Children's games. Kindergarten teachers, school teachers and educators.

Children's games – Education for educators –

Children's games

Role and educational children's games

Games for children of preschool and primary school age

Recommendations to parents when teaching children to play chess The purpose of my circle work "Chess ABC" is to develop the interest of preschoolers in the ancient wise game – chess. Playing chess disciplines thinking, fosters concentration, develops memory. I am convinced that chess should enter the life of elementary school as one.

Methodological guide for the development of communication for children of the senior group "The Magic World of Communication" Introduction: Dear parents and teachers! At preschool age, the child's world is no longer limited to the family. Significant people for him now are not only mom, dad or grandmother, but also other children, peers. And as the child grows up, it will be more and more important for him to have contacts with.

Children's games – Consultation for parents of pupils of the middle group "Why does a child need a game?"

Publication “Consultation for parents of pupils of the middle group “Why. » “Game is a school of arbitrary behavior” (D. B. Elkonin) “Game is a school of morality in action” (A. N. Leontiev) Preschool age is a wonderful period in the life of any person. This is the time when motivations develop, the desire to do something, to express oneself, to create, to communicate. Everything.

Russian folk game for the senior group of the kindergarten "Paints" Purpose: To develop coherent speech, auditory qualities, motor activity, the ability to follow the rules. Tasks: – to exercise children in running in natural conditions; – create conditions for training the musculoskeletal system. – develop attention; – develop coordination of movements;

Quiz game "Smarts and smart girls" Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Nizhny Novgorod Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 57" (MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 57") Methodological development Game-Quiz "My city – Nizhny Novgorod" for children with severe speech disorders.

Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills in preschool children Games and exercises for the development of shallow motility in children of preschool ageI bring to your attention games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills, which can be practiced both in kindergarten and at home. Didactic game "Multi-colored pencils" The set includes game logical exercises with funny pencils. Tasks on the cards have.

Children's games – GCD "Counting up to 6. The number and number 6" according to the program of mathematical development "Igralovka"

The article "GCD" Counting up to 6. Number and number 6 "on the program of mathematical. » NOD «Count to six. Number and number 6 "according to the program of mathematical development "Player" Materials for the lesson Demonstration Toy – Bunny, basket, hares Image of leaflets Cards with the image of 2,3,4,5,6 objects Cards with numbers from 1-6 Handout 6 caps each.

Games with pebbles "Marbles" Games with pebbles "Marbles"Games with pebbles "Marbles".Good day Dear colleagues. Today I offer you a game with pebbles that I did for my babies. Which of you in childhood did not play on the street with pebbles. We decorated with sand cakes from them, laid out the flowers, decorated.

Integrated Warming Game "Footpath Health" Integrated Warming Game "Footpath Health"Author's Didactic game "Path of Health" Authors: Teacher – Logopeda Zaitseva E.P, Educators Korobkov TA, Abzalilova D.R. Analytical reference Age Category: 5 – 7 years Purpose: Diversify and consolidate with children, techniques and methods of applying health-saving.

Consultation for parents "Games for the Development of Shallow Motoriki" "Games for the Development of Small Motoric" Games for the Development of shallow Motoriki The Middle Group (Card Self) may be useful for both parents (grandmothers and teachers who are interested in development from their stand handmade dexterity , skill, fine motility hands.

Development of the child's thinking in creative form

Toys for the development of a child's thinking

Psychologists believe that in preschool age role-playing game is the leading activity leading to the development of a children's psyche. The role of an adult causes strong emotional experiences, regulates relationships and has an impact on the development of character and personality. Such positive impacts on the child should also be taken into account, as a load on both hemispheres of the brain needed during lateralization and developing creative and analytical abilities, getting rid of pseudo-conjunction and overcoming negativism.

Games for children unobtrusively trains new skills, develop thinking and imagination, contributes to the establishment of control over behavior. In the game form it is easier and more efficient to convey information, teach concentrate attention and solve problems. Modeling a variety of activities makes it possible to assimize the new experience and acquiring original behavior of personality. The child the process brings joy and pleasure, it is easily turning on and manifests a genuine interest, independently understands the tasks and is actively looking for answers, trying to cope with the difficulties.

Original creative programs will enjoy girls and boys, help in mastering knowledge and skills will benefit and diversity in training.