Game Thrones 9 Season The release date of the series and new series

"Game of Thrones" (Game of Thrones) Season 9 Release Dates in Russian. Learn when the final of the series the game of thrones in Russia will come out.

Game of Thrones 9 season

Game of Thrones season 8 release date

The continuation of the legendary American television series "Game of Thrones", again marching on the planet, causing a huge army of fans to the screens. The first season of the television series, produced a real four line, and brought his creator a huge income.

The leadership of the American NBO TV channel in April 2016, made a statement that the series was already extended at the next season 8. Also, producers reported that the eighth season will become the final season of the project.

It is already reliably known that the tape will consist of 6 episodes, lasting 80 minutes. The creators of the paintings noted that they wanted to get closer to the format of the full-length film, following the example of such cult telecoms as "Sherlock" and "Black Mirror".

The exact date of release of the series "Game of Thrones" season 9 in Russia with a schedule of all episodes, you can look just below. Go to schedule

D. B. Weiss and David Beniofi on March 12, 2017, reported that the premiere of the first episode will take place only at the beginning of 2019, the specific date of exit refused.

The tape producers reported that both the sixth and seventh seasons and the 8 season will be based on the sketches of the two final novels Jioroz R. R. Martin, who are currently not yet published.

The final novel in the "Song of Ice and Flame" series, called "Winter Winds and Dream Spring". Also, the guidance of the channel hinted that the tapes and sequels were possible, to date the project scenario team is working on possible variations of the novel. JOURNE R, R. Martin, informed the creators of the paintings in advance, how the further events of the novel will develop, for the fact that the script team worked on the right vector.

Game of Thrones Season 9 Game of Thrones Season 9 Game of Thrones Season 9

In January 2017, it was announced that the development of the scenario of the eighth season suspended, as disagreements arose in the number of episions and their duration arose between the producers. However, as a result, the tape creators decided to dwell on the initial 6 episodes. In addition, the creators on the official portal dedicated to the television series reported that in the team of the screenwriters, no changes are expected, Dave Hill will write the first episode, Brian Cogman is the second episode, and the remaining two episodes will come out from under the pen Benioff and Weiss.

In addition, large changes are expected in the acting staff of the project. All actors whose characters survived in the seventh season have already confirmed their own participation for filming 8 parts of the project.

Game of Thrones series finale

Story line

The series of the series continues to develop in the universal kingdom, where representatives of different families are fighting for power. The seven kingdoms are immersed in Chaos, the wall has long been attacked by "white walkers" who are going to capture power over the ground.

Jon Snow renounces the power that the brotherhood has placed in him and renounces his oath to the black brothers. After he was betrayed by even the most loyal friends, and his departure, John completely abandons them.

Meeting Sansa changes his attitude towards the family. Meanwhile, Cersei practically seizes power in Westeros after the death of her children, she becomes the only heir to the throne after the death of King Baratheon.

In the south of the country, Daenerys marches victoriously towards the capital of the state, along with Therion Lanistor and his allies. Following the black raven, Bran Stark finds himself in a mysterious cave, where all the most terrible secrets that hide the Seven Kingdoms are revealed to his mind.

Unexpectedly for himself, he learns that Jon Snow is not his brother, but the son of Lyanna and Targaryne. After learning that his half-brother is the true king, he, along with his defenders, goes to the South.

In the eighth and final season, all secrets will be revealed, all intrigue will rise to another level, the struggle for power will reach its highest limit. Game of Thrones will finally get its winner.

Game of Thrones release date

Series release date

Name Number of episodes release date
Game of Thrones Season 9 – series closed

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