Project; Chess – sport or game; | Creative projects and student works

Project "Chess – Sport or Game?" In the student project at elementary school on the topic "Chess – Sport or Game?" The author is taken to explore all the nuances of the game of chess and find out why

Project "Chess – Sport or Game?"

In student Primary school project on "Chess – Sport or Game?" The author is taken to study all the nuances of the game of chess and find out why this board game is a sport in which the World Championships and other competitions are held.

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In research work (project) in grade 3 elementary school on the topic "Chess – Sport or Game?" The author found out what chess moves exist how the time was monitored during the Imes in Chess, and also considered the basic strategies in chess. In the process of working on its research project, the student spent a survey after schoolchildren and identified how many students perceive chess as a game, art, sport and science. The results of the study are presented as a diagram.

Table of contents

1. The history of the occurrence of chess.
2. World champions in chess.
3. Chessboard.
3.1. Moves.
3.2. Time control.
3.3. Basic strategies.
4. Chess is a sport or game?
4.1. Chess is a sport?
4.2. Chess is a game?
4.3. Chess is art?
4.4. Chess is a science?
List of used literature


Purpose of the study: To analyze and try to answer the question: "Chess is a sport or game?».

To clarify this question, I set the following tasks:

  • master the techniques of research work on the collection of necessary information;
  • explore the history of chess;
  • explore the literature on this issue, interviews of famous chess players;
  • Conduct survey and polls among classmates and friends;
  • Summarize the results and try to answer the question: "Chess is a sport or game?»;
  • Give yourself an analysis of the work done.

Research methods: "Questioning", "Poll".

Relevance of work: It is that at all times, in the distant past and in real modern, chess attracted and attract much attention as children and adults. Thus, determining the goal and task, started working on this topic.

Why did I decide to choose the topic of research "Chess is a sport or a game?". It would seem a simple question, but it's not so easy to find an answer to it. Let's try to figure out.

Chess game is one of my favorite classes and one of the most common board games. I am engaged in a chess mug of MBU to CDU "Steps»Sochi"Young grandmaster"Under the leadership of Coach Nikolaydi Ellie Nikolaevna.

The name of this game takes the beginning of the Persian language: Shah and mat, What means The ruler (Shah) died. In this game you need to be able to think to be attentive.

Many persistently do not consider chess as a sport, as the sport is associated with physical exertion, force and dexterity. But sport is not only the game of muscles, it is primarily a competition, confrontation, rivalry. Therefore, many chess players refer them to sports. But most of the chess lovers consider chess engagement with a fascinating game. We will deal with this question.

The history of the emergence of Chess.

Each player had four figures (chariot (rook), horse, elephant, king) and four pawns. The horse and the king went the same as in chess, chariot – within two fields vertically and horizontal, elephant – first one field forward or diagonally, later it became "jump"Through one field diagonally, and, like a horse, when he could step off through his own and enemy figures. Queen was not at all. For winning in the party, it was necessary to destroy all the army of opponents.

In the same 6 or, perhaps, in the 7th century, Chaturanga was borrowed by Arabs. In the Arab East Chaturanga was transformed: the players became two, each received under the control of two sets of Chaturana figures, one of the kings became a queen (went to one field diagonally). From the bones refused, began to walk one move strictly in turn.

The victory began to be recorded not to destroy all the enemy figures, but according to Mata or Pat, as well as when the game is completed with the king and at least one figure against one king (the last two options were forced to put the mat with weak figures inherited from Chaturanga , it was not always possible). The resulting game was called the Arabs and Persians "Schtartj" Later, hitting Tajiks, Shantraj received the name on TajikChess" (in translation – "The ruler is defeated"). In 847, the first chess book was published.

Thanks to the abstract figures, the game gradually ceased to be perceived as a symbol of a military battle and became increasingly associated with everyday peripetias, which was reflected in the epic and treatises dedicated to the chess game (Omar Khayam, Saadi, Nizami).

Approximately 820 chess (more precisely, Arabic Sharant under the Central Asian title "Chess", In Russian turned into"chess") Appeared in Russia. Russian name of the game consistently Central Asian "Chess", Russian titles of figures most of all correspond to Arabic or Persian (elephant and horse – transfers of the corresponding Arab terms, queen – consonant with Persian"Farzin"Either Arabic"Firmin»).

Rye, one of the assumptions, received such a name due to the fact that the corresponding Arab figure "Ruh"Depicted a mythical bird, and was similar to the stylized image of the Russian rook.

In Russia, the Orthodox Church banned the game of chess under the threat of excommunication from the church, which was officially enshrined in the feeding book of 1262 years.

Despite the church prohibitions, both in Europe and in Russia, chess applied, and among the clergy, the game's passion was no less (if not more) than among other estates. So, on one of the Nervish spreading of Novgorod, the archaeologists were found in the layers of the 13th – 15th centuries a lot of chess pieces, and in the layer of the 15th century, chess are in almost every excavated manor. And in 2010, the chess king found in the layer of the 14th – 15th centuries in the Novgorod Kremlin, next to the archbishop residence.

He played chess Ivan Grozny (according to legend, he died behind a chessboard). Under Alexei Mikhailovich, chess were distributed among the courtiers, the ability to play them was common among diplomats. In Europe, documents of the time in which, in particular, it is said is that Russian envoys are familiar with chess and play them very strongly. He fond of chess Tsarevna Sophia. Under Peter I, the Assembly did not take place without chess.

Since the 16th century, chess clubs began to appear, where lovers and semi-professional players gathered, who were playing at a cash rate. Within two subsequent centuries, the spread of chess led to the emergence of national tournaments in most European countries. Chess publications are published, first single and irregular, but over time gaining increasing popularity.

World champions in chess

Subsequently, this title challenged Paul Morphy (USA) who won in 1858, but after leaving in 1859, Morphy from the Chess Scene, Andersen again became the first, and only in 1866 Wilhelm Steinitz won from Andersen and became new "Loaded king».

The first world champion in chess, which officially wore this title was the same Wilhelm Steinitz.

In 1894, the champion becomes Emanuel Lasker Doctor of Mathematics and Philosophy. 27 years held chess crown.

In the late 19th – early 20th century, the development of chess in Europe and America went very actively, chess organizations were enlarged, more and more international tournaments were held. In 1924, an international chess federation (FIDE) was established, originally engaged in the organization of the World Chess Olympiads.

The third chess champion in Chess from 1921 to 1927 became José Raul Kapablanca. He was told about him about a chess machine.

From 1927 to 1935 Alexander Alekhin lawyer. The greatest wizard combinations, a true artist for whom chess were art. (In 1935, Alekhin lost the match for the world championship Max Eywe.But in 1937 in the revanter returned the title and kept him until his death in 1946).

Sixth champion became Mikhail Botunnik-Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciencesborn in 1911. He first met the game for 12 years, after which he began to engage in books.

The Soviet chess player was also the seventh champion Vasily meaning journalist. He learned the rules of the game due to the father aged six years.

The eighth world champion in chess became Mikhail Tal- journalistwho was born in 1936 in Riga. Even from early childhood, Tal showed genius in many ways – at the age of three, he knew how to read well, in 5 – he made multiplication of three-digit numbers, had an amazing memory, after the end of the first class he moved immediately into the third. There were a lot of such achievements in childhood.

Tigran Petrosyan – Ninth World Chess Champion, Candidate of Filoslev's Sciences. It was born in 1929 in Georgia. The boy learned to play at 11 years old, at the age of 16, he becomes the champion of Georgia in chess. The victory over M. Botvinnik Petrosyan won in 1963, he kept his championship rank during a period of 6 years.

Boris Spassky – Tenth world champion in chess, journalist. Spassky learned the Azam games aged 5 years.

The title of the eleventh world champion in chess received Robert James Fisherwho was considered by the Wunderkind and the genius. He learned to play at a six-year-old. By the twelve years, Fisher becomes champion of America, in 15 years – international grandmaster.

Anatoly Karpov – The twelfth world champion in chess. He learned to play when he was only 4 years old. Anatoly Karpov significantly surpassed others known in the history of chess players in the number of victories, which were obsessed with numerous international tournaments, matches and competitions.

Famous chess player Harry Kasparov He is the thirteenth world champion in chess. The confrontation of the 12th and 13th champions – Karpov and Gasparov was one of the most powerful for the whole chess history.

Vladimir Kramnik He is the fourteenth world champion in chess. He was born in 1975 in the city of Tuapse (Krasnodar Territory).

Ruslan Olegovich Ponomarev In 2002 he became the most young world champion in chess.

Vishvanatan Anand. – The native of India, in the period from 2007 to 2013, was the world champion in chess, becoming the fifteenth owner of this title. Playing Chess Ananda taught mother at the age of six.

Magnus Karlsen – Norwegian, sixteenth (and at the moment the last) world champion in chess. Play chess young champion began at the age of five with his father, and seriously became interested in playing at eight, starting to study special literature and play a game for 2-3 hours a day.

Chess board

Chess 1.
The game occurs on the board divided by equal square cells, or fields. Board size – 8×8 cells. The fields are numbered horizontally with Latin letters from A to H left to right, vertically numbers from 1 to 8 from the bottom up.

The fields are painted in dark and light colors (and are called, respectively, black and white) so that the adjacent vertical and horizontal fields are painted in different colors.The board is located so that the extreme field on the right was white (for white it is a field H1, for black – field A8). A player with white figures always walks first. Each set of figures includes: king, queen, two rooks, two elephants, two horses and eight pawns.

Queen He is the strongest figure. It can move according to any straight (horizontally, vertical or diagonals) at any possible distance, but not jumping through the figures of its color. And, like all the figures, if the queen takes the figure of the opponent, its movement ends.

Rook May go for any distance, but only horizontally and vertical. The roots are especially stronger when they protect each other and work together!

Elephant May move so far as he wants, but only diagonally. Each elephant begins on the cell of his color, and should always stay on the cells of the same elephants work well together, as they cover the weak sides of each other.

Horse It goes wrong with all other pieces. At first, the horse moves into two fields horizontally or vertically, and then one cell perpendicular to the initial direction (as the Russian letter "G"). Also horse is the only figure that can "jump over" through other figures and pawns.

Pawn They differ from other figures in that they go and take into different ways: go straight forward, and taking is carried out on a diagonal. The pawns go only forward to one field for one move, with the exception of their very first move when they can go ahead into two fields. The pawn can go to the field occupied by the figure (pawn) of the opponent, which is diagonally on the adjacent vertical, while taking this figure at the same time (pawn).

Pawns can not walk (take taking) back. If there is another figure or pawn right before walking, it can not pass by this figure or pawn or take it. Pesne has one distinctive feature – they can turn into other pieces.

The pawn that has reached the last horizontal (8th for the white, 1st for black) is replaced by any (except the king) figure of the same color on the choice of a player who runs. The transformation is made immediately (in the same way), regardless of the presence of figures on the board of the same name. Usually the pawn is converted to the queen. Only pawns can turn into other figures.

Chess 2.

Chess 3.

Chess 4.

Chess 5.

Chess 6.

Chess 7.

In addition, there are two special strokes:

Take on the aisle – When the pawn makes his first move into two cells, through the field under the blow of the enemy's pawns, it can be taken by the opponent's pawn. Beating pawn while taking walks on the field for the walking pawn (that is, as if she went not two, but only one field). Taking on the passage is permissible only directly in response to "long»The course of the pawn, on the following moves it is no longer allowed.

castling – If the king and one of the looses of the same color did not move from the beginning of the game, then the king and this rook can in one turn simultaneously change the position (rocked).When castling, the king is shifted by 2 cells towards the root, and the rook is put on the field between the initial and final position of the king. Cocking is not possible if the king or the corresponding rook has already walked. The casting is temporarily impossible if the field on which the king is worth, or the field, which he must cross, or the field that it should occupy is under a blow of one of the opponent's figures, or if there is any figure between the king's crooked and roof.

Chess 8.

Chess 9.

As mentioned above, the goal of the game is to put the MAT King of the enemy. This happens when the king falls under the chase and cannot leave the king out of it, it can get out of the shah three ways: go to a safe cage (a casting is prohibited!), Close the other figure or take a sharing figure. If the king can not avoid mat, then the game will end. Usually, when Mate the king is not removed from the board, and the party is considered to be finished.

Sometimes there is no winner in the chess party, and a draw is fixed.

There are 5 rules for which a chess party ends against:

  • Pat, that is, a position in which a player having the right move cannot use them, since all his figures and pawns are deprived of the opportunity to make a move according to the rules, and the king is not under Shah.
  • Players can simply agree to a draw and stop playing.
  • There are not enough figures on the board in order to put the mat (for example, the king and an elephant against the king).
  • The player announces a draw, if the same position on the board is repeated three times (not necessarily three times in a row).
  • Fifty consecutive moves were played, with none of the players did a pawn and did not take the shape or pawns.

Time control

If the player ended the time to the game and the opponent declares this, the player who has ended time losing. The exceptions are cases when the player has not enough figures to put the mat – in this case, the party ends with a draw.

Main strategies

Translate the king into the corner of the board, as a rule, there is safer there. Do not delay the castle. As a rule, it is necessary to cooke as quickly as possible. Remember, it doesn't matter how close you are close to put the mat rival if he puts you the first mat! Do not give the figures aimlessly.

Do not lose your thoughtless figures! Each figure has its price, and you will not be able to win the game without the figures necessary for the formulation of Mata. There is a simple scale, which allows to evaluate the relative value of each figure:

  • Pawn – Basic Unit
  • Horse stands 3 pawns
  • Elephant costs 3 pawns
  • Rye costs 5 pawns
  • Queen costs 9 pawns
  • King is invaluable

Why do we need to know the comparative strengths of the figures? First, it determines the overall usefulness of the figure. That is, the rooks usually brings more benefits on the board than say the elephant. Secondly, the value of the figures must be realized during the exchange.

Вы должны контролировать центр доски своими фигурами и пешками. Если вы контролируете центр, то у вас больше возможностей для хорошего расположения своих фигур на доске, а сопернику тяжелее найти для своих фигур хорошие поля. В приведенном выше примере белые делают хорошие ходы, чтобы контролировать центр, ходы черных – плохие.

Используйте все свои фигуры. Ваши фигуры не приносят никакой пользы, отсиживаясь в тылу. Старайтесь развивать все свои фигуры для того, что бы вы могли их использовать при атаке короля соперника. Использование лишь одной или двух фигур для атаки не сработает против сильного соперника.

Шахматы – это спорт или игра?

Чтобы уточнить знания окружающих меня людей об этой игре, я решил провести социологический опрос среди одноклассников и любителей шахматистов.

Chess 10.

Результаты опроса были очень интересными. И на вопрос: «Что такое шахматы?» я получил 4 ответа, а надеялся на 2 (спорт или игра). Хорошо разберем все 4 ответа.

Шахматы – это спорт?

Начнем с ответа «Sport», так как я также считаю, что шахматы относятся к этому виду.

“Шахматы похожи на баскетбол. иногда приходится также долго крутиться вокруг корзины, прежде чем забросить мяч” (Фишер)

Что же такое спорт?

Спорт – это стремление стать первым, завоевать высшие награды и титулы. Все атрибуты спорта в шахматах присутствуют. Это и принцип соревнований, определяются победители, есть титулы, звания. После неоднократных побед на разрядных турнирах шахматистам присваивают звания кандидат в мастера спорта, мастер спорта, гроссмейстер.

Анатолий Карпов на вопрос как должен быть подготовлен шахматист, сказал: «Для того чтобы добиться успехов в любом виде спорта, требуется много составляющих. В первую очередь шахматист должен быть абсолютно здоров и прекрасно подготовлен физически. Игра в шахматы требует намного больших затрат энергии, чем некоторые виды спорта».

Спорт – это не только игра мускулов, это, прежде всего, состязание, противоборство, соперничество. Кроме этого шахматист также должен обладать хорошей физической подготовкой, как это не странно прозвучит. Физически неразвитый и слабый человек не сможет проводить тренировки, сидя за доской, в течение многих часов. Например, в возрасте 7-9 лет по первенству города Сочи принимают участие около 50 детей, соревнования проходят минимум 3 часа, надо провести сразу 3 партии. К 13-15 годам их число резко уменьшается. Так как это постоянная борьба. Нужно иметь железные нервы, чтобы пережить проигрыш. А ведь надо не только пережить этот проигрыш, а еще настроить себя на следующую игру.

Шахматы были признаны одним из видов спорта более, чем в 100 государствах, а международным олимпийским комитетом шахматы стали признаны официальным видом спорта в 1999 году. Но и тогда шахматы не были включены в программу олимпийских игр. Данный вид спорта не единственный, который не попал на олимпиаду.Intellectual games are held for such classes.

I was able to answer one of the main questions of my research. I believe that chess is a sport with their takeoff and drops, victories and losses. We defeat the strongest.

When Sergey Karyakina asked: « A lot of disputes goes on the topic, is it possible to read the chess?" His answer sounded like this: "I believe that chess is a pure sport and this opinion is not only mine, but also Magnus Karlsen, because he also asked this question. But the point is that chess players, it turns out, sit seven hours behind the board, they think for a very long time. Try to sit seven hours when you have to try to find the best solution – all this is very difficult, and this, of course, sports».

I am very supported by my parents in this game: Dad and Mom, my sisters. My task is currently getting an adult discharge. I try to be always in good physical form, I additionally do hockey and judo.

Chess is a game?

Chess are called "Royal game", I.e. They are considered king among the games. Chess is not only a game that makes a lot of joy, pleasure, but also a means of raising a character.

In many countries of the world, in recent years, interest in children's chess has noticeably increased. Chess teach children to microstruses, because every lost party and there is a microstress. It is noted that chess players are not lost in critical situations, do not fall into panic, and they think they are looking for a way out. It is also known that chess teach logically, and children are well learn to be interested in this sport, they go to institutes without any problems, make an excellent career. From a medical point of view, chess is very helpful.

If the child is restless, can not focus, then after chess school it is gradually getting rid of these shortcomings. As Alexander Alekhin said: "With the help of Chess I brought up my character." It was experimentally confirmed that the children involved in the magic world of chess from 3-8 years old, better thank school, especially in accurate sciences.

After a survey of 40 schoolchildren, I received data that 1 people play chess, of which 5 go to chess to the sports section. 13 – Would like to learn to play chess, 5 – do not want at all, 5 answered – I do not know.

Pupils playing chess and participating in competitions, almost everything on "Great", Perfect and patient.

Pupils who would like to learn to play chess and playing at home, learn to "Great" and "well", Curious, less perky.

Those who answered "Don't know"- learn"well" and "Middle"But they lack a dedication, determination.

And the disciples that answered "I don't want"- It's well study on humanitarian subjects, and accurate sciences are harder.

"A man playing chess turns out to be better prepared for life situations" (M.Batvinnik).

Russian entrepreneur, billionaire, owner of the Magnit retail chain and the Krasnodar football club Sergey Galitsky is known, among other things, as a chess lover. On his initiative, pupils of the FC Krasnodar Children's Academy take chess on a mandatory basis, and for the second year in a row, Galitsky himself holds a session of simultaneous play with children at the end of the school year.

“It is my idea to teach chess to students of the Football Academy,” says Galitsky in an interview with Sport-Express. “And, you know, I was pleasantly impressed when I read this year in Ferguson’s book (ex-head coach of Manchester United, who led the club for 26 years)that if he started training again, he would definitely force the players to play rapid chess.

Why? There are two things here. First, young guys get a lot of money in their hands. They won’t be able to handle them anyway – no one can handle big money at that age. But chess develops logic. And the second. We teach kids to make quick decisions.”

A survey was also conducted among the children.

Chess 11.

It can be seen from the results of the survey that:

  • not all students in the class can play chess, only 5 children;
  • 12 children noted that their relatives play chess;
  • 10 children consider chess a sport;
  • 26 children find it an exciting game, like backgammon and dominoes;
  • 7 children believe that the most important thing in chess is the ability to think several steps ahead.

Chess 12.

The results of this survey show that the answers to the question "What is taught in chess?” turned out in the same proportion.

Is chess an art?

“Chess is, first of all, an art” (M. Tal).

“The secret of my success is, first of all, my exclusive devotion to the art of chess” (Fischer).

As in art, playing a game of chess is a pleasure to watch some outstanding professional play. A person may like some of his non-standard moves or combinations.

The art of chess is an almost perfectly executed game, when the opponent does not even understand where he made a mistake; this is a perfectly executed combination with sacrifices of pawns and pieces; this is an intuitive sacrifice of the material, when it is not even immediately clear – why? After all, it is not clear how to win back. It turns out that all this is given up for a long-term initiative, when it is very difficult for the enemy to defend himself even with extra material. Mikhail Tal with his truly divine gift of combinations is the main representative of art in chess! Such epithets are suitable for art: Beautiful! Fabulous! This is how Tal played chess – Beautiful and Magnificent!

In what other game is it possible to enjoy a game played a hundred or two hundred years ago? And beautiful chess battles from an earlier period have come down to us. In chess there is even such a thing as "chess composer". The chess composer makes the pieces do their best on the chessboard, reveals their hidden power, using the rules of the chess game comprehensively. Of course, this is art.

In what other sport are champions known by name, and even people far from the game who have never picked up a checkerboard? Can only a bright, outstanding personality, who rightfully embodies the power of the mind and intellect, become a chess champion? In the entire history of chess, there has not been a single "random”, an undeservedly winning player. Over the past few hundred years, there have been only a dozen and a half of them.

Chess can be called an art – the art of thinking, the creativity of both sides. After all, the thoughts, strategy and tactics of each of the opponents are realized on the chessboard. This is the art of creating beautiful combinations that live and delight fans of the game for centuries. Moreover, even the loser is a co-author of the work.

In countries where chess has a long history, they are reflected in folk art. There were legends, proverbs and sayings about chess, they organically entered fairy tales, epics and other works of folk art:

  • Chess is a sea from which a mosquito can drink and in which an elephant can bathe. (India);
  • It's not the time to play chess when your house is on fire. (Italy);
  • You can knock down your opponent with a chessboard, but this will not mean at all that you are a stronger player. (England).

Chess plays an important role in many works of literature, cinema and other arts. In addition to a large number of works where the game is only mentioned, there are also those in which chess is the basis of the plot, which are noticeably distinguished by the author. For example, in Lewis Carroll's bookAlice in the Wonderland» The fabulous Looking Glass is like a chessboard, many of its inhabitants look like chess pieces. The girl Alice passes through the mirror, gets acquainted with the chess pieces and participates in a chess game as a white royal pawn. Alice ends her journey as a queen.

Movie "Turkish gambit”, where the idea of ​​the plot and the name itself are an analogy with a chess gambit.

In Bylina "Stavr Godinovich"the main character is the wife of Prince Vasilisa Mikulichna with her game"surprises all yes good people”And, having beaten Prince Vladimir of Kiev in chess, rescues her husband from imprisonment.

It can also be noted that the great writers and poets knew how and loved to play chess. I learned from books that A.S. Pushkin the last 11 years of his life with great interestplayed chess. In his letter to his wife (dated September 30, 1832), Alexander Sergeevich wrote: “Thank you, my soul, for learning chess. This is absolutely necessary in any well-organized family.».

Is chess a science?

While studying chess theory, I learned that the game is divided into 3 parts: opening (beginning), middle game (middle) and endgame (end of the game).

In the opening, the main task of the players is to mobilize their own forces, prepare for a direct collision with the enemy and start such a collision.The debut stage of the game is most well studied in theory, there are a large number of debuts opened by famous chess players. For example, I know and apply the following debuts in the game: Scotland Party, Ferzy Gambit, Spanish Party, Sicillian Protection, Russian Party, Italian Party, English Beginning, Royal Gambit, Debit of four horses, French defense, Protection of the Phillidor, Karo-Cannes Protection, And others. This is only a small part of the already open debuts. The opening of the new debut can be called a scientific discovery in the chess world. When playing the debut, chess players use many different options.

Mittelspil – The middle of the game. Stage starting after the debut. It is in it that the main events of the chess game usually occur. It is characterized by a large number of figures on the board, active maneuvering, attacks and counterattacks, rivalry for the center. The party can be completed in this stage, usually this happens when one of the parties holds a successful combination. Otherwise, after taking a larger number of figures, the party goes into the endgame.

Endshpil is the final stage of the game (ending the party). This stage is not less important. It is important to know all possible options and rules here. It is characterized by a small number of figures on the board. In the endgame, the role of female and the king increases sharply. Often the main topic of the game in the endgame becomes the conducting pawns. Here it is necessary to accurately follow certain rules. The endgame ends either the victory of one of the parties, or the achievement of the situation when the victory is in principle impossible. In the latter case, a draw is.

Chess are closely related to such science as mathematics. In chess, the ability to calculate the game options is also important. For example, in a separate position, I try to calculate the options for several moves forward, I take the analysis and choose the best option. The best stroke for each position can be found by overgoing all imaginable parties.

Tasks associated with chess are often found on mathematical competitions for schoolchildren, on the pages of textbooks. Forms of thinking mathematics and chess player are quite close, and it is not by chance that mathematical abilities are often combined with chess. Examples of this, world champion Dr. Mathematics Emanuel Lasker, and Dr. Max Ave, who taught Mathematics and headed the largest computing center in Holland. First Soviet world champion Doctor of Technical Sciences M. Botvinnik. M. Tal and A. Karpov also possessed mathematical abilities, however, they were forced to "donate"Mathematics.

Great Russian scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev showed great interest in chess. "For me, – said Mendeleev, – Science – How to play chess" Back in 1862, D.I. Mendeleev became a member of the St. Petersburg Chess Club, one of whose organizers was Chernyshevsky.

I have a youngest Natasha.Когда она пошла в первый класс, то считала до десяти на пальцах. Мама очень переживала и отдала ее на кружок «Chess» к моему тренеру Элли Николаевне. И что я Вам хочу сказать, моя сестра теперь щелкает примеры до ста устно. Это показатель!

Мне очень хочется, чтобы как можно больше детей стали играть в шахматы. К тому же опрос по анкете показал, что многие хотели бы научиться играть в шахматы. Поэтому по материалам 1.3 главы «Chess board» я провел в классе урок на эту тему, где были раскрыты правила игры в шахматы. Может быть, кто-то теперь всерьез увлечется шахматами и в будущем станет великим спортсменом. Проведенный опрос ребят, посещающих секцию шахмат, показал, что они преуспевают в математике, усидчивы, целеустремленны, умеют концентрировать свое внимание. Задавал им и такой вопрос: «Что тебе нравится больше, математика или литература?» Частый ответ – математика.

С 1 полугодия 2017 года в 220 московских школах введут обязательные уроки шахмат. 56. В пресс-службе департамента образования Москвы пояснили, что проект "Шахматы в школе" не направлен на подготовку профессиональных гроссмейстеров. Программа предназначена для повышения дисциплины и успеваемости, а также нацелена на интеллектуальное развитие школьников.

Профессиональными спортсменами становятся немногие, а только самые талантливые и трудолюбивые. Остальные сохранят знания о шахматной игре, научатся работать с информацией, станут более собранными и аккуратными, приобретут полезные навыки, которые, несомненно, пригодятся им в дальнейшей жизни.


Итак, в заключении я хочу описать один ответ на мой вопрос «Шахматы это спорт или игра?» озвучил ее непосредственный участник шахматных баталий. В 1983 году 17-летний канадский шахматист Алекс Кузнецов (кстати, его предки были россиянами и уехали за океан перед революцией), готовился к Панамериканскому турниру среди юниоров, который должен был состояться в Аргентине.

Но для участия в чемпионате нужна была довольно крупная сумма, а с финансами у молодого человека было туговато. Долгое время Алекс безрезультатно посещал самые разные правительственные учреждения, пытаясь найти деньги на поездку в Аргентину. И неизменно получал отказ. Правда, один из федеральных министров согласился принять Кузнецова и выслушал его просьбу. Министр даже сыграл с ним несколько шахматных партий, впрочем, с выдачей денежных средств не торопился. Он объяснил Алексу, что средства должны выделяться по определенной графе, а для этого чиновники должны точно знать, что же представляют из себя шахматы: спорт, искусство или бессмысленное пустое времяпровождение.

На этот вопрос министр получил очень оригинальный ответ от молодого человека: «Видите ли, сэр, – ответил Алекс Кузнецов, – все зависит от того, кто играет в шахматы. Когда играет Смыслов или , – это искусство, когда играю я, – это спорт, а когда играете Вы, – это пустое времяпровождение"It should be noted that the answer was enough enough, not every young man would venture to express such a minister, but the chance of getting the state subsidy after that Kuznetsov became even less. But he gave a very accurate definition.

I combined information received from books, other sources of information (interviews and articles of famous chess players), answers not only the guys of my class, but also chess lovers.

World champions are in different ways to answer this question.

Anatoly Karpov gave such a definition of chess: "Chess – a unique combination of science, sports and art».

For example, Mikhail Botvinnik saw more science in chess, Boris Spassky – Sport.

Fair definition of chess given by the ninth world champion T. Petrosyan: "Chess – this is in the form of the game, according to the content – art, and the difficulties of mastering the game – Science».

Based on the information they received, we can conclude that Chess are a mixture: science, sports, art and games. And in his work I proved that all these elements are present in chess. Every question I put a little incorrect, it was necessary to put it like this: "Chess is a sport, game, science or art", Because the professional chess player or chess lover determines itself due to the tendency of his character, knowledge than for him are chess. For example, for some basic chess feature is a competition, sport, for others – art, the beauty of this exciting game.