Book; The Hunger Games; Susan Collins. Buy book, read reviews | The Hunger Games | ISBN 978-5-271-25794-0 | Labyrinth

Book: Hungry Games (The Hunger Games). Author: Susan Collins. Annotation, reviews readers, illustrations. Buy a book at an attractive price among a million books "Labyrinth" | ISBN 978-5-271-25794-0

Susan Collins: Hungry Games

Susan Collins - Hungry Games Cover Book

Sensation Book, headed by 21 List of bestsellers and awarded many literary awards!
These guy and the girl are familiar with childhood and can still love each other, but they will have to become enemies. According to the lot they should participate in terrible "hungry games", where only one is survived – the strongest. So far, in a cruel quest, at least some participants, China and Pete can protect each other and fight together. But sooner or later, some of them will have to sacrifice the life for his beloved. Such is the law "Hungry Games". The law that never has broken! To date, the name Susan Collins is familiar to everyone who is interested in popular modern literature. This American writer has become famous thanks to two book serials: "The Hunger Games"And" Chronicles of the Dungeon ". With its cruel and at the same time, the plausible fictional worlds of Susan Collins seriously" hooked "millions of readers." Hungry games "- a stressful thriller and anti-nightopia, in which life, death, love and freedom are put on one card.

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An unusual, but very exciting story of a young girl named Chitniss Everdin, who lost his father in a very young age and was forced every day to fight for survival, caring for the younger sister of approx and mother, who broke down after the death of her husband and completely burdened himself from others.

The action unfolds in 12 distribute (district, village) Panamy – the continent, which was once called North America.

Going to the forest daily, which is behind the District's fence, young.

An unusual, but very exciting story of a young girl named Chitniss Everdin, who lost his father in a very young age and was forced every day to fight for survival, caring for the younger sister of approx and mother, who broke down after the death of her husband and completely burdened himself from others.

The action unfolds in 12 distribute (district, village) Panamy – the continent, which was once called North America.

Daily going to the forest, which is behind the District's fence, the young Kitniss is trying to improve his skills in the archery from the onion, received from the Father to hunt animals and feed their family, risking to be caught. After all, the penetration of the territory of the distribution of the distribution is punishable by the death penalty. During the next ripping into the forest at the 12th-year-old, China accidentally get acquainted with Gale, who quickly becomes its best friend and a partner in the hunt.

Native District Ketniss is one of the poorest Panira, specializing in coal mining, and the last one at the ordinal number, but once he was not the last.

More than 70 years ago, Districts were 13, but the last 13th District was destroyed by the Capitol (the capital of Pani) for an attempt to the uprising and disobedience. To remind the rest of the distributors about their power and omnipotence, the rulers of the Capitol invented The Hunger Games. For residents of the Capitol – a fascinating show, broadcasting on the whole country, for distributs – a real tragedy.

The essence of the hungry games is that two people of both sexes between the ages of 12 and 18 are chosen from each distributor from each districts, conducting a kind of lottery. The selected participants in the total number of 24 people are called tributs. They are sent to the arena – a place of holding a game that can be a desert, field, forest, etc. Arena is filled with ingenious and fatal traps through which the tributes should pass in an attempt to kill each other. Only one person can become a winner and return home when the rest of 23 people will not survive. The winner receives not only the right to life, but also for a renowned existence until the end of life.

Fate cites China for hungry games in a pair with Pit – the boy, who several years ago saved her and her family from hungry death in the very difficult period of their lives. And now they should become enemies and try to kill each other. Kitniss's decision to burn out from the feeling of gratitude to Peit collapses when she learns that he was in love with her since childhood.

The first book tells in detail about the adventures of the main character on hungry games, and the consequences of each decision made by it. Will she survive whether to kill pita, or allow someone else to kill him. Or will the opportunity to survive them both? That's just, you can not forget one of the main rules of the hungry games – the winner can be only one! And this rule no one ever violated.

From the beginning and to the end, the book does not allow to take away, the events occurring are kept in constant voltage. And after reading the first book, I want to open the second immediately, and then the third to read the story to the end.

Light text, dynamic plot, first-person narration. The book, though from the category of Young Adult, I think many older than the 21st year, like me, for example. I just want to warn that in the book a lot of blood, murders and cruelty. I think from my description above it is already clear. Hide