Quotes about workout | Quotes of famous people

The most interesting quotes about training from authors around the world – a selection of funny, inspiring and motivational quotes for training, hardening, this, men

Quotes About Workout

A collection of quotes on the topic training, hardening, this, men.

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Cristiano Ronaldo photo

“In training, I often showed different tricks that no one could repeat. Once I boasted to Scholes. Paul took the ball, pointed to a tree fifty meters away from us, and said that he would hit it on the first try. He hit and hit. And asked me to repeat. I hit ten times, but never hit the target. Scholes smiled and left the field.“
In training, I often showed different tricks that no one could repeat. Once I boasted to Scholes. Paul took the ball, pointed to a tree fifty meters away from us, and said that he would hit it on the first try. He hit and hit. And asked me to repeat. I hit ten times, but never hit the target. Scholes smiled and left the field.

— Cristiano Ronaldo Portuguese footballer 1985

Romain Rolland photo

“The courage of the mind consists in giving it flexibility by tireless and persistent training … that is, to recognize and cognize with greater clarity and certainty the surrounding world and the forces acting in it: ideas and facts, past and present experience, living science. The courage of the mind consists in not retreating before the hardships of mental labor. The honesty of the mind consists in not retreating before the truth, striving for it, finding it at any cost, shunning easy and convenient half-way solutions, humiliating lies. Have the courage to seek, judge and decide for yourself. Have the courage to think for yourself. Being human."
The courage of the mind consists in giving it flexibility by tireless and persistent training … that is, to recognize and cognize with greater clarity and certainty the surrounding world and the forces acting in it: ideas and facts, past and present experience, living science. The courage of the mind consists in not retreating before the hardships of mental labor. The honesty of the mind consists in not retreating before the truth, striving for it, finding it at any cost, shunning easy and convenient half-way solutions, humiliating lies. Have the courage to seek, judge and decide for yourself. Have the courage to think for yourself. Being human.

— Romain Rolland French writer, public figure, musicologist 1866 – 1944

Dwayne Johnson photo

“At the age of 13, I was training in a scruffy rocking chair and I realized one thing …
Training is a powerful metaphor for life, with it you begin to control your destiny with your own hands through very hard work!“
At the age of 13, I trained in a scruffy rocking chair and I realized one thing… Training is a powerful metaphor for life, with it you begin to control your destiny with your own hands through very hard work!

— Dwayne Johnson American wrestler and film actor 1972

bruce lee photo

— Bruce Lee film actor, popularizer and martial arts reformer 1940 – 1973

Mike Tyson photo

— Mike Tyson American professional boxer 1966

Margaret Thatcher photo

— Margaret Thatcher British politician, Prime Minister of Great Britain (1979-1990) 1925 – 2013

Warren Buffett photo

– Warren Buffett American entrepreneur, world's largest and one of the most famous investors 1930

Anatoly Evgenievich Karpov photo

– Anatoly Evgenievich Karpov twelfth world chess champion (1975-1985), international grandmaster 1951

Source: Source: Philatelist's 1978 calendar. – M .: Communication, 1977. – S. 47.

Muhammad Ali photo

— Muhammad Ali American boxer 1942 – 2016

Billie Joe Armstrong photo

— Billie Joe Armstrong American musician, singer, guitarist, songwriter 1972

School is practice for future life, practice makes perfect and nobodys perfect, so why practice?

“Our dialogue with my father before my freestyle wrestling match.
– Are you ready? How are you feeling?
– I'm nervous, I'm a little worried.
– And why?
I don't know, I'm just nervous.
Explain to me, I don't understand.
I don't know, I'm just nervous. I'm afraid I'll lose.
– You've already lost.
– Dad, go away. I do not have time for this.
– What are you talking about? You've been training for hours: running, wrestling… And why can't you now "take your training and throw it out on your opponent"?! This is not a time for nerves, but for “getting turned on”, “take your skills and hit them where possible”! If you are nervous now, it means you have not trained well in the past. This is not the time for nerves. You didn't finish your job. You don't have the work (volume and quality) on the skill to discover the opportunity now.“
Our dialogue with my father before my freestyle wrestling match. – Are you ready? How are you feeling? – I'm nervous, I'm a little worried. – And why? I don't know, I'm just nervous. Explain to me, I don't understand. I don't know, I'm just nervous. I'm afraid I'll lose. – You've already lost. – Dad, go away. I do not have time for this. – What are you talking about? You've been training for hours: running, wrestling… And why can't you now "take your training and throw it out on your opponent"?! This is not a time for nerves, but for “getting turned on”, “take your skills and hit them where possible”! If you are nervous now, it means you have not trained well in the past. This is not the time for nerves. You didn't finish your job. You don't have the work (volume and quality) on the skill to open yourself up to opportunity now.

Osho photo

“Too much intellect orientation, too much head training cuts off all connections with the Heart. Thousands of people do not know what the Heart is! The heart beats, but the vital energy does not pass through it and, bypassing it, goes directly to the head. You can be very clever when it comes to logic, you can control logic, but you cannot control Love…
Love is when you let God find you.”
Too much intellect orientation, too much head training cuts off all connections with the Heart.Thousands of people do not know what the Heart is! The heart beats, but the vital energy does not pass through it and, bypassing it, goes directly to the head. You can be very good at logic, you can control logic, but you cannot control Love… Love is when you let God find you.

– Osho Indian religious figure, founder of mystical teachings 1931 – 1990

Will Smith photo

“The separation of talent and skill is one of the most misunderstood concepts for people who are trying to stand out, who have dreams, who want to do something. Naturally you have talent. A skill only develops over hours and hours and hours of practice.”
The separation of talent and skill is one of the most misunderstood concepts for people who are trying to stand out, who have dreams, who want to do something. Naturally you have talent. A skill only develops over hours and hours and hours of practice.

— Will Smith American actor, producer and rapper 1968

“You are a bunch of lazy nonentities who cover up their laziness with circumstances! You will never climb the pedestals and conquer Everest. Your dreams will forever remain just dreams. You are puddles of mud with no purpose, no willpower, no perseverance. You never have time, your legs hurt, you're too tired, you're too young, too old, too sick, and too out of sorts. All that remains for you is to look enviously towards successful people and hate them. Hate them because their success reminds you of your insignificance. Well, of course … This is such a fate, you simply do not have the necessary connections, and there is no talent, and you were born at the wrong time, and in the wrong place, of course. No luck, no luck, I won't succeed – that's your credo. And you really can't.
It's too late to start doing something…
— I'm afraid that my nose will be broken.
– I can't follow the rules.
“I get tired too quickly.
– I'll miss training, it's raining outside the window.
Here are your answers. No, no… Not an excuse at all… Of course it is. Start Monday, vegetable!“
You are a bunch of lazy nonentities who cover their laziness with circumstances! You will never climb the pedestals and conquer Everest. Your dreams will forever remain just dreams. You are puddles of mud with no purpose, no willpower, no perseverance. You never have time, your legs hurt, you're too tired, you're too young, too old, too sick, and too out of sorts. All that remains for you is to look enviously towards successful people and hate them. Hate them because their success reminds you of your insignificance. Well, of course … This is such a fate, you simply do not have the necessary connections, and there is no talent, and you were born at the wrong time, and in the wrong place, of course. No luck, no luck, I won't succeed – that's your credo. And you really can't. — It's too late to start doing something… — I'm afraid that my nose will be broken.- I can't follow the rules. “I get tired too quickly. – I'll miss training, it's raining outside the window. Here are your answers. No, no… Not an excuse at all… Of course it is. Start Monday, vegetable!

Ivan Stepanovich Konev photo

“In my opinion, if we consider chess as a game, then it has no equal among games for training memory and the logic of thinking, for educating endurance, willpower and other valuable qualities of a human character.”
In my opinion, if we consider chess as a game, then it has no equal among games for training memory and the logic of thinking, for educating endurance, willpower and other valuable qualities of a human character.

– Ivan Stepanovich Konev Soviet military leader 1897 – 1973

Conway, John Horton photo

“[Berlekamp] recalls how Conway put on a real show at a lecture at MIT, in the 1,000-seat Kresgie Hall. Fighting off questions from the audience after the talk, Conway frantically searched for clean film for the overhead scope. Unsuccessful in his search, he cleaned the scribbled film by licking it. This display of insane spontaneity led to adepts and the spread of legends. But, according to Berlekamp, ​​this spontaneity was calculated. Somebody Caught Conway Preliminary Practice of Licking Tape Clean"
[Berlekamp] recalls how Conway put on a real show at a lecture at MIT, in the 1,000-seat Kresgie Hall. Fighting off questions from the audience after the talk, Conway frantically searched for clean film for the overhead scope. Unsuccessful in his search, he cleaned the scribbled film by licking it. This display of insane spontaneity led to adepts and the spread of legends. But, according to Berlekamp, ​​this spontaneity was calculated. Someone Caught Conway Pre-Workout Eating Tape Clean

lies, all lies, says Conway
He remembers Conway putting on a good show during a lecture at MIT's 1000-seat Kresge Auditorium. Fielding questions from the audience afterward, Conway hunted frantically for an unused transparency to illustrate an answer. Failing, he made do by licking a marked-up transparency clean. This display of reckless spontaneity won converts and spawned legends. But, as Berlekamp tells it, the spontaneity was calculated. Someone had spotted Conway practicing licking transparencies clean in advance (lies, all lies, says Conway).
About him, Siobhan Roberts, Genius in the Game