Motivation about Sport: Motivation for Sport: Motivate yourself correctly – quotes of great people, for motivation to sports; Blog about a healthy lifestyle and body improvement

Motivation about Sport: Motivation to Sport: Motivate yourself correctly – quotes of great people, for motivation to sports, motivational quotes help a person to achieve the goal and believe in itself,

Motivation about Sport: Motivation for Sport: Motivate yourself correctly – quotes of great people, for motivation to sports

Motivational quotes help a person to achieve the goal and believe in itself, make not lower their hands and move forward, give strength not to stop halfway and not to look for excuses. If you know what you want to achieve is good. If you take concrete steps for this – generally wonderful.

But sometimes it happens that moral forces left you. Of course, failures happen to each, so the world is arranged. It is just necessary to remember that the black stripe goes white, after night – dawn, for the disease – recovery … Always find the strength to overcome obstacles. This will help you motivating quotes of people who have been able to achieve a lot in life and sports.

Get all the wisdom, knowledge and experience of great people, through their best quotes.

Motivational Quotes

Those who can't find time for training, have to look for time in order to hurt!

(c) Edward Stanley

Motivational Quotes

God gave you a body that can take almost everything! Your task is to convince your mind!

(c) Vincent Lombardi

Motivational Quotes

I like working with weights. Sometimes, when you hold the bar, you realize that she can crush you, but this does not happen, because you are stronger.

Motivational Quotes

You can say that you have a bad genetics, bad metabolism, and you can just raise your ass from the sofa and start working on yourself, set the goal and believe in yourself. In this case, you will definitely succeed.

(c) Arnold Schwarzenegger

Motivational Quotes

The five components of the path to victory are durability, speed, strength, skill and will. And the will is the most important thing!

Motivational Quotes

There are no restrictions: the more you strive for something, the further you can move.

Motivational Quotes

If something moves me forward, then only my weakness I hate and transform into my strength.

(c) Michael Jordan

Motivational Quotes

It is impossible – this is just a loud word, followed by little people. It is easier for them to live in the usual world than to find the strength to change something. Impossible is not a fact. This is only an opinion. Impossible is not a sentence. It's a challenge. Impossible is a chance to show yourself. It is impossible – it is not forever. It is impossible.

Motivational Quotes

You will fail. You will have injuries. You will be mistaken. You will have periods of depression and despair. Family, study, work, problems of life – all this is more than once and not two will be a hindrance to trainings. However, the arrow of your internal compass should always show the same direction – to the target.

Motivational Quotes

Make at least once that, according to others, you are not on the shoulder. After that you will never pay attention to their rules and restrictions.

Сильные и мотивирующие спортивные цитаты и афоризмы!

Спорт для многих – это благородное занятие, что выявляет в человеке не только физические способности, но и силу характера. По этой причине цитаты про спорт мотивируют людей и самих быть сильнее и смелее, не бояться преград, и видеть цель, к которой стоит стремиться.

Powerful and motivating sports quotes and aphorisms! Powerful and motivating sports quotes and aphorisms! Powerful and motivating sports quotes and aphorisms!Powerful and motivating sports quotes and aphorisms!

Powerful and motivating sports quotes and aphorisms!Powerful and motivating sports quotes and aphorisms!

Powerful and motivating sports quotes and aphorisms!Powerful and motivating sports quotes and aphorisms!

Powerful and motivating sports quotes and aphorisms! Powerful and motivating sports quotes and aphorisms! Powerful and motivating sports quotes and aphorisms! Powerful and motivating sports quotes and aphorisms!

Мотивация к спорту: цитаты | NUR.KZ.

То, что заниматься спортом полезно, — прописная истина. Но осознания этого недостаточно, чтобы сменить мягкий диван на штангу с гантелями. Чтобы появилась мотивация к спорту, порой достаточно правильных слов. Сильный эффект оказывают мудрые высказывания авторитетных и великих людей.

Мотивация к спорту для девушек: цитаты

В обществе эталоном целеустремленности и силы принято считать мужчин. По крайней мере, этого от них ожидают. Однако есть девушки, которые по этим параметрам дадут фору большей части сильной половины человечества.

Они терпят сотни часов тренировок, десятки неудач, но все равно продолжают двигаться к цели. Что говорят такие женщины о спорте?

  • Анита Луценко.

Многократная чемпионка Украины и мастер спорта по художественной гимнастике, серебряный призер чемпионата Европы по спортивной аэробике. Успешный фитнес-тренер и телеведущая:

  • Эвелина Хромченко.

Журналистка, писательница, ведущая программы «Модный приговор», преподаватель журфака МГУ:

  • Мария Шарапова.

Заслуженный мастер спорта по теннису, одна из лучших теннисисток мира, многократная победительница турниров Большого шлема, серебряный призер Олимпиады в Лондоне:

  • Оксана Чусовитина.

Гимнастка, золотая медалистка Олимпиады 1992 года, трехкратный победитель мирового первенства, чемпионка Европы, многократная победительница Азиатских игр. Чусовитина — единственная женщина в истории гимнастики, принявшая участие в семи Олимпийских играх подряд, говорит о мотивации так:

  • Серена Уильямс.

Обладательница кубка Большого шлема, многократная победительница турниров WTA, олимпийская чемпионка 2012 года, двукратная обладательница кубка Холмана, победительница турнира Федерации:

Обладательница четырех золотых и двух серебряных олимпийских медалей, двукратный победитель чемпионата мира, заняла второе место на чемпионате Европы 1973 года:

  • Лариса Латынина.

Девятикратная олимпийская чемпионка по гимнастике, многократная чемпионка мира и Европы, заслуженный мастер спорта, заслуженный тренер и работник физкультуры Российской Федерации:

Read also: Лучшие цитаты про путешествия и отдых

Мотивация для тренировок: цитаты

Все еще не нашли мотивацию? Прочтите цитаты величайших мужчин современности, которые добились огромных результатов в спорте и жизни. Вероятно, им известен какой-то секрет.

  • Винсент Ломбарди.

The best coach in the history of the National League of American Football. Under his leadership, the Green Bay Packers team has become a five-time champion of the national championship, as well as twice in a row won the "Superbul":

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Bodybuilding icon. Seven-time Mr. Olympia, fivefold Mr. Universe in two federations, founder of the Arnold Classic tournament, twice Governor of California, Successful film actor, awarded award for the best male role, Commander of the Order of the Honorary Legion:

  • Michael Jordan.

One of the most famous basketball players of the world. Two-time Olympic champion, six-time NBA champion, the most effective national league player during the 1987-1993 periods. and 1996-1998, included in the top 50 of the greatest players in the history of NBA.

Martial arts master, popular film actor and writer, owner of the black belt of the eighth degree in Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu and Tansudo, the inventor of Karate's own style, has not lost a single fight since 1968:

Master Kung Fu, actor, director, screenwriter, philosopher. The winner of the Kinonagrada "Golden Horse" for acrobatic tricks. Founder of the style of Kung Fu – Jitkundo. For a brief life, the Icon of Oriental Martial Arts was becoming an icon:

Olympic boxing champion in 1960, heavyweight champion in heavyweight, six-time "boxer of the year", century athlete, according to the GQ edition, included in the hall of the boxing glory. Active public figure that has become a symbol of freedom and increambable will for many people:

American swimmer, which nine times held the first place at the Olympic Games, won 7 gold medals at the Olympic Games in 1972. Thirty three times installed global records, he was recognized three times the best swimmer of the world:

Someone believes that motivation in sports is nonsense, the beautiful words of those who are lucky more than the rest. Yes, people are not equal, but this does not mean that you need to lower your hands and surrender. In these quotations, a deep meaning is hidden, the point of how to live to seek goals.

Remember: even a talented person to succeed, it is necessary to make inhuman efforts, because first of all you need to win the war in your head.

See also: Quotes of great people about life

The best motivating quotes and phrases about career and sports

Motivating quotes. How to decide on a serious step?

Often we need just a magic kick. A man is so arranged – because of the fear disgraced, lose, lose everything or even just change the balance of resources, it is not solved on important actions. Sometimes these actions are really big – for example, to open a business, sell your favorite apartment or take up a large project.

Sometimes the tasks are not so large-scale – to invite a girl on a date, with which you do not move the eyes for three months, or buy a ticket to Paris, to finally implement a childhood dream – see the Eiffel Tower.

For each of these actions, the inner strength is needed, determination and a little faith in itself.Возможно, эти 15 цитат помогут вам начать делать то, что вы давно уже хотели сделать.

Цитаты, помогающие решиться на серьезный шаг:

  1. «В 100% случаев не предпринятые попытки не увенчаются успехом», – Уейн Гретцки.
  2. «Лучший способ взяться за что-то — перестать говорить и начать делать», — Уолт Дисней.
  3. «Ваше время ограничено, не тратьте его, живя чужой жизнью», – Стив Джобс.
  4. «Бизнесмены часто задают вопрос: „Почему?“. Это хороший вопрос, но не менее важный: „Почему бы и нет?“», – Джеффри Безос.
  5. «Лучшее время, чтобы посадить дерево, было 20 лет назад. Следующее лучшее время – сегодня», — китайская пословица.
  6. "Do not wait. Время никогда не будет подходящим», – Наполеон Хилл
  7. «Ты никогда не пересечёшь океан, если не наберёшься смелости потерять из виду берег», – Христофор Колумб.
  8. «Препятствия – это те страшные вещи, которые вы видите, когда отводите глаза от цели», – Генри Форд.
  9. «Поверь, что ты можешь – и ты уже прошёл половину пути», – Теодор Рузвельт.
  10. «Если вы будете постоянно делать то, что всегда делаете, то продолжите получать то, что получали», — Тони Роббинс.
  11. «Поднимите планку. Do what you seem to be capable. Не задумывайтесь о пределе ваших возможностей. Делайте то, чего сделать не можете», — Пол Арден.
  12. «НОВАЯ идея может быть непонятной, глупой или одновременно глупой и непонятной. Нельзя судить о ней по описанию. Ее нужно воплотить», — Пол Арден.
  13. «Бездействие порождает беспокойство и страх. Действие — уверенность и смелость. Если ты хочешь победить страх, не сиди дома и не думай об этом. Встань и действуй», — Мэг Джей.
  14. «На самом деле не существует правильных и неправильных решений. Это ухищрение интеллектуалов. Главное, чтобы решение было принято», — Д. Морган.
  15. «Окончательное решение — решение, которое вы принимаете, прежде чем все решит жена», —Л. Левинсон.

Еще раз о решимости. Правило жизни Генри Форда

Вы наверняка слышали эту известную фразу Генри Форда, которую успешные бизнесмены не устают повторять спустя 73 года после смерти выдающегося создателя ««Ford Motor Company». Звучит эта фраза так: «Если вы думаете, что способны выполнить что-то, или думаете, что не способны на это, вы правы в обоих случая».

Расшифруем. Форд был уверен, что человек своими убеждениями сам программирует себя на успех или неуспех. Это можно объяснять как угодно — законом Вселенной, психологией, аутотренингом, синдромом плацебо или даже магией. Важно одно — программирование мозга работает, человек может настраивать себя на положительный результат.

Психологи не раз пытались объяснить этот феномен. Они пришли к такому выводу — для достижения цели нужно принять решение достичь эту цель, четко обозначить «вот сегодня я начал» или «31 числа запускаю проект и точка». Сама по себе цель без решения прийти к ней — ничто. В таком случае она превращается в мечту или размытые отдаленные перспективы. Это не принесет плодов.

Когда вы примете решение идти к цели, вы:

  1. Будете воспринимать проблемы не как препятствия, а как задачи, которые нужно решить;
  2. Забудете слово «вдохновение» и будете просто по цепочке решать возникающие вопросы, добавляя в процесс немного творчества;
  3. Перестанете психологически ужасно себя чувствовать, испытывать неуверенность и стыд — ведь вы уже увлечетесь собственным делом, у вас появится интерес, огонь в глазах и уважение к себе.
  4. Поймете, что вас вдохновляют не люди, не цели, не мечта детства, а личные достижения. Вам захочется узнать свой предел и вы будете действовать с огромным азартом.

Просто начните работу над собой, и результат не заставит себя ждать:)

Мотивирующие фразы. Цитаты про спорт и мотивацию

Спорт — это дисциплина. Поэтому так много людей ищут цитаты, фразы и мудрые изречения, помогающие им собраться и начать действовать. Мы тоже нашли 15 цитат, которые позволят вам поверить в себя и взяться за собственное тело. В конце концов, это вопрос не только дисциплины, но и вашего здоровья.

Короткие цитаты про спорт и здоровье:

  1. «Бог дал вам тело, которое может вынести почти все! Ваша задача – убедить в этом свой разум!», — Винсент Ломбарди.
  2. «Никто не хочет вставать в 4 утра и идти бегать, когда еще совершенно темно, но это необходимо. The only reason why I do it so early is because I believe that no one else does it. И это дают мне маленькое преимущество», — Майк Тайсон.
  3. «Если человек встает после падения, это не физика, это характер», — Майк Тайсон.
  4. ««Подтянутая женщина всегда добивается того, о чем женщина в халате может только мечтать», — Эвелина Хромченко.
  5. «Если меня что-то и двигает вперед, то только моя слабость, которую я ненавижу и превращаю в мою силу», — Майкл Джордан.
  6. «Ничто так не истощает и не разрушает человеческий организм, как физическое бездействие», — Аристотель.
  7. «Если не бегаешь, пока здоров, придется побегать, когда заболеешь», — Квинт Гораций Флакк.
  8. «Возможно, есть люди более талантливые чем вы, но вы не найдете оправдания, если кто-то работает усерднее вас», — Дерек Джетер.
  9. «Неважно, как медленно ты продвигаешься. Главное – ты не останавливаешься», — Брюс Ли.
  10. «Спорт – доступный источник самосовершенствования для каждого человека», — Пьер де Кубертен.
  11. «Чемпионы играют до тех пор, пока не получат то, что им нужно», — Билли Джин Кинг.
  12. «Если ты не готов трудиться, значит, ты готов проиграть», — Майкл Спитц.
  13. «Если у вас все под контролем, значит, вы движетесь недостаточно быстро», — Марио Андретти.
  14. «Тому, кто спит, не достается ничего, кроме грез», — Серена Уильямс.
  15. «Успех — это 1% таланта и 99% труда».

Высказывания спортсменов и великих людей

В интервью знаменитые спортсмены и известные личности не раз рассказывали, как они добивались успехов в спорте и фитнесе. Кто-то построил мировую славу благодаря упорству и развитой силе воли — сутками находился в спортзале, считал каждую съеденную калорию и буквально заставлял верить в себя, не смотря ни на что.Кто-то научился просто следить за телом — хорошо выглядеть, ухаживать за собой без липосакции, гиалуроновой кислоты и белья с пушапами.

Все эти люди — не роботы, а такие же смертные, как любой из нас. Им тоже не хотелось идти в спортзал и ограничивать себя в еде. Однако они нашли способ мотивировать и вдохновлять себя, а также прощать любые слабинки.

Ниже мы привели высказывания знаменитостей о том, как правильно относиться к спорту.

Установки для мотивации от спортсменов и знаменитостей

1. Спорт — это не насилие, а хорошие эмоции

Быть стройной, красивой и подтянутой — работа Джиджи Хадид. Это известная в США модель и телеведущая. Как и многие из нас, она не любит ограничения в еде, а еще ей совсем не хочется превращать спортзал во второе место жительства.

Однако девушка отлично выглядит, потому что нашла баланс между спортом, работой и повседневными развлечениями. На тренировку она заранее настраивает себя положительно. Джиджи выбирает только те упражнения и те виды спорта, которые приносят ей радость. В итоге поход в спортзал становится долгожданным событием, а в ресторане не приходится грустить из-за табу на любимое пирожное.

Вот что говорит Джиджи Хадид о своем отношении к спорту:

«Многие думают, что модели вообще ничего не едят. Но видели бы вы меня в ресторане! Мне кажется, главное – соблюдать баланс. То есть, если ты съела лишнего – завтра отправься в спортзал и хорошо поработай там. И полюби работать над собой и своим телом. Красивыми нас делают положительные эмоции. А за ними я отправляюсь в спортзал».

Модель Карли Клосс согласна с Джиджи Хадид. Он также считает, что занятие спортом должно приносить удовольствие. Не стоит воспринимать его как насилие над собой. Как работу над собой — да. Как учебу — возможно. Но не как насилие. Если вы хотите выглядеть хорошо, просто замените сегодня вечером бег на йогу, но не пропускайте тренировку, ведь главное в спорте — регулярность.

О своих занятиях спортом Карли Клосс пишет так:

«Я занимаюсь спортом 4–5 раз в неделю, а чтобы не заскучать, каждый раз меняю вид физической нагрузки. Я обожаю пробовать что-то новое». That's the whole secret!

Камерон Диаз и вовсе считает, что радость от спорта — это не столько психологическое, сколько физическое явление. Нужно просто понять, что во время тренировки ваше настроение закономерно поднимется, ведь циркуляция крови улучшится.

«Когда вы двигаетесь, сердце бьется чаще, вы чувствуете прилив сил, вас охватывает радостное волнение… Вы живете. After training, your body responds with sweet pain, as if thanks you for being used for its intended purpose. Вы ясно мыслите, ваши чувства обостряются, вы довольны прожитым днем», — уверена Камерон.

2. Провал — это часть успеха

Майкл Джордан — настолько известный баскетболист, что женщины рвут на себе майки, когда видят его сексуальное тело и чувствуют мощную энергетику, исходящую от этого человека. Этот спортсмен нам кажется безупречным, но о себе Майкл говорит так:

"I missed 9,000 times for my career. I lost almost 300 games. 26 times I was trusted by a decisive throw, and I missed. I suffered defeat again and again. And that is why I achieved success. "

Conclusion: Use failures as a bridgehead for a powerful take-off. Work without lesions is impossible. You will always worry about it and want to remain the winner. However, you just have to explain that the major victories will not be without small defeats.

3. Fear is the emotion with which you need to learn to live

Many prevents sports fear. Fears are different – people fear shame, failures, and are still afraid of physical consequences. For example, they are scary to get injuries, trying new elements. Sometimes it is even scary to carry out the tricky program, which they seem to know thoroughly.

Great athletes advise relate to fear easier. Fear will still be, this is not a disease that can be cured and forget. These are hormones that are actively starting to work every time you are preparing to make unusual actions – meet a new opponent or make a new item. You will not be able to completely remove fear, but you can take its energy and send it into the case. All you need is just start controlling fear.

Famous boxer Mike Tyson said about fear so:

"Fear is your best friend and your worst enemy. It's like fire. You control the fire – and you can cook on it. You lose control over him – and he will burn everything around and kill you. "

Conclusion: For sports, you need to remember three things:

  1. Treat sports as a pleasant pastime. Do not wait for him bad;
  2. Forgive yourself failures – they will still be. Just get up and keep moving on;
  3. Do not try to completely get rid of fear – it is impossible. But it is possible to learn to control it: then he will work on your hand.

Motivation for drive and success for every day. Inspirational aphorisms

Finally, we give several aphorisms and appeals that can inspire and motivate you every day.

  1. "Exercise your dreams, or someone will hire you for the exercise of yours," Farra Gray.
  2. "Successful people do something that unsuccessful do not want to do. Do not strive to be easier, strive to be better, "- Jim Ron.
  3. "If people do not laugh at your goals, then your goals are too small," the Asim of the Premiers.
  4. "Try to get what you love, otherwise you will have to love what they got," Bernard Shaw.
  5. "Success is a movement from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm," Winston Churchill.
  6. "The bullet, who won the inch of the goal, is also useless, as the one that did not fly out of the blur," Fenimore Cooper.
  7. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will have a success, "Herman Cain.
  8. "I did not tolerate defeats. I just found 10,000 ways that do not work, "Thomas Edison.
  9. "Who wants – looking for opportunities. Who does not want – looking for reasons, "Socrates.
  10. "Choose the profession you love – and you will not have to work in your life," Confucius.
  11. "Poor, unsuccessful, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word" tomorrow "," Robert Kiyosaki.
  12. "There is only one type of work that does not cause depression is the work that you do not have to do," George Elgosi.
  13. "The last degree of failure is the first step of success," – Carlo Dossi.
  14. "Even if you are very talented and make great efforts, for some results it is simply required: you will not get a child in a month, even if you make the pregnant in nine women," Warren Buffett.
  15. "Heavy work is a cluster of the lungs that you did not, when they had to do," John Maxwell.
  16. "The strive is not to succeed, but to ensure that your life makes sense," Albert Einstein.
  17. "Live is not to breathe, it means to act. Not that person lived most of all, which can count more, and the one who most of all felt life, "- Jean – Jacques Rousseau.
  18. "Many things seem impracticable until they do," Nelson Mandela.
  19. "The biggest mistake that we can do is constantly afraid to make a mistake," Elbert Hubbard.
  20. «Without loving himself, you can't face myself face to face. You will avoid yourself, "- Osho.

And what motivational and inspirational quotes are in the zakachka you?

20 quotes about sports and motivation

Each of us at any time can fall apath, uncertainty in yourself, fear of difficulties … Yes, anything! But this is not a reason to lower your hands.

You need to believe in yourself and move forward. Everything is achievable!

To at least somehow support you on the way to your goal, we picked up 20 inspirational quotes about sports and motivation. Go!

20 quotes about sports and motivation

1. Bruce Lee. The goal does not have to be achieved. Sometimes it's just a direction to move on.

2. Jackie Chan. The best way to success is to fall in love with what you are doing.

3. Mike Tyson. Do not grieve failure. All fall. Only someone gets up faster, and someone continues to roll and whine.

4. Angelina Jolie. Take bold solutions and make mistakes. It all makes you that person you are.

5. Arnold Schwarzenegger. You can say that you have a bad genetics, bad metabolism, and you can just raise your ass from the sofa and start working on yourself, set the goal and believe in yourself. In this case, you will definitely succeed.

20 quotes about sports and motivation

6. Mohammed Ali. Champions are not in the gym. To become a champion – you need to start deeply from the inside – with the desire, dreams and clearly presentation of your success.

7. Kostya Tszyu. Any difficulty in this life is not just so, she is for something.

8. Duane Johnson Rock. The ideal does not exist, but to pass his ass to achieve it, it is necessary – this leads to success.

9. Alexander Ovechkin. My steel character also needs to harden. I never cease to work on myself and learn, as I want to be improved as a personality and as a hockey player.

10. Sylvester Stallone. Remember, the mind is your best muscle. Large hands can move stones, but great words are able to roll the mountains … Ride the train of the brain to success.

11. Jason Statham. Give what you have. Perhaps for someone it will be more valuable than you can imagine.

20 quotes about sports and motivation

12. Tina Kandelaki. We must be proud of our achievements, not decorations.

13. Chuck Norris. At any time, you can be in one step from the accuracy of the dream of the whole of your life, but only with the condition that you are going to meet all the possibilities that can make your dream.

14. Mikhail Porechenkov. It is necessary to work on what goes, and not on what does not go! Then you can achieve amazing success.

15. Tiger Woods. If you get tired of walking – run.

20 quotes about sports and motivation

16. Alexander Karelin. Everyone understands how sport is a serious and important tool for self-esteem and self-identification of the nation.

17. Haruki Murakov. Muscles are increasing hard, but they go easily. Fat is increasing easily, but it goes hard. The fact is unpleasant, but it does not cease to be a fact.

18. Michael Phelps. The formula of normal life does not do without sports.

19. Richard Branson. The lesson that I learned and to which the whole life, was to try, and try, and again trying – but never give up!

20. Michael Jordan. If something moves me forward, then only my weakness I hate and transform into my strength.

Material prepared: Alexander Sergeev

( 9 estimates, average 5 from 5 )

How to motivate yourself to sport and achieve your goals

The word motivation comes from the Latin verb "Moveo", which means "moving". It follows that motivation is a psychoactive process that drives and manages a person to achieve some specific goal. In this article, we will look at the main aspects of such a phenomenon as motivation in sports and will try to answer the main question: how to motivate yourself to sport?

How to motivate yourself for sports

In fact, the issue of motivation for sports is relevant not only for people for whom sports is a means for self-development, but even for professional athletes. Sometimes it is difficult to get out of bed in the morning, not to mention training. But remember once and for all: the real success in sports will never connect random circumstances, this is the pattern of your will!

Causes of motivation in sports

Probably, motivation for sports is an even more difficult question than the training process itself. And these are not empty words. Sport of great achievements is, first of all, not talent and not even skill. This is the nature and power of will. No great athlete would have achieved their sports advances without perseverance and the Will's Rail Force: when the word "want" is replaced by the word "need" and no excuses here.And even if the Great Brazilian Football Player Romario in his time told that the workout is for the weak, and they are not needed strong, then these words need to be regarded just like a joke and no more. To achieve something in sports, it does not matter, or get the Olympic awards or just to achieve the goal to lose weight, you must first of all be able to leave the usual zone of comfort. Without it, such is severe realities. What goes around comes around.

But where to look for motivation to sport? There are so-called motivating factors to which include:

  • Achieving success. Success in any sport brings a great pleasure athlete, gives him the result of his own work and zeal, and the harder and thorny was this way, the greater the degree of satisfaction.
  • Recognition from other people who feeds the feeling of self-esteem and self-esteem. A person feels at least no worse than the rest.
  • The possibility of growth and development, giving a person confidence in the future.
  • The maintenance of sports activities, stimulating the development of an athlete. Any training process should be diverse that as best can affect sports results.

Heavy work on yourself

The path to success is very thorny and difficult. But the more difficult to achieve the goal, the minor the taste of victory. The main keys to the achievements of any purpose are the work on yourself and self-discipline.

How to be successful

How to be successfulAlways remember one golden rule: to achieve any results in sports (no matter, professional athlete you are or exclusively) you need to be able to sacrifice many (walks with friends or second half, free time, etc.). Unfortunately, without this in any way. It is not easy, but it will force this to truly feel his ability for anything, to develop an iron power of will, without which nothing is significant in life. But how nice to realize after all these passed difficulties and inconvenience is that you are capable of more than thought. Very cool about this was said in the same famous song of the young artist Valentin DSL – you are an athlete: "Probably cool to sit in the ruler's chair, but still steeper feel the winner!".

The desire to be always in a tone, feel the charge of energy and strength – this is the key to how to make yourself work on yourself. After all, athletes are the category of people who are all, without exception, are proud to do. They are always full of strength and look into the future with optimism, because they have something to strive for, they always know what they want. In this, there is one of the meanings of life – to live for what you do. You feel yourself with an ordinary gray biomass, but quite capable, biologically active person who lives a full life.

Sources of motivation

An excellent motivator for sports and achieve high results in it can be viewing various motivating video for training. Survey the videos of those people whose figure you like. It is not necessary to be famous athletes or movie stars. These may be ordinary people who have changed their lives who have reached a certain goal and want to share the knowledge they received by passing through all the accompanying difficulties. After viewing this kind of video, it will be more difficult for you to once again find excuses so that for any reason you will regret yourself and skip the workout. Remember, skipping at least one workout is two steps back on the way to achieving your goal.

The period of "fault"

At the stage of progress, sooner or later an irreversible decline may occur. On the way to achieving the goal, or most often after its achievement, the athlete occurs the so-called psychological spill. This stage is characterized by a low level of motivation, its signs include the following manifestations:

  • The defective statement in the training process: you begin to regret yourself and do not post 100%.
  • The lack of pleasure in the process of training when classes resemble the routine more than the way to self-development.
  • Cutting the duration of workouts: You start working less than laid.

The fault period is very difficult to overcome, but if you are going to achieve something in sports, and not just, for example, "prepare your form by summer," then you need to be able to survive. Sports are trying (yes, yes, it is trying) to engage in many people, but real success (no matter, conquer the Olympic medal or just look sporty every day and all year round) seeks only 7% of their number, and the rest – spend time wasted without achieving nothing. And it is precisely these 7% and know how to overcome this fault period when the word "want" is replaced by the word "necessary". A truly motivated athlete will not stop the fault period, no failure, as he knows how to work on mistakes and continues to go further. This is the real power of the will, when difficult periods and failures do not break, but, on the contrary, they temper.

The most faithful solution in order to get out of the break period as quickly as possible – follow progress. So you can determine the degree of development and how much your training process is suitable for you. Remember: There is no training program for everyone, it is selected taking into account the individual abilities of each. Do not be afraid to experiment – this is one of how to achieve the goal.


To all of the above, it is possible to give a quotation not just an athlete, but a great person. Here is the motivation from Arnold Schwarzenegger: "You can say that you have a bad genetics, bad metabolism, and you can just raise your ass from the sofa and start working on yourself, set the goal and believe in yourself. In this case, you will definitely succeed. "Also, no need to forget that before you win someone, you need to defeat yourself.

Best Motivating Films about Sport

A lot of works of modern pop culture are dedicated to sports. Not left aside and cinema. Modern athletes admire, they become the persons of famous brands, are filmed in advertising and cinema. We have collected a list of the best sports movies for a cozy home viewing.

"Legend number 17"

A film with Danila Kozlovsky in the lead role tells about the star hockey player Valeria Kharlamov, who spent 17. This is the story of disappointment and overcoming, which, of course, will end with a brilliant victory. The plot is built around the match against the Canadian national team, in which Russia won with a crushing score of 7: 3.

"Champions. Faster, higher, stronger"

Russian film about sports "Champions. Faster, above, more stronger, talks about the career of the legendary fighter Alexander Karelina, Gymnasts Svetlana Horkina and Swimmer Alexander Popova. The tape consists of three stories from which it is impossible to tear off.

"Tonya against all"

In this film about sports based on real events, Actress Margo Robbie performed the role of the scandalous famous figure skater Tony Harding, which prepares a cruel conspiracy against the main competitor. However, an unexpected athlete itself becomes a victim of his intrigue.

"Upward movement"

The most cash register of the Russian film about Sport, telling about the basketball coach Vladimir the warranty. He was not afraid to challenge the strongest US national team and reached his goal, overcoming all the troubles and failures.


In this Russian film about sports, Danil Kozlovsky not only fulfilled the main role, but also acted as director. The plot is built around the life of the football player Yuri Tabletikov, who after disqualification receives an offer to become a coach of the unlucky regional team. Despite the weak training of players, the hero will lead them to victory.

"The man who changed everything"

An excellent motivating film involving Brad Pitt, who received as many as six Oscars. Based on the biography of the head of the baseball team, which is not afraid to take risks and adventures, developing a game strategy.


One of the best sports films with the Star Acting Makeup. This is a drama about the talented boxer Bill Hope, which leaves sports at the peak of a career to spend more time with his family. But evil fate deprives his wife and daughter. To return his life, the hero is forced to again go to the top of the sports Olympus.

"A fight with a shadow"

The Russian film is removed in the militant genre. To date, there are already two sequels, but none did not tell the success of the first part. The plot tells about the boxer who quickly became famous. But during an important championship, the hero turns out to be drawn into criminal intrigues, and he will have to protect his loved ones.


Very high quality motivating film based on real events. Starring Russell Crowe, the action takes place in the United States during the Great Depression. Heavyweight boxer James Braddock tries to support his family, but he doesn't always succeed. Injuries and failures knock the ground out from under the athlete's feet, but an unexpected victory changes everything.

"The hammer"

An excellent Russian film featuring Alexei Chadov and Oksana Akinshina tells about the wrestler Victor. Once, while preparing for an important battle, he gets into a fight with a bandit, where he gets seriously injured. Everyone predicts the end of the athlete's career, but he does not intend to give up.