Be sports and healthy! Poems about sports for guys; Flowers of life

Poems about sports for children and adults. How to introduce a child with sports? – Read poems about sports, sports, charging and healthy lifestyle

Be sports and healthy! Poems about sports for guys

By introducing children to physical activity or acquaintance with winter and summer sports, Olympic games, read them poems about sports. They will become excellent assistants in the field of education and light storytellers about all countless sports.

Poems about sports for children

Sports in human life plays a crucial role. He not only helps us be healthy, but also teaches to overcome obstacles, set goals and win! And let the main victory – this is a victory over himself, physical activity – result in itself. And poems about charging and movement will become excellent motivation or decoration of the useful classes.

Shine skates, glitters rink,
Fluffy snow sparkles
Put on their skates, friend,
Try to ride.

Let you pull the frost –
Look, do not be frightened.
Let him freeze to tears –
He does not give up!

Do not retreat, slip forward,
Fly faster birds.
Frost angry behind
From those who are not afraid!

(V. Donnikova)

In our life everything is instantly.
Everything passes and passes.
Sports must be unlikely
Do all year round.
Jump, run, press,
Load heavy raising
In the morning to train
Street run.
Running from heart attack
Do not spare yourself, neighbor!
Cheerful world of fun starts –
Bulletin of future victories!
Do not stew. Do not be shy.
Go without doctors.
By your body.
Be healthy! Always healthy!

Sport language is the same for everyone:
Labor, aspiration, jerk – and success!

Days all the days you sought to victory –
And you have achieved good luck!

Then salty, blowing tears
Muscles tense has achieved recognizing!

So further: throwing fatigue
Muscles strong boiling joy

Again you will fix on records!
Take off to you new and new!

New victories to you, in life and in sports,
Steel in the legs on a steep turn!

Come on the roller

Winter night by windows
Scattered lights
Old and small at the stadium
They got together on skates.

Someone is circling in pyruets,
Someone slapped on the ice.
Nothing, not on the ballet –
Per minute heaver.

Everything shines and sparkles
Somewhere music sounds.
Here in a circle Sprinter rushes,
Something screams to him.

Powder ice sprinkles,
Immediately melts at the skate.
The track opens,
Before a vigorous old man.

For active – Razdat
For passive – overclocking
Health is poured here
Without hospital – straight.

Look back, save
Endless stream
Post all illness –
Come on the rink.

Sports section

Rings, ladder, horizontal bar.
I'm used to do.
Tighten, I will rebuild,
I'll take a rope.

My hands are tenacious!
My feet are fast!
Training every day.
Close, jump me not too lazy.

Come on an hour
In our sports corner.
Exercises with friends
Perform with us!
(E. Melnikova)

In gym

Sports goat
I did not give me
I jumped – and again
On the floor was.

– Oh, you goat, you are a goat! –
I was angry.
And he quietly me:
– You yourself goat!

You are a goat, –
He said,
– You need to walk more often, boyfriend,
In gym!
(O. Bundur)

Need to do sports
It is necessary – you have to tempt!
It is necessary to be the first to be in everything,
Get frosts not so much!
With Iceberg dive we,
We are good swimmers.
We are completely almost big
We are diligent Yunsians.
After water bathing,
We begin the tritis.
And gymnastics again
We start to perform.
Ride in the snow,
Passion on the shore.
And then dive under the water,
To get meals.
Eskimo-icicle is stupid,
Moms Looking a song.
We go to bed together
Dreams are more likely to see.
In them we are adults big
They are brought up beautifully.
In them hunters, athletes,
We see change in them.
We always grow in a dream,
We rest we are with that.
Gain health
Together, we have fun!

To be healthy to be in full
Physical education is needed.
To start in order –
In the morning we will charge!

And without any doubt
There is a good solution –
Rogging is useful and game
Take a defense!

So that successfully develop
You need to do sports
From physical education
There will be a slender figure

We are useful without a doubt
All that is associated with movement.
Here, so the guys
We will do the charge.

We will play together
Run, jump and jump
To be fun
Take the ball as soon as possible.

Become straight, legs wider
Raise the ball – three or four,
Lifting on socks.
All movements are easy.

In the hands we take the rope
Hoop, cube or stick.
All movements are arrogant
We will be stronger and better.

To jump to learn
We will come in handy rope
We will jump high
Like grasshoppers – easy.

Hoop, cubes will help
Flexibility to develop a little
We will more often lean
Lack and bend.

Here is a great picture
We like a flexible spring
Let not immediately give
We will have to work!

To be prompt to become an athlete
We will take the baton.
We will run quickly, together
We really need to win!

Poems about sports for children

From the time of antiquity, an incredible number of sports is invented and revealed. Today they are apparently invisible. And sometimes it is even difficult to figure it out))) So in this case, poetry will help! She will introduce us to new sports and will reveal the secrets of already known.


I am an athlete-athlette,
I was seven years old,
I go to workout,
To become strong and clever.

I swing press, pressed,
Sat, leaning,
Training foot muscles,
So that you could run faster

I run and jump,
Simulators move.
Sport – heavy work:
Mike wet from sweat.

At school i teach easy
Russian with arithmetic
But it is not easy

And now, answer,
Light Ile No
All – Fizkult'yvet!


And there is a biathlon.
This is a long marathon –
Skiing with shooting.
Among the run – right into battle!
On the targets from the rifle,
Yes in all the equipment
It is necessary to combat the goals!
5 plus 5 should be it,
Plus – to mask the marathon …
Twenty kilometers he!
Will's power is needed there
And the eye, like an eagle
(Elena Incone )


He breaks off from the start
On rolled ski
Appeared with fire Azart
And rifle on the back.

Skis licking snow, and it means
With ointment service guessed.
This is a difficult task –
The first to get up on the pedestal.

Biathlon, biathlon –
Then rise, then bias
Each moment in this race is not superfluous.
Here are the mice mugs,
Let them drop flags.
Hey! Good luck shooting skier!

Let the rifle won't miss
And show your feet to jump.
At distances of misses
From rivals not to hide.

Our hero in shooting is not slip
And on skis – at least where.
Biathlon crown
There is nerves and labor.

Biathlon, biathlon –
Then rise, then bias
Each moment in this race is not superfluous.
Here are the mice mugs,
Let them drop flags.
Hey! Good luck shooting skier!
(V. Banifatov)


Sanny sport – like the remotely.
Stop start hardly.
Well it is necessary. Down the head
The descent to go all the speed!
There the soul goes into the heels,
And with fate playing hide and seek!
To find the soul again,
It is necessary to come to the finish …
And where is the fear
At such speeds?!
Admiring himself afraid
When with a honeycomb rolling
(Elena Incone)


From Scotland came
To us game through the century.
On good strong ice
In this winter game
Played every happy
Five centuries ago.
Popularity Secret
The fact that there is no secret in it.
Two fourths play there.
Stones are driving on ice,
So that everyone fell into the "house".
It is advisable to the center.
So that we slid where it is necessary
Players, as for a parade,
In front of the stone, the ice is so daked,
That he melts from friction
And on the waterway
Stone easier to "House" come
(Elena Incone)


Like knights in armor
On skates. Not on horseback!
Their weapons are not a spear –
Sticks in workshops hands.
Pool washer fluttering
Through the field to the gate.
Look after her does not have time
And goalkeeper – hesitates.
Two ice squads …
Total dozen fighters –
Real men –
Sample for guys.
All in the team for each other!
All friendly and cohesive!
Here I would be such a friend
World Mormet …
(Elena Incone)

Figure skating

Words, perhaps, no extent –
We must see in reality,
How art is created
On crystal star ice.
Figure Cataanium
Fantastic success!
Sport – "Ochoes Charming",
Holiday joyful for everyone!

Verse about football

Football is a wonderful game,
He brought my planet crazy
It's always time to play it
In winter, spring and hot summer.
Football on the street calls,
He introduced his laws everywhere,
Then the courtyard will randomly collect
Then the VMIG will fill stadiums.
Football brings closer and relatives,
It has, when the soul will warm up.
Only that the field wins
Who will add heart to every feint.
Soccer wonderful game
It's always time to play in it.


And you will enter. And your voice will pick up
In the crowd of people screaming with a swirl.
You sit down. And as if on the palm
A big field will be lying down before you.

And then the moment, believe, is unpatched,
When the enthusiassed people are lit.
Punch into the gate! Ball arrow and. by.
The ball will fly the arrow past the gate.
And, in the stands of the cry of the soul by pulling
Again the course of the game is unusually strict.

I myself had more than once in such a delight,
That the neighbor disappeared the delight
But on football attacked me another
Other feelings were with me:
Football is not a moment, not the spectacle is good
Football is another me reminded me.

He looked like her shadows
On the walls of the lords of the evening silence.
On the rapid movement of plants,
Clutch wood
Branches and leaves with a running moon.

I found it a little similarity
In the way in human life when
There is a struggle of beautiful with ugliness
And thinking sensible
With madness.
Fighting me worries, as always.

She lives persistently and rough
In the flight of birds, in the murmur of the stream,
as a game of cup,
Where there can never be a draw.
(Nikolay Otrada)


Gymnast …

Possession of the body, the trembling of the soul,
And beauty of a flowing gesture
And the elements of difficult turns!

Before the sigh, everyone honed moving.
Itself – sweet, transparent and easy;
But how much in it, perseverance and string,
And lively, and strength, and a light!

Artist drawing on a platform
Pattern of vestivated wonderful poses,
She is a subtle bridge
Between the real and country Gree.

Take off the boulava, hoop, ball,
And Wenniem captivates the tapes of the wave.
She is always afraid of failure,
But the smile hides this fear.

Written by the movement of the poem –
The window is open in the wonderful world.
Gymnastics – religion and faith,
And, it seems, Hermes with her at the same time.
(N. Lubyanko)

Here is such an active compilation with poems about the sport for children, we turned out! I hope you have found for yourself the most that motivates and close to you. At the end, I invite you to the screen – to see and listen to the good song about Sport "Do, like me":