royal Battle (a competitive game in which only one winner remains from a group of participants) has long been known, and the problems of heroes can affect many viewers. These are people who find themselves in a hopeless situation, and, for the most part, they themselves are to blame for it. At the same time, some in the process of testing show their best side, while others, on the contrary, are revealed as villains.

At the same time, the show looks fresh because of the bright, to some extent childish style (it’s not for nothing that the heroes play yard games). There is already a joke on the Internet that this year everyone will dress up in pink costumes from the series for Halloween. The visual style of the show looks very thoughtful and catchy, and in some places the creators even left clues about the plot of future episodes. In contrast to the bright game, the real world appears – the colors here are dark and faded, often lifeless.

Is it all that bad?

If you have not watched The Squid Game and doubt how justified the rating "18+" is, yes, it is really justified. There are some really violent moments in the episodes, there is one sex scene.The losers are dropped away – and they bring them in literally boxes that resemble coffins tied with bright pink ribbons in the style of the game. Blood on the screen appears quite often.

Should I prohibit the child to watch "Game in Squid"?

As is known, the forbidden fruit is sweet, and above all this refers to children who often perceive restrictions as a guide to action. For the words of Dr. Psychology, the author of books, the creator of the Digital University Victoria Shimanskaya, no sense in the forbar offices: "It is impossible to impose your opinion, say:" What a horror, it is impossible to watch, "it will only cause the opposite effect, the situation of resistance".

The same opinion supported the expert of the TV channel "Doctor", a clinical psychologist, neurologist Tatyana Sotsky's neurologist: "If the teenager began to watch, then it makes no sense, it will cause even greater interest. It is more correct to watch with him and discuss after. What he saw there, what you saw that he was impressed that he was hurt ".

Instead, she proposes to draw the attention of children to a positive final in which the hero tried to correct his negative deeds. "For someone, this is a story about violence, for someone about money, and for someone about interpersonal relationships – betrayal, manipulation. Everyone will see their own, and then you can discuss everything together. Find some conclusions and general meanings. No wonder this is the most popular series now. ", – says the expert.

Anna Bykov, teacher, psychologist, authork books about the upbringing of children of the "Lazy Mom" ​​series sure that the prohibitions can break the emotional contact of parents with a child: "To a certain age, as long as you can control what the child is watching, what plays, it makes sense. But as soon as the ability to control the content you do not have, because the child is no longer consuming at home (he goes to visit to friends, to school, where children take the phone phones, etc.), then the ban is meaningless ".

It is better instead of prohibitions to arrange a joint view of the series, since the child insists that it is simply obliged to see a popular show. It is possible that the plot developing in the first two series will even push it – all the action starts later.

Anna Bykova says: "If a teenager has an interest in the TV series, it is better to look at it together. And ask: what do you like here? Look at his reaction, look at his emotions, because in the film not only violence. There are many subtle psychological moments in the series, and maybe the child is more interested in the blood, but the relationship, motivation of people. Through questions you will know more about your child than through prohibitions. ".

And what if the child has already looked "the game in Squid"?

First of all, do not panic. It is possible that the series, viewed on the Mainstream wave, will not postpone into the brain of the child, because something new will appear tomorrow, and he will pass something else.

The effect of the series on the psyche and thinking depends on many factors – first of all, from the age and nervous system of the child. While an impressionable teenager is likely to increase the level of anxiety and excitability, others will not respond at all to the events occurring on the screen.

Psychologist Tatyana Sotzkova emphasizes that "D. Uvering, a reflective teenager can reflect here and even in something powerfully motivated, but if it is a person with a ripening psyche, then there may be consequences, transfer the plot into real life. Here with the child it is important to talk about common values ​​and the meaning of life ".


Contrary to generally accepted opinion, children distinguish fictional plots from the real world, and the cruelty on the screen does not lead to cruelty in life – and even on the contrary, it can contribute to the development of empathy.

The prohibition of something most often leads to the exact opposite effect – the best way to watch the series along with the child, if he really wants to get acquainted with the game in Kalmar. During the viewing it will be possible to focus on the educational process – discuss the actions of the characters, their motivation, find out the findings of children about the viewed. This will definitely be more benefit – besides, such rituals only improve relations inside the family. Strong nerves and calm views.

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