Chigrakov Alexander

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  • Ru

Мониторинг кредитования малого и среднего предпринимательства в субъектах РФ

Chigrakov Alexander

  • Information about expert
  • Projects

Information about expert

Date of birth: June 2, 1980.


1997-2003 – Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Faculty of "Management Systems, Informatics and Electricity", Department "Flight-navigation and information and measuring complexes".

Labor activity:

2019 – to the present – an expert of the National Institute of System Studies of Entrepreneurship Problems (NISIPP).
2016 – 2019. – Head of the Department of Internet Projects of GKU TST Moskomport
2013 – 2016 – Chief Specialist, Head of the Project "IAS Sport" in GKU TST Moskomport
2009 – 2013 – Leading specialist in GKU TST Moskomport
2007 – 2009 – Senior System Administrator in Merlion
2005 – 2007 – System Administrator in Merlion
2004 – 2005 – Technical Support Specialist in Merlion

Scientific interests:

– information technologies in management activities;
– проектирование, разработка и внедрение информационных систем;
– методологическое сопровождение разработки информационных систем

Participation in projects:

Принял участие более в ряде проектов, руководил 2 проектами

2020 – 4 проекта, в том числе 2 – в статусе руководителя проекта;
2019 – 4 проекта.