Board game Volcano – review, reviews, photos | GaGaGames – board games store in St. Petersburg

The volcano is a pleasant and interesting way to relax! A huge selection of the best board games and a lot of useful information is on our website.

Board game Volcano (Eruption )

Board game Volcano (Eruption ) Board game Volcano (Eruption ) Board game Volcano (Eruption ) Board game Volcano (Eruption ) Board game Volcano (Eruption ) Board game Volcano (Eruption ) Board game Volcano (Eruption ) Board game Volcano (Eruption )

A family strategy about the difficult life of the leader of the tribe, whose village is constantly burned by the lava flows of the local volcano. Arrange tiles with lava so that the fire element does not reach the village, but goes towards rivals. Build barriers that will slow down dangerous flows and force you to look for a new path. Pray for rain to cool the fiery dwellings. And remember, when the temperature of one of the settlements reaches the limit, there will be no salvation.

Volcano (Eruption): you can buy in St. Petersburg by calling us at +7 812 313-26-44, adding the game to your cart and placing an order through the website. Or just visit any of our stores. In this case, do not forget to pre-register on our website to get an additional discount of up to 15%.

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