Culture and sports / Photos of the city / About Togliatti / Administration of the city district of Togliatti

Photo of the city Palace of Culture OJSC "Corporation Togliattiazot". Komsomolsky district. Palace of Culture "Tolyatti". Central District. Palace of Culture "Tolyatti". Central

Photo of the city

Palace of Culture OJSC "Corporation Togliattiazot". Komsomolsky district.

Palace of Culture "Tolyatti". Central District.

Palace of Culture "Tolyatti". Central District.

Palace of Sports "Volgar", Avtozavodsky district.

Children's park, Avtozavodsky district

Cinema "Petrel". Central District.

Cinema "Saturn". Avtozavodsky district.

Victory Park, Avtozavodsky district

RK "Pyramid". Avtozavodsky district.

Philharmonic, Central District

Sports complex "Trud"

Submit a bug report

© 2004–2021. Administration of the city district of Tolyatti
445011 Russia, Togliatti, Svobody square, 4
Fax: 8(8482)54-36-66
Email mail: [email protected]
Legislative portal map: go
site `s map
Technical support: [email protected]

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(including his photographs, as well as videos or works
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in accordance with applicable law
(Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data")