Board games for children from 7 years old – how to choose a good chant for a child of 7 years

Big selection of desktop games for children from 7 years in the online store Gaga Games – Buy board games with delivery throughout Russia and the CIS – Tips for choosing from Gaga Games

Board games for children from 7 years

At 7 years old, the child is first going to school. Therefore, this is a good time to pick up interesting developing board games for it, which will become an exciting simulator of important skills. Games in an exciting form develop logical thinking, communication skills, vocabulary and ability to quickly count.

Big charot

Big charot – The game for those who are tired of complex rules and missed his beloved from childhood entertainment. She is simple as two cubes, and fascinating like travel time. Or as a box of chocolate candies: you will start – and no longer stop.


UNIS – Definitely, one of the most popular board games. It is a mandatory component of any game, fun at all times and spaces, the unstasive classic of the world of card games! rules UNIS Explained in a minute, but you can enjoy the game for hours!

Uno Card Board Game is one of the most famous in the world!

Over the world sold more than 150,000,000 copies!

Carcassonne. Middle Ages (new edition)

Board game Carcassonne, the owner of many prestigious international premiums and awards, the conquered hearts of millions of people of all ages, nationalities and interests, can rightfully be called the best or one of the best games of modernity. This is also talking about the ratings of the game, and its huge popularity worldwide.

In the world sold more than 12,000,000 copies of the games of the Carcasson Series!

This publication includes add-ons Abbot and RiverExpanding the capabilities of the basic game.


Monopoly – One of the most famous board games in the world. What you need when you do not want to understand the rules of new games, or when nostalgia suddenly overwhelms you. In addition, the monopoly often like children, because it is a great chance to feel adults and dispose of big money. The rules are explained quickly, and, thanks to blind luck, anyone can win.

The world sold only official versions of more than 250,000,000 copies.


The thunderstorm of wild jungle and the lord of a good mood, the winner of the premium "I want to" and a pocket hurricane of rampant fun. Gobbit – True bomb, but not slowed down, but instant action. Attentiveness, instant reaction and strong nerves – only this will save you in this gambling and a little crazy game.

If the previous edition is soul, it here.

Deluxe Pest Dwarves

Dwarf pests, More famous world as a game Saboteur.. Idea Mafia. In a more saturated and dynamic embodiment. Now at your disposal is not only oratory, but the possibility of their actions is even more confusing the rest of the players, or, on the contrary, to prove that you are an honest gnome that steadms for the common cause.

Train ticket in Europe

Ticket to Ride in Russian is translated as Train ticket or "Ticket for travel". But the original German title of the game, Zug um Zug (which can be roughly translated into Russian as “Chukh-Chukh”) conveys what this game is about much better. Remember how you played trains as a child, voicing their movements with the help of this very "choo-choo", and what an exciting adventure this process was, although you only moved toy engines. We present you the continuation of one of the best board games Train ticket. Now we are going on a trip to Europe!

More than 3 million copies have already been sold worldwide!

Carcassonne Royal Gift (New Edition)

Board Game Carcassonne Royal Gift (New Edition) truly a real gift not only for lovers Carcassonne, but also for everyone who gets acquainted with the world of board games.

In this bundle you will find not only the basic version of the legendary game Carcassonne, but also five additions to it: River; Abbot; Bridges, hamki and bazaars; Princess and dragon; Count, king and cult. Each of which significantly diversifies the gameplay.

Please note that this is a new version of Carcassonne. old discontinued.

Last message

Last Message is an unusual game, at first glance similar to a popular children's entertainment. We need to find one little criminal in a big picture with lots of details. But only one of the players knows what the villain looks like – he will give clues to the detectives. The trouble is that the criminal will cover his tracks in every possible way, trying to send you on the wrong track.


If you like more active games, and wild jungle for you – not an empty phrase, then a card game Dobble you will like it!

50 cards and over 55 different images. There are only eight of them on each card, but only one of them matches the image on the other card. Find it faster than anyone else and discard/give away/collect (underline as necessary – ed.) cards before other players. And don't forget to correctly name the matching picture, because in a hurry it's not always so easy 🙂


Draftosaurs is a bright and exciting family game about dinosaurs, dino parks and difficult decisions. Almost immediately after the release, it was nominated for several prestigious desktop awards. Build your dinopark and make it the most interesting place in the world!


Board game Jenga is a sleight of hand game that you have probably seen repeatedly in TV shows and movies.

He who pacifies the trembling of his hands can only win, oh, young Padawan!

The most legendary hit among their own kind – Jenga is a real classic of the world of board games!

Paris. City of Lights

Paris. City of Lights – the most beautiful game among the conflict and the most conflict among the beautiful. This is an abstract dueling strategy, which immediately after the release won the hearts of thousands of players around the world and firmly entrenched in the TOP 30 best abstracts according to BoardGameGeek.. Simple rules, elegant combination of mechanic and design, full of French aesthetics, – This game will not leave anyone indifferent.


A surprisingly beautiful board game, a real "monster" of the gaming industry, which won the hearts of many fans around the world. Simple rules, stunning design – Dixit You can deservedly be called a masterpiece of a desktop world that will gladly play in you. 🙂

Cat Island

Cat Island – Charming strategy for salvation of no less charming cats. You are waiting for elegant combinations of a mechanic, simple rules and immediately several game modes – from a single to family. And, of course, seals are several dozen wooden figures and more than eighty absolutely stunning illustrations on the tokens.

Lord Tokyo.

Praised not by one Tablecher, the game returned to the Russian market. Beautiful terrible monsters flying in the blink of an eye and the atmosphere of light madness – all this is still waiting for you in a colorful box.

The nontrivial plot of this game is such: you are in the skull of one of the monsters who are trying to capture the capital of the rising sun. How can I skip this? 🙂 Moreover, the author of this madness is the legendary Richard Garfield, creator of the iconic game Magic: The Gathering.

He studied the surroundings of Tokyo, visited the very center, tried all the monsters? Then add the game of excitement and unpredictable with the addition Recharging!

Dangerous words

Dangerous words – Command entertainment for large companies, with quick parties and cunning games of mind when you are trying to explain the most simple things in the most incredible way. Tensely, cool and very fun!

Magic journey through a linguistic mine field, where familiar expressions turned into cunning traps. Make the team to understand you, but at the same time avoid the west, which rivals prepared.


If the physical education lessons were not held in the gym, but on this field with multicolored circles, for sure, forgotten the form would be much less, because the game Twister – It is a great way to cheer and adults and adults, and in addition to exercise in agility and flexibility!

Best board games for children 7-8 years

Choosing a desktop game for children of 7 years, think about the benefits it will bring. Board game, for example, an interesting strategy, presented at this age remains with the child and then continuing to delight when he is 10-11 years old.

Didactic children's games

Parents believe that the best board games for children are 6 years old and older – didactic games. Interesting theory, which is confirmed by experience. Children of 7 years are more willing to spend time with toys, so it is important to spend this time with benefit. The best developing board games come to the rescue – with simple rules and bright illustrations that the children immediately attract the attention of children.Учеба превращается в увлекательное соревнование, где малыши с удовольствием читают и считают. Дети в 7 лет охотнее разбирают слова на разноцветных фишках, чем предложения из букваря. Если же предложить ребятам посчитать количество заранее заданных животных, а потом схватить на скорость тотем, то успехи в арифметике гарантирован.

Вот что дети изучают с помощью интересных развивающих игр:

  • alphabet,
  • addition,
  • multiplication,
  • скорочтение,
  • English language.

Польза таких развлечений для детей 7-9 лет в том, что дети охотнее садятся за учебники, стремясь получить преимущество над сверстниками. Любовь к книгам пригодится, когда ребятишкам исполнится 10-14 лет, а учеба из веселой игры начнет превращаться в рутину. В этот момент вспомните, что есть настольные игры для подростков, которые помогут вернуть детям энтузиазм в получении знаний.


Другой способ получить новые знания для детей 7 лет — викторина. Интересная настольная игра, которая похожа на энциклопедию, проверит насколько начитан и эрудирован ребенок. Правила в подобных развлечениях разные, но чаще всего предлагается выбрать правильный вариант из списка, перед этим зачитав вопрос. Такая игра помогает в веселой форме получать новые знания, ведь малыши запоминают, где они ошиблись и в следующий раз дают нужный ответ. Чтобы добавить азарта, считайте баллы за отгаданные вопросы или отвечайте на скорость. На карточках многих викторин с обратной стороны вы найдете не только правильный ответ, но и дополнительную информацию по выбранной теме, что позволит расширить кругозор участников интеллектуального соревнования.

Интересные развивающие настольные игры

Когда мы говорим о хороших играх для детей 7 лет, то подразумеваем их пользу для развития ребенка. Выбирая развлечение детям, не ограничивайтесь школьной программой. Головоломки, например, помогут в развитии мелкой моторики и пространственного мышления. Для детей 7-8 лет попробуйте электронные конструкторы, которые станут проводником в мир физических реакций и помогут ребенку перевоплотиться в инженера. Такая детская игра не потеряет ценности и в 10-11 лет, наоборот, будет помощником перед уроками физики.

Интересной настольной игрой для детей станет Твистер — популярная и активная игра, которая проверит ловкость и дополнит уроки физкультуры. Другим способом узнать больше о друзьях и научиться взаимодействовать в 7 или 10 лет станут детские игры на объяснение слов. Веселые игры для развития словарного запаса, которые не потребуют много места, а карточки с заданиями легко поместятся в сумку или в карман.

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