Game of Thrones ": personal life of the heroes of the series – Women's magazine; GOLD.

On the eve of the final season of the Sagi "Game of Thrones", we find out, on whom married the main handsome projects and how they met their ladies.

Brother Games of Thrones: On Kom Married Main Handsaw Series

Our hearts are broken: it turns out that among the most charismatic heroes "Games of Thrones" there are no free guys left. We find out what girls managed to conquer the hearts Darairio Naharis, Tormund and John Snow.


Keith Harington and Rose Leslie

Thrones Series Game Heroes Actors Love Stories

When winter is close, there is a sure way to warm up – fall in love. At least Keith Harington, the performer of the role of John Snow, solved the question with a possible hypother of shooting in Iceland. When John woke up in a gloomy forest, he saw wild rods – and lost his head from feelings. The same thing happened with the actor Harington, who looked at his partner on the shooting of Rose Leslie.

The bride of Kit chose a difficult: the real story of her family would easily fit into the script "Games of Thrones". The girl comes from the ancient Scottish clan Leslie, who gave the world a lot of military, political and statesmen. Leslie's family belongs to the Family Castle XII Worthill in the County Aberdeen. And one of her ancestors, Alexander Lesli, was the first general in the history of Russia – this title was he received for the return of Smolensk in 1654.

Thrones Series Game Heroes Actors Love Stories

"The best period for all the time filming was those three weeks in Iceland when we shot the second season. Places there are very beautiful, the northern light is simply magical, and most importantly, there I fell in love with ", – Keith told his fans.

And a little later, reinforced the words of the words – and made a marriage with his beloved wild: "I called the producer and said I'm going to marry, and there is his fault. I am going to invite the entire cast, so it's better to complete the shooting before the wedding. " And the promise was fulfilled – at the wedding of China and Rose all the film crew walked.

Mihil Houseman and Tara Elders

Thrones Series Game Heroes Actors Love Stories

Lover Deeeneris Targaryen Daraio Naharis in reality is happy with his Khalisi for 11 years. Michil and Dutch actress Tara Elders met in distant 2003 on the film crew "Filein says" Sorry. " There was also their first kiss.

Hausman recalls that he played the actor, recreated on the stage "the avant-garde version of the story about Romeo and Juliet." According to the plot, his character was absolutely naked, and the heroine of Elders – on the contrary, completely dressed, and watched the action of the auditorium.

Thrones Series Game Heroes Actors Love Stories

"The scene was terrible, we shot her week, and all this time I knew that a beautiful girl sits in the hall and looking at me, naked. But, as time has shown, all this worked in my favor, " – Michil is recognized.

In 2007, a couple had a daughter of Heisel, and another year later, the actors concluded marriage. At the same time, the acting career of Tara also goes to the mountain: she is not inferior to her husband.Elders has participated in many European shows and films – for example, "Muse" and "Sextet". And the most famous picture with her participation was the film "The Interview", where she starred with Steve Buscemi and Sienna Miller.

Christopher Chivu and Gree Molver Chivu

Thrones Series Game Heroes Actors Love Stories

In the life of Christopher Hivja and his character Tormund, perhaps, only a bright red full beard and a restless disposition are related. According to Khivju himself, where he appears, it immediately becomes noisy. However, unlike his hero, Christopher is monogamous, and settled down long ago, having met his only love.

She became Gru Molver, a journalist, photographer and director, who is 8 years older than her husband. Gru has the same fiery hair and explosive character as her husband. Once the paparazzi could watch (and record) a marital quarrel that happened right on the street: the couple went shopping, but in the process decided to sort things out.

Thrones Series Game Heroes Actors Love Stories

However, such emotional outbursts do not spoil the relationship of lovers. Khivyu has never been seen at social events in the company of another woman: he is always accompanied by his wife. Her photo on her Instagram is often captioned "my queen".

They have been together for more than 10 years, but the marriage was registered only in 2015. Two charming daughters are growing up in the family, and dad periodically takes the whole family with him to shoot – though not on the Game of Thrones, believing that it’s too early for girls to look at this.

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Nukaka Motzefeldt

Thrones Series Game Heroes Actors Love Stories

Thanks to the attractive appearance, the fans immediately recorded the performer of the role of Jaime Lannister in playboys and womanizer. But in life, Nikolai Coster-Waldau turned out to be completely different – his heart belongs to his wife Nukaka from the day he first saw her.

And it happened in 1997, when they recorded a radio show together in the studio. The girl was 37 minutes late to the appointed time. Nikolai remembered this because the moment Nukaka entered the room, time seemed to stop for him. An Eskimo with huge brown eyes, the owner of the title "Miss Greenland" became his wife just a year later, but three days after meeting her, Koster announced to his friends that he was going to marry.

Thrones Series Game Heroes Actors Love Stories

Nukaka admits that, despite the years spent together and the birth of two daughters, she misses her husband very much when he goes to shoot. To brighten up the expectation, she writes long romantic letters to her husband, and receives the same ones in return. “I can’t imagine my life without a wife, but I don’t think that any prize should be awarded for a long relationship. Yes, sometimes people break up, but I hope we never have to go through this." says Coster-Waldau.

Aidan Gillen and Camille O'Sullivan

Thrones Series Game Heroes Actors Love Stories

The actor, no worse than his character Littlefinger, knows how to be cold-blooded and categorical when it comes to questions about his personal life. Like Gillen, not everyone can "shave off" a reporter.In a recent interview, the leading named Irish singer Camilla O'Sallyan His bride. "She's not a bride, she is my partner," Gillen cut off, so that he drove the lead in paint.

With a "partner", Camille Eydan occurs since 2015. They met at the concert U2, where they danced all evening long. According to eyewitnesses, Gillan chatted more with the daughter of Camillas than with her himself, and managed to win the location of the girl. Her mother appreciated such a respectful attitude towards the child, and decided to look more closely to a new acquaintance.

Thrones Series Game Heroes Actors Love Stories

By that time, Gillan did not live with his first wife, Olvia Flanegan. True, officially divorce with her did not work until now.

According to Camilla, at the time of dating she did not suspect that he dances with the star "Game of Thrones" – she simply did not have a TV, and she was never a fan of the series. "We perfectly complement each other. He gives me advice in what concerns my speeches. But I usually ask Eidana not to come to concerts – I immediately begin to confuse as a schoolgirl ", – Camilla is recognized.