Experts called the best sports for health – Prime.

Regular physical activity helps to remain healthy longer, while not necessarily engage in some specific sport – they have positive properties, … Primim, 19.09.2021

Experts described the health of such sports such as yoga, dancing and running

Moscow, 19 Sep – Prime. Regular physical activity helps to remain healthy longer, while not necessarily engage in some particular sport – they have positive properties, they all told RIA Novosti experts of the service lugs. Treatment of patients with COVID-19 in a reserve hospital for VDNH

The virologist talked about people who cannot be infected with coronavirus

"In addition to the obvious advantages of this sport, such as flexibility, strength, attention to their body and thoughts, yoga has other positive properties. For example, regular yoga practices strengthens the heart and improves blood circulation. Also regular relaxing evening practice helps to prepare the body to sleep And improves its quality, "experts say.

Dancing is also a great way to maintain your body healthy. "Dance classes make the body stronger, improve muscle function, contribute to the development of flexibility and balance. In addition, the dances have a positive effect on cognitive abilities and even improve memory," they told.

Running is an excellent solution for those who like to spend a lot of time on the street. Running has a positive effect on the work of the lungs and the cardiovascular system. Jogging also helps to fight depression and stress.

Long walks can also bring a lot of benefits for physical and mental health, while demanding minimal effort. Walking is the first and simplest solution to combat overweight. Studies show that walking even helps to overcome craving for sweet and prevents the formation of arthritis.

"Very often, people are engaged in stretching only before running and performing other exercise. However, stretching can become an independent sporting activity. Daily practice allows the muscles to remain flexible and strong, and also helps to cope with muscle tension," experts concluded.