Christmas games for kids and their parents – G`n`K

New Year is an occasion to get together with the whole family, call friends, relatives, relatives and, in general, celebrate the holiday in a worthy manner. But how to keep the kids busy so that the festive evening does not turn into boredom for them (and does not lead to mini-catastrophes – who better than parents to know what bored kindergartners are capable of)?

Christmas games for children and their parents

Children in the new year photo

New Year is an occasion to get together with the whole family, call friends, relatives, relatives and, in general, celebrate the holiday in a worthy manner. But how to keep the kids busy so that the festive evening does not turn into boredom for them (and does not lead to mini-catastrophes – who better than parents to know what bored kindergartners are capable of)?

You can entertain the kids without special devices, with a minimum of effort and a maximum of fun. Meet a selection of fun Christmas games for kids!

Note: it is assumed that the games are conducted by an adult – a parent, an older child, an animator or an educator.

Introduction – funny poems, chants, clappers

The facilitator reads the poem and pauses after each line so that the children can answer “yes” or “no”. If at first it is not clear to them, you can cheer them up by answering a couple of lines yourself:

Prickly needles.
Gingerbread, sweets..
Chairs, stools.
Tinsel, garlands..
Games, masquerades.
Boredom from idleness.
Kid, fun.
Lilies of the valley and roses.
Santa Claus.
Loud laughter and jokes.
Boots and jackets.
Cones and nuts.
Chess pawns.
Serpentine, lanterns.
Lights and balls.
Confetti, crackers.
Broken toys.
Cucumbers in the garden.
Waffles, chocolates.
Miracles for the New Year.
With a song, a friendly round dance …

After that, you can turn on the music and dance a little around the elegant Christmas tree.

Next game – "clapper-topka". First, the facilitator explains the rules to the children: if they agree with what the poem says, then they clap, if they disagree, they stomp. Pauses need to be done where the ellipsis are affixed:

Here comes the winter again
It's time for us to remember
What can be done
At this time, kids.
You can skate…
Breathe fresh air…
Play snowballs, run…
And sunbathing on the river …
In December, in the last days,
Dancing around the tree…
And it's nice in the forest in winter
Collect strawberries…
Ride on the swings…
And on a sled from the mountain …
And the ski track is ready
For your favorite kids…
And in winter, guys,
They can play badminton…
On a snowy window
Draw a man…
Under an umbrella in a snowstorm to hide …
Walk through the snowdrifts…
Very cool guys
You were to play with!

And this chant game – knowledge of fairy tales and cartoons. As a sign of agreement with the leader, the children shout “yes”, as a sign of disagreement, they shout “no”.

Uncle Fedor is a smart boy,
Very kind and cultured…
Cinderella is hardworking
Beautiful in a ball gown…
Every one of you here knows –
Good uncle Karabas.
Surely you always
Babushka Yaga will become.
Love the gnomes Snow White,
Speakers hastily.
You are fox alice better
He will teach the mind.
Rides on the Emely furnace,
Manages it boldly.
Do not have friends,
It is impossible to live without them.
You will nap a bigger
Nice grandfather Koschey.
CHASTERLYL Flying ship
Vanya per night is the best …
Buratino greedy very, –
Starting five Solido at night.
Masha with vita hooligans,
Putting a lame cackana.
Cheburashka with Geno is friends
Sings a song, not fuse …
Loves Carlson Cookies,
Sweets and entertainment …
Evil girl Malvina
Walks with a long bubbina …
Leshel – the guy what is needed
The kids are happy with him …
Pechkin is a nice postman,
Mail will deliver …
From Chukotka to Brazil
Love all Cota Basilio …
Hare jumps ahead
The wolf shouts: "Well, wait!" …
Turtle does not fly
Lion rolled on himself …

Game "Guess Desire"

The next entertainment is quieter, it will take sheets of paper and handle. Babies record their New Year's decisions on paper and plans (or they are recorded leading under dictation if the kids do not know how to write), after which all the pieces are poured into the hat and alternately pull out. The task of the defers – to guess who owns which wish.

Of course, this game is suitable only for those companies where everything is familiar with each other. But it can be interesting and adults too!

The game "Walk of memories"

This game is ideal for family. It will have to prepare to be prepared: to select the most remarkable and memorable photos of the year, one shot for every month so that in the end it turned out twelve, then print them and hide them in different places at home (but it's not too difficult to bother to children). As soon as all 12 photos are collected, offer children to decompose them in order, from January to December.

You can pre-prepare a sheet of watman with a colorful pattern where the photographs can be glued, you can put them in a photo frame or photo album, you can take a long lace and hang each photo on the clothespin in the correct order. Or even decorate with them Christmas tree!

Game "Find Watches"

Children as a whole adore games in which you need to look for something. Hide alarm clock, headed for five minutes, and let the children find it faster than it will work. Or hide ticking hours – and let the children are looking for them on ticking. Handshedral handed the prize, the rest – comforting sweets and other cute little things.

New Year's charades

Charads – a non-frosting game, loved by everyone from Mala to Great. Why not arrange a New Year version of the favorite fun and involve everyone in it at all (with the priority towards children – let them be first guess, and already adults). Guess Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Elza from the "Cold Heart", Rudolph, Bunny, Greencha, Cat Basilio and Fox Alice, use fabulous and modern characters.

The rules are simple: pulling out a piece of paper, the player must show what is written on it, without using words. Adults can help children if they cannot read yet.

Game "Take off the snowflake"

And now – fun and active games that are suitable for everyone, including children who do not know each other!

This game is called “Take off the snowflake”, and you will have to prepare for it in advance: pull on tinsel or string and hang snowflakes cut out of paper on it (by the way, children can cut snowflakes according to the schemes on their own, but strictly under the supervision of adults). The children are blindfolded – and to the music they temporarily remove snowflakes from the rope. Whoever took the most shots wins, and the second player, of course, gets a consolation prize!

Game "New Year Tiger"

For this game, you will also need props – two orange cardboard cones about 80 cm high, which will depict tigers (so you can draw muzzles on top). Stripes do not need to be drawn. A black felt-tip pen or a marker on a string should be attached to the neck of the tigers.

Children are divided into two identical teams and line up. Music plays, the children run up to their tiger in turn, each draws a stripe on it and runs back, standing at the end. After a while, the host turns off the music. The team with the most tiger stripes wins!

Pathfinder Game

This game is outdoor, for snowy weather, because at some point everyone will probably want to go outside and look at fireworks, play, tinker in the snow.

It will require a small area of ​​pure snow, not trampled and not well-trodden.

First, the facilitator tells the children about the trackers – hunters who, based on the tracks left by animals, are able to determine what kind of animal walked here, how much time he spent in one place, what he did. He can even give an example – such traces are left by a bird (draw), such are a wolf (draw), such are an elk or a deer.

The essence of the game is as follows: the leader walks in the snow, and the children follow him, stepping exactly next to the next. To make it more interesting, the leader can walk wider and narrower (but so that the children can repeat), step on the toe, edge of the foot or heel. As a result, only one path of tracks should remain – such skillful tracker children that the beast pursued by them will not even notice that someone was following him!

The game "Pull"

This is also an outdoor game, on a snowy day, it will require at least two sleds. First, the host tells the players that there is such a magical creature – Pull Push, which has a head, and instead of a tail – another head. And today there will be a competition of magical creatures: children will portray Tyanitolkaev.

The host draws the finish line, two sleds are placed at a distance of a couple of tens of meters from it. A couple of children sit down for each – with their backs to each other, so that one looks towards the finish line, and the second – back.Children will need to "dotold" Sanya to the finish line, competing in who is faster. It will not be easy: the kids will have to figure out how to coordinate movements to be agile and shock.

The couple wins the first to finish the first. Well, the rest is a comforting prize, because this is a new year!

That's all: there are cribes, topballs and clams, there are games for older children and kids, for the street and at home. We hope with them your holiday will be even more fun – it will help to rally, spend time well and joyfully.