Long and short words |

Words long and short The purpose of the games below is to reinforce in children the knowledge of

Long and short words

The purpose of the games below – to consolidate in children the knowledge that sounds in a word are pronounced in a certain sequence; show them that different words have a different number1 of sounds (words are long and short), there are few sounds in a short word, so it does not sound long; there are many sounds in a long word, and it sounds longer; teach children to independently find long and short words.

name the word

visual material. Demo sound bar #2.

Sound box No. 2

The teacher invites the children to pronounce any words, and when they say a few, he draws their attention to the fact that all these words are different. “And today,” the teacher continues, “we will learn something new about the words, and the sound line will help us with this. (Sound ruler No. 2 differs from No. 1 in that the bottoms of the windows are painted in a different color, and when the teacher, pronouncing the word, simultaneously pushes the movable part of the ruler, windows open according to the number of sounds of the word.) These are the blue squares in it. – says the teacher, – like sounds, they go one after another, but do not disappear, they can be seen and even counted. The teacher invites one of the children to clearly pronounce the word so that all the sounds sound good, and at the same time he shows on the ruler how the windows open one after the other. For example, if a child pronounces the word juice, then three blue windows open in succession. Several more children pronounce the same word, and each time the teacher demonstrates a successive change of sounds with the help of a ruler. Then, on the instructions of the teacher, the children pronounce other, longer words (table, bear, Cheburashka), and he draws their attention to the fact that there are few sounds in one word, and many in another. The teacher illustrates the number of sounds in words with the help of a sound ruler. Inviting the children to pronounce the words inkwell, pencil, teacher, he shows them that there are so many sounds in these words that there are not enough windows on the sound ruler. Then the teacher again asks the children to pronounce any words and illustrates each word with an audio ruler. Since children usually find it difficult at first to choose short words that are convenient for work, he himself can offer them the following: mustache, he, already, oh, Ira, cheese.

Who will find the short word?

visual material. Demonstration sound rulers No. 2: for children – 25X4 cm in size, for a teacher – 60X8 cm.

The teacher on a large demonstration ruler once again shows that different words have a different number of sounds, and the duration of its sound depends on how many sounds there are in a word. The teacher selects short words (2-3 sounds) – ball, bow and long ones – turntable, refrigerator. Then he teaches the children to work with the ruler themselves, offering to pronounce short words: cheese, tea, poppy, cancer, beetle.


Visual material. Toys and objects located in the group room; Individual sound rules.

The educator offers children to watch around and "search" short and long words, the lead is chosen, he should walk around the room and look for items with a short name. Finding such an object or toy, he must stop in front of him and clap your hands. All children follow the actions of the master and on their Lines check whether it corrects the task. The next lead is looking for items with a long name.

Word can be fused

The teacher says to children, to find out, a long word or short, you can steps. He pronounces the Word Soup and simultaneously walks. The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that it turned out only one step; Pronounces the word ball, steps, children walk too – and again one step. "That's what a short word, one step has time to do! – says the educator and invites children to call different words and simultaneously walk." Who will call the longest word, the winner. "Beginning." Children call words, the teacher helps them.

You do not need to count the steps, the main thing is to pay attention to the duration of the word sound.

Who gone forward?

This game is carried out, as well as the previous one, but the children walk along the rope. Wins the one who will find the longest word. The educator ensures that when misapproving, the children uttered words do not rush and long: VvospiitaTeelelnniezaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The game is repeated during the school year several times.

Catch the ball

Children stand in two ranks face to each other. Standing the first to keep the ball, the game is that the children say short words in one rank, to the other – long and pass the ball nearby. The game begins at the signaler. If anyone calls the word incorrect, the one who he handed over the ball should hit them about the floor – the point is lost. Educator and jury (two more children) count the number of errors – lost glasses. The game is then repeated first, but those children who picked up long words should now be pronounced short, and vice versa.

This game has options:

  • a) Each child remembers two words at once – short and long. In this case, the jury determines by the hour, which rank quickly coped with the task;
  • b) Children of one rank come up with short nicknames for a kitten, children are different – short puppy puppy. The tutor writes the answers and then reads them. Together decide whose answers were the most successful;
  • c) The educator proposes to remember the words similar to the sound, short, it is allowed to invent and "their" words, even those that are not. First, they pick up the words of the children of one rank, for example, by the word nose (cable, pos, mine, grew, Kos, FOS), then the children of the second rank – by the word floor (count, goal, they say, Bol, Lol, Dol.). The teacher writes all words, then reads; Winners are defined together.

What happens?

Visual material. Предметные картинки: лис, лист, кот, уж (все названия короткие); демонстрационная и индивидуальные звуковые линейки № 2, веревка.

Наращивание слогов в слове

Воспитатель выставляет на стенде картинку, на которой изображен лис, и говорит, что короткое слово лис нужно превратить в длинное. Дети называют слова (лисище, лисонька, лисеночек, лисичка, лисица. ). Короткое слово лис дети проговаривают протяжно и следят за последовательным расположением звуков с помощью своих индивидуальных линеек. Длинные слова воспитатель демонстрирует на большой линейке.

Затем воспитатель показывает картинку с изображением листа, дети изменяют слово, превращая его в длинное (листочек, листики, лиственный. ). Произнося длинные слова, они шагают вдоль веревки.

Такая работа проводится и со словами кот (котенок, котофей, котеночек), уж, (ужонок, ужоночек) и др.

Для наглядной демонстрации наращивания слогов в слове (когда короткое слово преобразуется в длинное) воспитатель графически изображает слоги в виде квадратов. Например, односложное слово превращается в слова двух- и трехсложные (уж — ужок, ужонок; лук — лучок, луковка).

Что приготовить лисятам на обед?

Это и два следующих игровых упражнения объединены общим рассказом воспитателя, в ходе которого он задает детям вопросы. Рассказ или сказку каждый воспитатель может придумать свою, но в любом случае должны быть два основных героя — с длинным и коротким именем, и соответственно этому один из них должен любить все, что называется длинным словом, а второй то, что коротким. Приведем образец такого рассказа вместе с возможными вопросами воспитателя и ответами детей.

«Жили-были два лисенка. Как их звали? Придумайте, ребята, им клички, кличка одного лисенка должна быть короткой, а другого — длинной. Как мы их назовем? (Лис, Кыш, Таф, Вилли, Тиш, Рыж. Патрикеич; Рыжулька, Остроносик, Рыжехвостик. ) Пусть будут Кыш и Рыжехвостик. Кыш любил все то, что называлось короткими словами, а Рыжехвостик, наоборот, то, что называлось длинными словами. Много хлопот было у мамы-лисы с приготовлением обеда: что кому готовить, не знает. Поможем, дети выбрать ей первые блюда. Что стал бы есть Кыш? Не забудьте, что названия должны быть короткими. (Дети предлагают суп, щи, уху, борщ. Длина слова проверяется линеечкой.) А что с длинным названием можно приготовить для Рыжехвостика? (Дети предлагают свекольник, рассольник, окрошку.) (Длина слова определяется на слух или по шагам.) А что могла бы приготовить лисонька из вторых блюд? Сначала для Кыша. (Дети перечисляют: „Кашу, плов, рагу“.) А для Рыжехвостика? (Котлеты, тефтели, макароны, яичницу.) Что мог бы получить Кыш на третье? (Сок, чай, квас, морс.) А Рыжехвостик? (Лимонад, какао, компот, мороженое.) Обрадовалась бы лисонька, если б услышала все ваши ответы». (Длина слов — названий вторых и третьих блюд — определяется только на слух.The previous exercises with the ruler, rope, steps, of course, should have already given the children a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200blong and short words.)

How did the foxes share the toys?

(Continuation of the previous exercise)

The teacher sits the children next to him and begins to tell:

“Fox cubs once met in the forest with a kind wizard. He returned home from the guests in the evening, it was dark, and the wizard got lost in an unfamiliar place. It was then that the foxes met him, helped him get out of the thicket onto the road and escorted him to the house. The wizard wanted to thank the brothers, touched the stump with his wand, and the stump turned into a large bag filled with toys; The kids were friendly, they always played together, but still they loved different toys, and therefore they decided to share the toys given by the magician. How do you think the brothers divided the toys?

The children answer that toys with a short name went to Kysh, and with a long one – to Redtail. The initiative in the selection of toys belongs entirely to the children. To make it easier for them to select, the teacher can lay out toys with long and short names in prominent places in advance. This will not reduce the mental load in children, since the child must mentally select the necessary among the names of the objects he sees. Children should not be rushed with an answer. words are determined only by ear.

By the type of this game, another one can be played. The only difference will be that, say, the cubs met a girl Masha with a basket in the forest and helped her pick mushrooms, berries, flowers with long and short names.

Chur, mine!

Just as during the previous game exercises, the teacher gathers the children around him and continues his story about the cubs:

“Fox cubs walked through the forest, got tired, lay down on the grass to rest. They lie, look at the sky, suddenly they see some point approaching – a bird. “Chur, mine!” said Redtail. And it turned out to be a bird with a short name – siskin. “No, mine! The name is short!“ Kysh was delighted. They look, someone is flying again, “Now it’s mine! Mind you, mine!” says Redtail. Indeed, three birds flew by below, and each had a long name. What kind of birds were they, children? . ( Possible answers of children: a lark, a crow, a swallow, a starling, a magpie, a cuckoo, a sparrow.) Kysh was upset: no more points are visible in the sky, but suddenly he hears how some two birds hid behind the leaves of a tree and sing to him: “We yours, we are yours! “Who could it be?” (Rook, swift.)

The teacher can also say that the foxes heard rustling, buzzing, etc. in the bushes, and then the children will have to name the hiding insects with short and long names (axes, beetle, spider.; dragonfly, ant, caterpillar, butterfly.).

I expand children's knowledge about the world around them;

I continue to introduce children to the syllabic structure the wordsshowing them that in different Words Miscellaneous number of syllables «Words Long and Short»;

Developing thinking, imagination, speech;

Develop a phonderatic perception.


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dlinnye_i_korotkie_slova.zip. 13.8 KB


MBDOU "Kindergarten of the Outhouse Type No. 118"

OOD in the middle group

By learning a diploma

"Long and short words"

Prepared: Rudakova E. Yu.

Objective: Teach children to find long and short words.

expanding the knowledge of children about the world around;

Continue to acquaint children with a syllable structure of the word, show them that in different words, a different number of syllables "Words are long and short";

develop thinking, imagination, speech;

Develop a phonderatic perception.

Children enter the group room.

In the morning kids got up,

All came to the kindergarten.

We are glad as always.

Guests here from morning

Let's wish our guests good in the morning. And let this wish be warm and joyful.

Educator: And give them a good mood. We will make our good sunpers (handles fold the circle, we will show them and say.

Hello the sun is gold (handles fold a circle,

Hello blue sky (handles rise up

Hello fast rods (moving with handles as waves,

Hello autumn day (weaving hands,

We live in one edge (we describe the circle with your hands,

I really love everyone (hug yourself).

Educator: Guys, do you like to play?

Today we go to the country of magic words.

So let's find ourselves together in this wonderful country of long and short words. Turn around him around 3 times, in the magic fairy tale of words you will find. (While children are circling around themselves, the educator is reincarnated in the gnome with a backpack behind his back or goes Gnome)

Gnome: Let's get acquainted. My name is a gnome – a gnome. And now I want to know your name with a short and long word Julia – Yuleka, etc. d.

Gnome: I have a job in a backpack for you, if you cope with them, I prepared a surprise for you.

Task number 1 "Words can be fused (stroll)." Gnome tells children that it is possible to learn a long and short word in steps (cotton). He utters the word "sheet", and then invites the child to fuse (stroll) This word, the next word "leaf fall", invites another child and asks to fuse (stroll) by syllables, repeat 2-3 times with different words, while counting steps ( Cotton) Do not mainly – pay attention to the duration of the word sound.

Gnome: Well done with the task coped.

Task number 2 On the board depicted 2 house "House" and a large "domic" Children should find pictures with a short name of the word "Beetle, Elephant, Cat" Place these words in "House", and words with the long name "Bear, Hippo, Monkey "In your" Domysch ".

Gnome: And with this task you coped, well done!

Educator: And now we are a little rest of the "respiratory gymnastics". Children blow from their palms confetti on the sheet cooked tinted leaf.Confetti are glued and the word is obtained. The teacher circles the letters with a black marker. Children say together with the teacher: Autumn!

Dwarf: You surprised me with your gymnastics, and I have one more task. Can you handle it? And it consists in this: you must look at the picture to find long and short words.

Gnome: Do you know that words can be found everywhere

Children say a poem together:

I can find words everywhere

both in the sky and in the water,

on the floor, on the ceiling,

on the nose and on the hand,

Haven't you heard this?

No problem! Played with the word.

Gnome: Well done! You deserve a surprise (gives a box with a surprise). Well, it's time for me to say goodbye to you, I was glad to spend time with you. Have a nice day!

Educator: did you like traveling with the gnome, what did you learn new? (Children's saying that words are short and long, that they can be slammed, depicted with a picture). Well, it's time for us to return to the group.

Turn back 3 times

Find yourself in your group.

Educator: Well done, let's say goodbye to the guests.

The children say goodbye to the guests and play with the Gnome's surprise.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

In the process of work, I concluded that better results can be achieved if training activities are carried out using.

The purpose of this exercise game is to develop the phonemic hearing of children, to determine the first sound in a word. 6 pictures appear on the slide. It is necessary to determine the first sound of the word and find a pair, i.e. words.

Compendium of a lesson on teaching literacy.

Program content: To form practical skills for measuring length using a conditional measure. To form ideas about the dependence of the measurement result on the size of the measure. Close

The syllabic composition of the word. Striking syllable.

Purpose: differentiation of sounds [in] [in '] in syllables, words. Tasks: Automate sounds [in] [in '] in syllables, words, sentences. Learn to differentiate sounds [in] [in&rsquo.

The memo is intended for parents in order to fill in the gaps in the knowledge of phonetic parsing of words (sounds of speech in the Russian language), competently do homework with children.

Elizaveta Alekseeva
"Words are long and short." Games, exercises and GCD as a means of developing the phonemic perception of preschoolers

Subject: «Words are long and short»

Target: Continue to introduce children to syllabic structure the words; what syllables in words are pronounced in a certain sequence, show them that in different words different number of syllableswords long and short»; teach children to find long and short words. Develop phonemic awareness.

Educational tasks: Expand children's knowledge about the world around them.

Development tasks: We develop thinking, Imagination, speech, articulation generalize fine motor skills.

Educational tasks: the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in activities.

Lesson progress:

The children enter the group room.

Educator: So the winter came, different I brought words to us. If we look in the window all around white white. What kind the words Brought us the winter?

Children: Snow, snowman, Snow Maiden, Winter, etc.

Educator: turns out Words are long and short: snow-snowman.

Want to play in the wordsSo let's find ourselves together in this wonderful country. Long and short words. Turn around him around 3 times, in a magical fairy tale Words you wonder. (At the time when children are circling around themselves, Educator Reincarnated in the gnome with a backpack behind his back)

Dwarf: Let's get acquainted. My name is a gnome – a gnome. And now I want to know your name Short and long word Julia – Yule and T. d.

Dwarf: I have a task for you in the backpack if you handle it, I prepared a surprise for you. (Let us read, task number 1 "Words can be fused»Gnome tells children what to learn Long and short word You can pronounce in steps word "Snow" and then invites the child to fuse it word,following word "Snowman" invites another child and asks to fuse in syllables, repeat 2-3 times, count the steps do not need to pay attention to the duration of the sound the words.)

Dwarf: Well done coped with the task. (Task number 2 on the board depicted 2 house "House" and a large "domic" children should find pictures with short name word»Mouse, Elephant, Cat" Place these Words B. "Houses Long title words "Bear, Rhino, Monkey" in his "Domysch")

Dwarf: And with this task you coped, well done!

(Task number 3 Gnombic gets from a backpack a sound line The attention of children by drawing to such a feature as a long sound the words «short and long words» A short word has one syllable and long many syllables.)

Dwarf: I'm name word short and show on the sound line in the top row and in the bottom row of the sound line it word convert into long, Cat – Cat, Mouse – Mouse. Well done coped with the task. Task number 4.

Dwarf: Let's make gifts for my gnomes brothers, give them your drawings, but we draw it. Draw your favorite toy and tell me how in word it is denoted by long or short. (ball, car)

Dwarf: And you know what Words can be found everywhere

children: yes children say poem together me Word I will find everywhere

and in the sky and in water

on the floor on the ceiling

on the nose and on hand

You did not hear such

No problem! Played B. word.

Dwarf: Well done! You deserve a surprise gives Box with surprise.

Back 3 times turn

In your group to find.

(Gnome returns to Educator)

Educator: Gnome left the confetti "respiratory gymnastics". Children blowing with their palms confetti on a piece cooked tinted leaf. Confetti is glued and it turns out the words. Educator Cars the letter with a black marker. children Read: Happy New Year! Here, such a message left us a gnome.And we will see what brought us a gnome (candies)

Conclusion you enjoyed traveling with a gnome that new you learned (Children's statement)what Words are short and longthat they can be fused, depict the pattern and show on the sound line, etc.

Educator: Well done, gives candy from the gnome.

Didactic allowance "Sound ruler" for children of senior preschool age didactic allowance "Sound line" for children of senior preschool age on the sounds of speech in future first graders.

A summary of literacy training in the medium group. Theme "The length of the word" theme: "The length of the word" software content. • Expansion of ideas about words. • Acquaintance with the length of words. • Development of arbitrary.