Rules Games in Long Backgammon

Rules Games in Long Backgammon

Rules Games in Long Backgammon

Starting position in long nardians

Two players arrange 15 checkers (white and black) on their part of the board along the right side.

The initial location of the checkers on the board (position 12 and 24) is called "head". The move from this provision is called "the move from the head". In one move from the head, you can take only one checker (see Exception). The last quarter of the playing field for each player is called "House" – "White House" (1-6) and "House of Black" (13-18).


If in your first move, the player threw a duplicate six-six (6-6); four or four (4-4); Three or three (3-3), he can remove two checkers from his head. Because in this situation there is no possibility to play with one checker, since the enemy's checkers prevent their heads. If you make a complete move hinder the rival checkers located on the field, the player removes only 1 checker from his head.

Raffle of the first move

Each player throws one playing cube (Zara). The right of the first turn and the white color of the checkers gets one who has more points dropped. With the same number of glasses, the throw is repeated.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is to go through all the checkers a full circle (counterclockwise), go to the "house" and withdraw ("throw out") them earlier than the enemy does.

White checkers move from paragraphs 19-24 in 1-6, and black from paragraphs 7-12 at 13-18.

You can bring the checker only after all the checkers "came to the house."

Rules and restrictions:

  • Each player has the right to move checkers only its color.
  • When the player throws cubes (burdens), he is obliged to move his checkers in accordance with the glowing glasses. If the place is occupied by the head of the enemy, then it is impossible to put his checker into this well.
  • It is necessary to walk strictly to the number of points that fell on cubes. The player is obliged even to the detriment of himself, to use all the glowing glasses.
  • The rule of full course – if there are two strokes, one of which uses one cube, and the other two, the player is obliged to make a move using both cubes.

Supply of checkers

After all the player's checkers are headed into the "house", it removes from the board from 1 to 4 (when a double drops) of checkers, in the wells corresponding to the number of points thrown on cubes.

In the process of removing checkers from the house, the player has the right to use glasses that fell in cubes, at its discretion: it can play a checker in the house or throw it.

In the process of removing checkers from his own house, it is allowed to throw checkers from the lower discharge holes, if there are no checkers in the high-discharge beds. For example, if 6-5 fell on cubes, and there are 6 and 5 in the holes, there are no checkers, the player can "throw away" two checkers from the house from the next order, the fourth field (well), if there are no checkers, then from the third, If there is no, then from the second, etc. Party ends.

Calculation of winnings

The win "Oin" is declared in a situation where one of the players brought all his checkers, and his opponent brought at least one.Such a win brings 1 point to winner.

If one player threw away all his checkers, and his opponent failed to throw any, the winnings called "Mars" and brings 2 points.

In amateur fights and on some Russian-speaking sites there are victory options: "Coke" (3 points) and "home Mars" (4 points).

Coke is a situation where the loser did not have time to remove one or more checkers from his starting quarter.

Homemade Mars is a situation in which the loser managed to have all his checkers in the "house", but did not have time to remove a single checker from the board.

These concepts are not found in any serious document on the rules, regulations, formulas of tournaments.

The concept of "draw" in long nardes in their classic form is missing. However, in a number of countries, in full-time parties, the rule of the last move may be applied (equidality rule), which means that each player must perform the same number of strokes. A situation is possible when a player playing in black, uses his right throw, and also displays all his checkers. In this case, the party ends with a draw, and players are obtained by half the points (1/2-1 / 2), or one point (1-1), depending on the regulation of the tournament.