Films about sports based on real events: top 10 best films |

A special genre of cinema is films about sports. Many of the films are based on real events. They tell not only about victories, but also about the behind-the-scenes life of athletes, their dreams and perseverance, which help to achieve real success. Let's talk about the ten best sports films of this genre.

Movies about sports based on real events: top 10 best pictures

Shot from the film "Willpower"

A special genre of cinema is films about sports. Many of the films are based on real events. They tell not only about victories, but also about the behind-the-scenes life of athletes, their dreams and perseverance, which help to achieve real success. Let's talk about the ten best sports films of this genre.

"Cool turns" (1993)

If you are looking for motivational films about sports, then by all means pay attention to this comedy (on IMDb – 7 points). It was created by director John Turteltaub, who shot in 2004 an adventure thriller with Nic Cage in the title role National Treasure.

Played in the movie:

  • Leon Robinson ("Rock Climber");
  • Yoba Malik ("Rainbow Cure");
  • Raul Lewis.

The picture tells about Jamaican athletes whose main goal is to participate in the Olympics at any cost. They offer to coach American bobsledder Irving Blitzer. The latter has just been disqualified, he retired from the sport and lives in Jamaica.

Blitzer, after thinking, agrees. He can’t even imagine what it’s like to train bobsledders in a tropical country, where before there wasn’t even a team for this winter sport.

Movies about boxers: "Ali" (2001)

This movie about sports received two Oscar nominations, three for the Golden Globe and an MTV award. The film became popular with the audience, as evidenced by the rating on IMDb – 6.8 points.

Filmed by Michael Mann. His best directorial work, according to IMDb, "Fight" in 1995 (8.2 points).


    ("Men in Black"); ("Every Sunday"); ("National Treasure").

The film tells about the life of Muhammad Ali – his sports career and personal life. Speaking in the boxing ring, the athlete is slowly moving towards the title of world champion. In parallel, Mohammed demonstrates an active civic stance on the conflict in Vietnam.

In particular, he defiantly refuses to join the army, which gives reason to deprive him of his sports title and freedom. After getting out of prison, Ali has to start all over again. He marries a second time and again enters the fight for the world title.

"Peaceful Warrior" (2006)

The painting "Peaceful Warrior" is currently the best work of director Victor Salva, rated on IMDb at 7.3 points. The film is based on the autobiographical book by Dan Millman. Moreover, the latter personally appeared for a couple of seconds in one of the scenes.


    ("Eurotour"); ("Warrior"); ("Butterfly Effect").

The main character, Dan Millman, is a college student and member of the gymnastics team.The guy lives in a saturated life, participates in remote parties, hangs out with friends and drags for girls. There is only one dream, not yet realized – to get to the Olympics.

The worldview of Dan is changing a new friend. Socrates, so it called him a guy, heats in the root and can explain a lot. His help is particularly popular after Dan enters the accident.

"The person who has changed everything" (2011)

Few movies about sports received an estimate of 7.6 points on IMDB. The picture under consideration is a pleasant exception. Filmed by Michael Lewis film was awarded six nominations for Oscar.

The director of the painting was the owner of the Golden Palm Branch Bennett Miller. He went for the film "Fox Hunter". Played in the picture:

    ("Big Kush"); ("Mid-90s"); ("Big Lebovski").

The baseball team cracks on the seams: the best players went out of it, there are no money, too. Manager Billy Bean, realizing what nothing to do is gaining a new composition of athletes who did not become interested in any other clubs. The manager remains to take a chance or watch the slow rolling of the team on the bottom of the tournament table.

The entire future of Billy team depends on the scheme, which allows the mathematical way to determine the real value of the players.

"Legend №17" (2013)

The history of Soviet Sport is an inexhaustible source of the plots for which films based on real events are removed. The Russian picture of the famous hockey player Valeria Kharlamov was created by Nikolai Lebedev ("Snake Source"). She received six "golden eagles", one "Georges" and one "Kinotavaur" prize.

To the shooting director attracted relatives of the famous athlete. So, Sasha's son acted as a player "Stars", and his sister Tatyana depicts a watch on the passage of Luzhniki. Legend number 17 was put on IMDB 7.5 points.


    ("Single"); ("Siberian Barber"); ("House of Sun").

The match, which was held in Montreal on September 2, 1972, became the highest achievement of Valery Harlamov. Thanks to their two piles, the USSR team defeated the Canadian team. Final game account – 7: 3.

This match was a real battle for the prestige of the country. He entered the history of hockey, smashing the myth of invincibility to the Canadian national team. Then about the Soviet hockey player, speaking at number 17, learned the whole world.

Films on real events: "sacrificing a pawn" (2014)

The picture of two players who became pawn in the hands of their governments is estimated at IMDB 7 points. The film was removed by the director Edward Zvikom – the owner of Oscar, handed over the "Shakespeare in love."


    ("Favorite"); ("Hurricane"); ("Arrival").

Cold war in full swing. The Reykjavik organizes a chess tournament, designed to determine the world champion. Here is the American grandmaster Bobby Fisher and the winner of the Championship rank from the USSR Boris Spassky.

A chess tournament is turning into a real battle between two superpowers seeking to prove the superiority of their systems.

"Coach" (2015)

Not all sports films are about great things. This movie is about the high school team in McFarland and its coach, Jim White.

A lot of people liked the film – its rating on IMDb was 7.4 points. Director Niki Caro (“Riding the Whale”) invited the residents of McFarland to participate in the extras for greater authenticity.



  • Ramiro Rodriguez;
  • Carlos Pratts ("Justice").

Jim White got a job as a biology teacher at McFarland High on the condition that he also become a football coach. Jim soon realizes that the team he inherited is not capable of anything. Then the coach offers to bet on the cross.

School management does not hide skepticism. But Jim selects several talented, but hooligan schoolchildren and prepares them for the competition.

Film about sports: Willpower (2016)

The film was directed by Stephen Hopkins, the creator of Ghost and Darkness, which received an Oscar in 1997 for sound editing. Willpower is not an award-winning movie, but it has become popular, with a 7.1 rating on IMDb.

The main roles in the film were played by:

    ("Reading Minds"); ("We are the Millers"); ("A hundred").

The film tells how sprinter and jumper Jesse Owens managed to win four gold medals at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. This event is especially revealing given that the games took place during the reign of the Nazis. They were conceived by the top of Germany as a worldwide demonstration of the superiority of the Aryan race.

The exceptional willpower of the athlete and remarkable perseverance allowed him to first break into the Olympics, and then become a champion. Once in Berlin, Jesse suddenly becomes a symbol of the restoration of true justice. For Hitler, he is an enemy who dared to threaten the sacred – the greatness of the Third Reich.

"Pele: Birth of a Legend" (2016)

The film was directed by brothers Jeff and Michael Zimbalist. The picture about Pele is their best directorial work so far. Her rating on IMDb was 7.2. The film was planned to be shown for the 2014 FIFA World Cup, but did not have time.


  • Kevin de Paula;
  • Leonardo Lima Carvalho; ("God's city");

The film tells not about Pele's whole life, but only about his childhood and youth. His father showed great promise in his youth, but never built a football career due to a serious injury.

Nevertheless, the parents, despite the desperate poverty, did everything in their power to make Pele break out into the people. Their dream came true – the film ends with the victory of the team of 17-year-old Pele in Sweden.

"Women's Volleyball Team" (2020)

Sports films made in China are still a rarity, the more noticeable each of them. Edmund Lee, film critic for Hong Kong's South China Morning Post, called the film technically perfect.He noted the amazing fidelity of some of the games of the Chinese team.

The director of the picture, Peter Chan, involved members of the national team who played themselves on the field. The picture received a good rating on IMDb – 6.7 points.

The main roles were occupied by:

    ("Live"); ("Journey to the West"); ("Yang Guifei").

The story begins in 1979. Chen Zhonghe gets a job as an assistant coach for the Chinese women's volleyball team. Among its players, Lang Ping stands out. The girl has great perseverance and endurance.

The coach, before releasing the athlete on the field, moderates her ardor, forcing her to squat with a very heavy barbell. Lang Ping, a couple of years later, will help the team get the first gold medal at the World Championships.

The best sports movies based on real events are spectacular pictures that talk about the power of the human spirit. Check out the movies featured in this selection and decide which ones are worthy of a place in your home video library.