At night, he studies Chinese, and in the afternoon wins at sports championships

At night, he studies Chinese, and in the afternoon wins at sports championships

At night, he studies Chinese, and in the afternoon wins at sports championships

I was inspired by Dad and part-time coach. From 4 years I am doing martial arts. Now I am 23. I started the way with gymnastics for the development of abilities – traditional wushu. At 13 years old switched to applied martial arts – combat sambo, kickboxing, hand-to-hand combat, mixed martial arts.

When was small, the workout caused only tears, and now the sport became my work. Dad succeeded in the process, he from childhood filed an example. Good physical data and victories at the competition were convinced that you need to do professional.

A hand-to-hand battle came by chance. I decided to participate in the Moscow Championship, won – and the process passed: Russia, Europe, the world!

How do you cope with drops?

In training, it is taught correctly to fall, so as not to damage the bones and muscles, so I'm ready to fall into the falls in every sense. Meet defeats with a smile. It is unpleasant, but here you need to feel motivation. Bad preparation means to the following competitions I will be more responsible. It was well prepared, but did not win – it means that it is necessary to train more and harder. Not now – the next time. Do not require too much from yourself. Everyone does not always won, and this is normal. Moreover, martial arts is such a sport, where one blow can solve the fate of the competition.

The first feeling after the victory at the World Cup in hand-to-hand combat?

Success does not surprise when the daily workouts and participation experience in the many other championships. But definitely pleased. Another victory is the motivation to work further.

A live broadcast was held at the World Cup, so I did not have time to tell about the victory – dad called my congratulations immediately.

What are your plans for the following championships?

Of all sports, mixed martial arts is most attracted to me. MMA is now developing, it is an opportunity to make a professional career. I plan to make debut in MMA and get into a good organization. Other martial arts will not abandon, I will continue to speak.

Does the power have any or need to work on it?

Will strength must be developed for years. She is still not particularly developed. And you need to start with a simple – wake up early early and have time to do more than yesterday. And so do every day. Starting from a small step and growing up to fight with laziness in all its manifestations.

How do you manage to combine learning with professional sports?

Honestly admit it is very difficult. I study at night, I perform homework. Day is waiting for many hours of training. Non-shows, of course, affects my physical condition.Either I train a lot, and it affects study, or I study a lot, and it affects the sport. Therefore, sometimes you have to sacrifice something, but even in this mode, I remain good.

Your advice beginner athletes.

  1. Deferred for what is needed. There is a professional sports, but there is – to maintain the form, and to everyone – your approach.
  2. Professional sport takes a lot of time, you need to be ready to combine it with learning and recreation.
  3. Adhere to constancy – do not miss training, even if they are amateur.

Why did you choose the master's program in RUDN?

Here I received a bachelor's degree in the direction of "Management", after which I realized that the Joint Master Program RUDN -Universant Shandong Faculty of Humanitarian and Social Sciences is an opportunity to go to China. The program chose no accident, life tied me with this country. I went to the speeches on the wushu in Hong Kong and Beijing. Realmed that learn Chinese is promising. Russia cooperates with China in the economic sphere, besides I go here to the competition and open a great sport.

Planning in the future to work in the specialty?

My specialty "Management" and "political problems of the globalizing world" will help me combine work with sports. In our realities, much that surrounds us is management. I can do sports management, organization of events with the Chinese side. I already know how the system is running from the inside.

Tamed Alina Te.


The Master's program "Double Diploma" "The political problems of the globalizing world" is biennial and is conducted on the basis of two universities – RUDN and Shandong University (China).

The first year of study takes place in Shandong University (China), where masters are trained in Chinese and English. The second year of training masters of the Joint Program is carried out on the basis of the Department of Comparative Political Sciences of the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples. Training for two semesters is held in Russian and English. In the last year, the work of students in the magistracy shifts towards research and practical activity.